ABOUT US: Earth Network

About William Eastwood Earth Network your thoughts create your reality
W.E. at age 7.

William Eastwood began his altruistic environmental work and life of humanitarian contribution at age 7.

After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.


“Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.”— Camille, The Edge Magazine.




“My books, my movie, and everything I have created is my contribution or my part in bringing humanity to the next level.”

— William Eastwood.


William Eastwood’s work and accomplishments speak for themselves.


Earth Network is based on the founder’s view that the paradigm of physicalism that the world has been going by is limited To understand the universe and how it works, we must use Internal Science.


About William Eastwood & His Earth Network Mission to Help Humanity

People need to get their lives in order and take care of their own needs before they can help others, and so I designed Earth Network to help them do that. I try to appeal to the needs and desires of the majority and from there give solutions to world problems.

No one will listen to me if they don’t have a reason to, so I mention how I used Internal Science to achieve my goals. I want to reassure you that Internal Science and International Philosophy do work.

The paradigm of Internal Science is far more effective than the traditional methods of achieving goals based on limited physicalism. But because I am an outsider it will take some time to get the reviews I need to attract the funding and help I will need to achieve the Earth Network mission.


Our mission

Introduce Internal Science and International Philosophy to create a new kind of civilization; create new communities, institutions and educational systems to replace traditional systems based on myths that create divisiveness, authoritarianism, degradation, ignorance, unhappiness, lack of love, lack of cooperation, lack of fulfillment, lack of safety, lack of economic opportunity, inability to achieve personal goals, unnecessary struggle, lack of money, the climate emergency, war, crime, conflict, poverty, hunger, suffering, and every other problem that exists personally and collectively on earth.


William Eastwood



Reemerging 50 years later & Publishing 20 books in five years


Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own researching a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams.

The result of his research is an entirely new kind of science and philosophy!


Thoughts create matter presents success for all people and nations



There are people we need to help now

There are problems that will persist unless we take drastic action using Internal Science.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



Reemerging 40 years after working for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — and creating Internal Science, International Philosophy, publishing 25 BOOKS, and 500+ articles in five yearsbecause he has a PLAN.



Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now!
earth-network.org. Where you can join a global alliance.



“Thirty years ago all the climate models predicted the human induced climate change we are currently experiencing but people ignored it for the most part, and nothing was done to reduce emissions. The government even confiscated my 100% solar heated and cooled low income, sustainable home plans [drafted at age 13]. Don’t make the same mistake again by not listening to what I am saying. I can tell you how to reverse existing problems, but it is wiser not to make the same kind of mistakes in the first place. Otherwise we will reach a point in time when there are just too many problems to fix.” — William Eastwood.


Fortunately, we are not there yet.

Mind over matter power presents a way you can solve world problems save human race
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Nations can join together

A catalyst to trigger dramatic and unified action.


A film to unite the world by William Eastwood screenwriter
A Mind over matter power.com website article.


William Eastwood was a child music prodigy, and an inventor of solar energy systems. He founded  the altruistic movement, and has always been an empath, philosopher, researcher and new scientist. Currently he is a political oracle, founder of Internal Science and International Philosophy, amovie screenwriter, author of 25 books, and a modern alchemist who uses his consciousness to create gold and much more.


There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need is a little bit of help.


A film to unite nations will draw from actual events, one of which is given here.

Eastwood founded the Altruistic Movement in 2000
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.


Say thanks & help humanity

Say thanks with a book order or donation through PayPal so that I can continue to bring this information to you.

About William Eastwood Earth Network your thoughts create your reality
W.E. at age 7.

“If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”

— William Eastwood quote (and corresponding miracle) at age seven.


“When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the earth-network.org mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people who do not have any money to buy books rely on you to fund this website through book purchases, and our greater mission may not be accomplished without your help. Don’t give Amazon your money, purchase your books direct through the book manufacturer, Lulu.com (above).

“Thank you!”

— William Eastwood



His credentials are self-evident / The proof is in the pudding 

The material on this site produced by William Eastwood speaks for itself. It tells you who William Eastwood is.

Who is William Eastwood?

Have you ever felt like the solutions offered by conventional wisdom just don’t cut it? That perhaps there’s a different perspective, a fresh approach waiting to be explored? Meet William Eastwood, an iconoclast whose revolutionary insights are changing the game in personal empowerment and problem-solving.

So, who exactly is William Eastwood? Imagine a mind that embarked on a journey of discovery at just 13 years old, working alongside a Yale University professor on a secret invention. Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.

What sets Eastwood apart is his unwavering commitment to unveiling truths that traditional paradigms overlook. His extensive research has led to the creation of Internal Science and International Philosophy, paving the way for individuals like you to manifest your deepest desires and tackle life’s hurdles head-on.

But why should you listen to him? Because Eastwood’s work isn’t just theory—it’s practical, transformative, and backed by decades of meticulous study. His collection of groundbreaking books, the culmination of 50 years of research, is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and secrets designed to empower you to create the reality you envision. —Camille Flores, The Edge Magazine.


William Eastwood

Early in my life I worked in solar energy and bought three large homes while I was learning. In early adulthood I was living in paradise, travelling from beaches in Connecticut to those on the Gulf Coast.

I loved learning and had to know everything. I learned early on that what was taught in public school was incorrect. There were no college courses teaching what I was studying and so I set out on my own. Eventually I created Internal Science and International Philosophy.

I always had a strong desire to share what I was learning with the world to solve public problems and help people achieve their goals and dreams. After many years of studies and preparation I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc,  in August of 2000.


William Eastwood was a child music prodigy, and an inventor of solar energy systems. He founded  the altruistic movement, and has always been an empath, philosopher, researcher and new scientist. Currently he is a political oracle, founder of Internal Science and International Philosophy, amovie screenwriter, author of 25 books, and a modern alchemist who uses his consciousness to create gold and much more.


“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

— Albert Einstein.


After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.


Thoughts create matter William Eastwood
William Eastwood, founder of international philosophy, in 1998. This picture was taken when he was 35 years old shortly before he incorporated Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous individuals.


“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low-minded person.”

— Albert Einstein.

Reemerging 40 years after working for a Yale professor in a research and development facility on a mysterious invention at age 13 — a modern version of an astrolabe accurate enough to be used by surveyors — and creating Internal Science, International Philosophy, publishing 20+ BOOKS, and 500+ articles in five yearsbecause he has a PLAN.


Eastwood’s international philosophy is a unique scientific paradigm that recognizes the power and good in all people.  His current websites and many positive books speak loudly of his unrelenting efforts to help humanity, and his intent to assist people in realizing their “unlimited” power and potential to improve their lives and the future of our civilization.

Click above to learn more.


Founder of Earth Network

William Eastwood in 1979.


William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13


William Eastwood true story by thoughts create matter
Click on the article above to learn more.


“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.


Feeling stifled by External Science, Eastwood went off on his own researching a more accurate paradigm of reality to solve world problems and help everyone to create their dreams.

The result of his research is an entirely new kind of science and philosophy!



“I broke out of the accepted mainstream paradigm at a young age because it didn’t make sense to me and there were no college courses teaching what did make sense. I completed an accelerated solar technology course at age 18 and then began my own independent study of reality. I had to forgo acclaim, recognition and traditional sources of income and inherit the scorn of skeptics to do that.”

— William Eastwood


“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

— Albert Einstein.


Founder, William Eastwood

Thoughts create matter WE Florida
William Eastwood (sitting on family tree) at age 22.

William Eastwood is an international author of 25 books, the founder of International Philosophy, Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement.

Eastwood is a descendant of the Plantagenet Dynasty (14 kings of England), American founders, and General Doolittle.



He has a special daily post to help you assimilate new knowledge and create the life you desire.




Something that actually works

We can change the world together promote sponsor Eastwood plan books make your mark on history
Eastwood today.

When it comes to solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don’t work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will create peace and prosperity.



“At age 13 I had my 100% solar heated and cooled homes built in my hometown for less than it costs to build a standard home. I owned three large historic homes on the coast of Maine in 1985, at age 22. If someone like me can do that, you can do anything.”

— William Eastwood.



A HUMANITARIAN PROJECT: My books and all my work are for the sole purpose of helping people everywhere.


“I will reach out to every hungry person and dark corner on earth. When I am done, nothing will be the same.” — William Eastwood.


A new science and practical life philosophy
William Eastwood science and philosophy: The poor will become rich and the hungry will feast.


William Eastwood on a mountain
An earth-network.org article.


Earth-network.org volunteers of earth helping to solve world problems
Earth-network.org volunteers of earth helping to solve world problems


The new home for Earth Network World Help, Global Outreach and the Inner UN.





Any dream, no matter what it is, can be made real.


Thoughts create matter William Eastwood early family
From left to right: Peter Eastwood, Scott Eastwood, Grant Briggs (cousin) and William (age seven).



Mind over matter power presents a way you can solve world problems save human race
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



His mission is to help you!

Solve any problem!

Achieve any goal!

Science with a heart and soul!


Thought create fun
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



Manifest money now Help me to promote this site William Eastwood work assistance life purpose
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.





Had Albert Einstein been successful defending Bohm in 1949, this scientific paradigm may have replaced physicalism as our world’s accepted science.

Documentation Princeton University.



William Eastwood applied Bohm’s science to test its ability to solve world problems and help people achieve their goals before Bohm even introduce, Wholeness and the Implicate Order” in 1980.




My story

I spent decades making my philosophy of life so simple and easy to understand that people from around the world began seeking out my free articles. I have only recently begun publishing books on this philosophy. It is based on the idea that your thoughts are projected into events and objects, and that by focusing on what you want with joy and appreciation, you can create anything in life.

I could have continued on the path I was on as a teenager, but I didn’t want to. Even as early as age 12 I knew that the basic theories I would be required to learn in any university course I could take were false. It made no sense to me to continue my education to learn myths.

In high school and technical school I felt stifled. It was a negative experience and it was simply wrong. I had no choice but to go off on my own. And so I spent 50 years creating my own science and philosophy.

I consciously made a decision to forgo the conventional path of acclaim. Physicalism was leading humanity into a very dangerous dilemma. My life purpose was always to introduce a new science and philosophy to lead people out of the dangerous situation the world was in.

“I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals to do exactly that.

I began testing metaphysical principles as a young child and now have about 50 years experience with results I can transfer to you.

I know what works and what doesn’t work. I owned three large homes on the coast of Maine, USA by age 22 because I manifested them using International Philosophy before it had a name.

I can tell you what you can realistically expect, and I know all the secrets, and all the mistakes most people make.

I discovered the concept that your thoughts create your reality in 1970 or earlier, and at age 12 I initiated a unique study that has lasted for over 50 years.

William Eastwood in 1975

The holographic universe is just a concept to most people but not to me. I lived my life according to the principles of the holographic universe paradigm before David Bohm even published “Wholeness and the Implicate Order,” and Bohm was Albert Einstein’s trusted friend and colleague.

My first major test of the concept happened when I was about 12.

I applied the principle that thoughts create matter using visualization. I imagined myself a great architect and solar inventor reducing America’s fossil fuel dependence and in the limelight. After doing that I felt a strong urge to take certain actions. I picked up a pencil and I began drafting the solar heated and cooled homes I was conceptualizing in my young imagination.

Within a year I was working on an invention in a research and development facility owned by a Yale professor, but that was only the beginning.

As a freshman in high school my low-income 100% solar heated and cooled homes were being built in my home town. By age 18 I had a contract with the American Supply Company. At the Capital of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my modular solar system at the annual energy exposition in Hartford Connecticut.

Solar design was never my consuming passion. Each achievement was a test of what would become international philosophy.

The people of earth need a global philosophy everyone can agree on to unite humanity and to bring about the vast potential of our civilization and all its individual members. 

50 years after my decision to go off on my own, and the world is still hypnotized by a faulty scientific paradigm that is causing civilization to nearly crash. We have no central science everyone can agree on, and this produces divergent views on everything.
I have a replacement — Internal Science and International Philosophy. Only Internal Science can unify the world because it is based on quantum physics rather than disproven physicalism.
Your senses construct the reality they perceive. If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there, then you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.

Your beliefs, thoughts and emotions specify which probability will collapse into apparent matter.

When we do not understand how we create our reality, we keep doing the same thing over and over again, yet always falling short of our primary goals. At some point we make a compromise and settle for less in our life, telling ourselves “this is just how it is,” and we live our life unfulfilled. This is completely unnecessary.

It is time to realize who you are and the powers you possess to create your reality exactly as you want it to be. I will tell you how to do that in very precisely and in simple terms in my books.



A personal story

William Eastwood in 1975

At age 12, William Eastwood said, “I can change the world,” and he picked up a pencil. Less than a year later, William’s school counselor called Yale University.

“Soon afterwards I was on the entire front page of our local newspaper and was working in a private research and development firm with a Yale professor.”







“People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves.” — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.




Founder and author of C = Ef = M

William Eastwood consciousness creates reality
Eastwood interview.

As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein or physicist David Bohm worked with a professor from one of the world’s top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did




Albert Einstein

Intelligent Universe Consciousness Science Einstein: Your Worldview Creates Your Reality
Albert Einstein.

“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low minded person.”

— Albert Einstein.




Thoughts create matter William Eastwood
William Eastwood, founder of international philosophy, in 1998. This picture was taken when he was 35 years old shortly before he incorporated Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous individuals.



“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low-minded person.”

— Albert Einstein.



So powerful is Eastwood’s philosophy that the government prevented the publication of his book, “The Solution…” for over twenty years. He served six years in prison for writing the book (and that’s not all) (See William Eastwood True Story). It has only recently been made available to the public, and only because Eastwood used the philosophy to overcome the government’s attempts to stop him.


I may already be further along had my progress not been slowed down because of the government institutions I set out to transform (from being agencies that restrict people into agencies that help people).


I create my own personal situation. However, I do not create public institutions and I cannot change what is not working on the collective stage where these institutions operate to the degree that is possible until I get financial resources I need. This is why I need your support.




Thoughts create matter presents your opportunity to help create a great civilization.
Your opportunity to help create a great civilization.



“I will reach out to every hungry person and dark corner on earth. When I am done, nothing will be the same.” — William Eastwood.


A HUMANITARIAN PROJECT: My books and all my work are for the sole purpose of helping people everywhere.


William Eastwood visualized everything he later manifested as a teen
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


My dream and mission

How to use your mind's power to manifest money success.
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.



Real wizards exist how to be one people who manifest good for humanity
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.


William Eastwood facts history achievements autobiography
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.
amazing William Eastwood true story and journey
A WilliamEastwood.com article.


William Eastwood's Earth Network mission King Arthur's.
An Earth-Network.org feature presentation.


There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need, is a little bit of help.


Consciousness is inherently kind and loving
Children in slums need your help.


how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


The Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations, William Eastwood, founded the inner United Nations.
The Inner UN at Earth-Network.org.


Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
An Earth-Network.org website article.


Thoughts are real events
WilliamEastwood.com world help website.


Dragons hold us back
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


Mental and physical health Is dependent on getting up late at night when all conditions are beneficial.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.


William Eastwood Predictions: What to Expect in 2024, 2025 & Beyond
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


William Eastwood new science Protecting you from cults
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


I do not use cookies or mailing lists, and I do not advertise anything other than my own books on this site.

Change the world from paradise!

Find a Community Living Off-Grid: Spiritual, Positive & Humanitarian
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


William Eastwood 50 year study internal science international philosophy research
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.



Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood Descendant of multiple kings of England family tree
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Beautiful fireworks represents the explosive and natural beauty of consciousness manifesting

ABOUT US: Earth Network (EN)

© Copyright 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood



Primary article concludes here.





A WilliamEastwood.com.

Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy




Change can only happen one person at a time.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image for thoughts create matter book page.



