Belief Projection (BP) Theory by William Eastwood

Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Belief Projection (BP): Theory by William Eastwood

  • What is belief projection theory? (BPT)
  • Is Belief Projection Theory International Philosophy?
  • Does belief projection theory say that your beliefs create your reality?



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How can I save the earth & all life?
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World Without Borders One Planet & People book for a better future by William Eastwood
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The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
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unlimited human potential
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False science paradigm worldview
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A global unifying principle for a better civilization
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How to make the day go your way
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Altruistic Movement 2000 - 2024 William Eastwood
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William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
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Time travel
A article.

Are some people stuck & unable to learn
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The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.


Belief Projection (BP)

Mainstream research on social projection supports the false-consensus effect whereby humans have a broad tendency to believe that others are similar to themselves in their beliefs and thinking, and thus “project” their personal traits onto others. These findings support the accuracy of my findings, but they are not BP. BP is not merely distorting reality to fit your beliefs. 

Instead, this effect illustrates the screening process as well as the literal process of creating our reality according to what we believe. The placebo effect is also misinterpreted. Studies do not even consider that we may actually be creating our reality. If they did, the social projection, false-consensus effect and the placebo effect would all be explained by the fact that we create matter and events that perfectly reflect the inner energy of our beliefs. This is what BP actually is. BP theory says that matter is energy and energy is consciousness. You are in a hologram that is a projection of what you believe to be true. Change your beliefs and you change your reality. 


UFO REPORT: What Are UFO's Actually? Nature of, Protection science
An article.
A website article.




You will find that focusing on what you want will not always result in the manifestation of what you want due to your beliefs. Focusing on the “wish fulfilled,” using affirmations, and applying the law of attraction are methods that will work within the boundaries set by your current belief system. 

Your beliefs have a joint effect, and many may conflict with the positive beliefs you may be focusing on. All beliefs are connected. Each belief is supported or not by each of your other beliefs. The whole group must move toward manifestation. If a few of your beliefs suggest that manifestation of your goal is unlikely for whatever reason, those beliefs will modify the result or prevent what you are trying to achieve from happening. 

We have a whole host of beliefs about what is likely or how things can and cannot be done. My affirmation pages use affirmations that modify most types of beliefs that may block manifestation of goals. Thus, it is all the more important to work on a broad range of beliefs. By doing that daily and raising your energy you can manifest just about anything. 



“You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, but the science I provide gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know.”

— William Eastwood.


David Bohm

David Bohm, Einstein's friend and one of the most important 20th century physicists that said there is not sharp distinction between thoughts and matter
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.


Hugh Everett III

CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES MATTER: Scientific Proof & Facts: Hugh Everett Thoughts create reality
Hugh Everett.
[The Many-worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III


Combine the above two theories and step out of physicalism for Internal Science, Belief Projection and International Philosophy.


Science by the people for the people

International Philosophy William Eastwood: Your thoughts create your reality
A website article.



Thoughts Create Matter International Philosophy articles

How do my thoughts & beliefs create matter & all reality
A website article.
Discover the superhuman you are & intelligence within you
A article.
A global unifying principle for a better civilization
A article.
How do my thoughts create my reality?
A article.



“If you want to know how thought produces physical existence, you have to step outside of physicalism. The medium in which we exist is a field of infinite potential composed of intelligent energy that does our will. On deeper levels of consciousness your thoughts create your reality, and my thoughts create my reality.”

— William Eastwood.



“I am not saying that the brain constructs an approximation of the physical world — I am saying that the mind and brain create an individual hologram that correlates with the hologram others are creating so that we think we are in one physical universe.”

—William Eastwood


The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates


Why science religion told us our thoughts do not create our physical reality matter events
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Beliefs create reality and thoughts create matter
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A Plan for New Civilization Based on Internal Science International Philosophy Eastwood
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Belief Projection Theory (BPT)

Belief Projection (BP) Theory by William Eastwood
William Eastwood is the creator of Belief Projection Theory, Internal Science and International Philosophy.

BPT is a clarification of the Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness. Particle science is the study of the external surface of reality. Trying to understand reality in this way is impossible. External science cannot comprehend reality, only Internal Science can, and Internal Science includes the process of belief projection. 

The Quantum Hologram Theory of Consciousness is complex, and it is not necessary for me to attempt to explain it to make my point. A new scientist receives insights from inside reality rather than in a laboratory. The skills I employ to discover the secrets of the universe are similar to what Einstein described as the technique he used to discover the nature of light in which he imagined himself riding on a beam of light

The holographic principle suggests that the senses have a role to play in creating the reality we experience.

I have my own theory on which I base my methods. My methods have you manipulate your beliefs, thoughts and emotions in order to change your reality. This works because I believe that reality is a projection. The senses project first and perceive second. In short, you are creating your reality according to what you believe.

The process occurs below the subconscious on a purely energetic level. It is not possible for a microscope or a traditional scientific instrument to measure what takes place at this level of consciousness.

Everyone is familiar with the nature of dreams. At times, while we are having a vivid dream we cannot distinguish the dream from reality. Our environment seems to be as vivid and real as physical reality. All our senses are operating.

It is so commonplace to have dreams that we forget that this is evidence to support my theory that your five senses project your physical reality. We know that physical reality is no more solid than dream reality. Both are projections of consciousness, and both are convincing.

Therefore, you do not need traditional science to validate this theory. The new scientist is anyone who can manipulate dreams on inner levels and observe the effects. The practice of lucid dreaming (becoming conscious of the fact that you are dreaming while you are in a dream) provides an opportunity to study the dynamics of consciousness.

On more occasions than I can count I have held in mind a color, form or idea and have witnessed a corresponding reaction. For example, I would see a colonial white house with a big yard and two large sugar maple trees in the front yard. To conduct my experiment, I held the thought “yellow” house, and the house would turn into a yellow house. This would occur instantaneously.

In a similar experiment, I would think of a destination and that environment would appear. I have many times thought “ocean” and the ocean would appear as if it had come to me.

I have also used willpower to “navigate.” When the events I manifested on this level frightened me or if I felt I was in danger, I would often will myself back to my bed where I was sleeping.

It does not require a great leap of intellect to observe these effects and form the hypothesis that this is the way energy and consciousness behave. We know that light travels at a certain velocity, and that ice freezes at a specific temperature. These laws of physics do not apply in only one environment, but in all locations.

With that reasoning we can surmise that there is a high probability that the principles I mentioned are also universal, in that they are always operating in specific ways in all locations.

I have then conducted psychological experiments and have observed the same kind of effects in physical reality. I surmised that the physical senses were projecting here also but with important differences. There was a time lag between when you held a specific idea or belief in mind and its concluding manifestation.

Somehow the same thing was happening here as in dreams, but I was being protected from the variability of thoughts and emotions creating a highly unstable or threatening environment.

When I projected certain questions, answers would come to me in time. I would observe this happening in many ways. I would notice very subtle thoughts that did not fit my usual pattern and discover that these were a kind of symbolic language like hieroglyphics revealing synonymous answers.

People, books, locations, TV shows and conversations would serve as vehicles to deliver the answer to my question.

As I continued with similar experiments, I noticed that a picture of reality was forming, a worldview. I would then attempt to disprove each component of this picture of reality. In short, I could not. However, applying the same scrutiny to accepted theories produced a different result.

Our sciences, for example, cannot explain near death experiences, the placebo effect, the emergence or cause of the big bang, the complexity of quantum mechanics, the results of various experiments such as the double slit experiment, love, meaning and many other things that my emerging worldview could explain. My conclusion was that our beliefs are projected by our physical senses. Our thoughts and emotions are energy that cannot be destroyed. Our subjective actions would define the forms and characteristics that energy entering the mind would take.

That energy would then fall down through levels of consciousness and reality. Somehow, on perhaps the deepest level of consciousness previews of probable events were formed. These would later appear as dreams or premonitions. When the intensity of a group of assumptions was of sufficient strength and conditions permitting, said probable events would suddenly appear as the strange coincidences I mentioned or full-scale events.

I therefore determined that the Belief Projection Theory had sufficient merit required to coin Internal Science. Internal Science is the study of the inner workings of the universe where these operations occur. Internal Science did not just look at the physical manifestation, but the actual inner dynamics of creation that occur within levels of consciousness that cannot be reached with instruments except the instrument of consciousness, intellect and observation by means and ways of the mind.

As my research continued it became evident to me that our physical reality was not the bulk of reality. In time it became evident that BP was something like what happens when you wear a holographic suit. Further, it is only one of many projections of physical time-space dimensional experience (a physical dream) that is being manufactured on inner levels of consciousness.

From there I concluded that consciousness was fundamental and was the common denominator. Therefore, consciousness and not physical reality are primary.




A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.



Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book

Journey out of the illusion


Holographic Universe Journey Out of the Illusion book ebook by William Eastwood



The cause of divisiveness

If you change your beliefs, you change your reality. Beliefs change thoughts and emotions and all three change what you project into physical events.

This explains divisiveness. Because we do not all believe the same thing, we project different conclusions. We create a reality that mirrors our beliefs.

Because there are many belief systems, there are many different projections, and they don’t all agree. If you are a Christian, you will project a different reality than if you are an atheist.

Before Martin Luther most people in Europe held the same worldview dictated by the Church of England. By the end of the 20th century the average person was exposed to many worldviews, yet there were only a few TV stations. The news gave everyone the consensus held by the majority and the beliefs reflected on the news were reinforced in most people, thus everyone was manifesting similar views. People tended to agree on what was fact and fiction and thus projected similar beliefs for better or worse. Now however, we have many news stations and they all reflect specific worldviews, and what one station projects does not necessarily agree with what another station says is true.

The result is a population that is divided according to belief. People are united or separated according to their worldview and its many beliefs. The world is therefore becoming increasingly divided.

For this reason it is difficult or impossible to act and create coherently. Nothing gets done when beliefs conflict.



Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.

The Solution


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The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.

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"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

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"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.




Belief Projection (BP) will eventually unify the human race

Belief Projection Theory, Internal Science and International Philosophy reveal why problems persist in the world. They also explain the cause of divisiveness.

First, we filter perception according to what we believe, and then we project our beliefs into events. A person holding an Eastern worldview based on his or her religion will project a different reality than a person in the West who is projecting beliefs based on science. Even within nations there is division. Nationalist Christians are in a different world than those who believe in Democracy and Internal Science.

Belief Projection Theory explains why people, Americans and politicians are so divided in their thinking.

Because Belief Projection Theory conflicts with physicalism, there will be further division as people (and scientists) begin to switch sides. However, as more and more people realize that BP and Internal Science accurately describe reality, that paradigm will begin to create coherence in the world.

As science explains inner reality, cults that are based on concepts of heaven or hell will eventually collapse and Internal Science will unite humanity once again. People will rally around it because it is liberating and gives power to every human on earth to determine their destiny.

Facts will become known and these will unite and empower civilization. Christian Nationalism, religions and cults based on physicalism will be proven wrong and will lose the power to create chaos and confusion by manifesting conflicting and undesirable events and divisiveness.

Belief Projection Theory has a different premise than what has been accepted in science for several centuries. It is a theory that if accurate, would give tremendous power to the individual to shape their reality to their liking. For this reason, Belief Projection Theory will spread on the internet and around the world rapidly.


William Eastwood new science Protecting you from cults
A website article.


What are the components of Belief Projection Theory?

Belief Projection (BP) Theory by William Eastwood
William Eastwood says that Belief Projection tells us how physical reality is created.

Belief Projection Theory says that your mind, brain and five senses project a hologram based on what you believe to be true.

Your beliefs create your reality, and reality is constructed out of consciousness. Beliefs are central to the functioning of the universe, which is an expression of consciousness.

The past did not create reality, nor did a big bang. Consciousness creates the universe, and the beliefs of consciousness determine the form that matter and events take.


The main article continues below.



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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

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All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Discover the superhuman you are & intelligence within you
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unlimited human potential
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Can your thoughts influence others
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How to create what you want manifest now
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What is the multidimensional self you are
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Are some people stuck & unable to learn
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How to make the day go your way
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International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
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Thoughts create matter presents the way to make things happen with your thoughts.
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Thoughts Create Matter Internal Science with a heart & soul
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How thoughts form into events and create reality on inner levels
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Thoughts create matter introduces holographic reality.
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False science paradigm worldview
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Audiobook Powerful International Philosophy
Listen, learn & manifest.




The main article resumes:


Revisiting the basics: Does Belief Projection Theory say that your beliefs create your reality?

Yes, Belief Projection theory says that your beliefs create your reality. Beliefs specify what shape consciousness takes. Beliefs select nonphysical probabilities. Beliefs determine what nonphysical wave potential will solidify into physical matter.




Is Belief Projection Theory International Philosophy?

Not exactly. Belief Projection Theory is the basis of and gives rise to International Philosophy. Belief Projection Theory is an important component of Internal Science.

International Philosophy is the name given to the science of application rather than the science itself.

International Philosophy is the application of methods of creating what you want in life. Methods based on the findings of Belief Projection Theory and Internal Science consist of ways of living and thinking that create happiness and success.


The Dark Age of science

Classical science does not wholeheartedly desire to step outside of the paradigm of an accidental universe. People will defend views that have been held for centuries. Our world’s thinking will not change overnight.

However, physicalism has inherent flaws. If the big bang created the physical universe, what set off the big bang? And if something physical set off the big poof, what created that?

When the theory of the big bang was conceptualized, we were still in the dark ages of science. We were still under the impression that the building blocks of the universe were solid little particles like pellets for a pellet gun. Physics is way beyond this point. Electrons are not things; they are disturbances in a field of energy that is always in motion.


Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
A website article.

Consciousness forms matter Solid physical Particles do not existA article.


The advantages of the new worldview (the new science paradigm)

Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion

“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

“The most important question a person can ask is, ‘Is the Universe a friendly place?'”

― Albert Einstein


What we believe is important because beliefs manifest as behavior and events. What we believe about human nature, nature in general and ourselves is manifested as our reality.

It is not just one belief that manifests. All our beliefs manifest. If we hold conflicting beliefs they cancel each other out. Only when we let go of the old ways of thinking and place our faith in the new, do events become truly transformed for the better.


The main article continues below.



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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

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All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Guidelines for creating what you want with International Philosophy
A article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A article.

Does mind consciousness create reality article.

How does your mind form matter and reality?
A article.

Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
A article.

A article.

Your beliefs create your reality
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How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
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BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
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You are beautiful and the universe is kind
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How to travel to your future manifest money gold
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Thoughts Create Matter how to create what you wantA article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
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Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
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Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
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Real wizards exist how to be one people who manifest good for humanity
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Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
New affirmations every day.

Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.



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Audiobook Powerful International Philosophy
Listen, learn & manifest.




The main article resumes:


Belief Projection Theory tells us how to create matter

Belief Projection (BP) Theory by William Eastwood
William Eastwood says that Belief Projection tells us how physical reality is created.

Belief Projection (BP) is a theory by William Eastwood that explains the way in which physical reality and events are formed from consciousness. Belief Projection belongs to Internal Science.

Internal Science is the study of inner reality which forms the physical universe. External science does not recognize reality, but only the shadow cast by true reality.

Thoughts are not like smoke with no substance, information or energetic power within them. If anything is smoke, it’s physical matter. Physical reality is the shadow yet physical reality has meaning and is important. Consciousness is the reality that casts the shadow we call physical reality—the dimension we inhabit.

Traditional science studies the illusion cast by our beliefs in an attempt to understand reality. Although science has previously only studied the outermost surface of events, understanding the laws that govern physical particles gives us the ability to develop physical technology. It does not, however, give us the knowledge we need to create electrons. Internal Science is a broader worldview that includes knowledge of the inner reality. When we know that this source of the physical world gives rise to material events we can then study the process. We can use what we learn to develop methods of the deliberate creation of specific desirable events. Those methods can then be made into an international philosophy that everyone everywhere can apply to solve problems and achieve goals, both public and private.




Thoughts create matter articles


Transform your life now

If you are ready to transform your reality now, you may want to click the image below to navigate to my most informative self-transformation article.


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William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
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Thoughts are real events world help website.
All people are good spirits inside
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Internal Science International Philosophy William Eastwood
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A public notification of a new science paradigm consciousness creates reality
A website article.


“If you want to be wrong then follow the masses.” — Socrates.


A website article.


Memorizing facts does not demonstrate independent thinking ability

Albert Einstein said that scientists make poor philosophers. Memorizing the “facts” of previous generations of scientists is not a sign of intelligence. Intelligence is realizing that the love and beauty of our complex world could not have been produced by blind chance.


"Einstein operated within the Internal Science paradigm before it was even recognized. Carefully consider his words below if you want to understand what Internal Science is and is not."

— William Eastwood.


ALBERT EINSTEIN SAYS: “The man of science is a poor philosopher."

    • “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
    • “I didn’t arrive at my understanding of the fundamental laws of the universe through my rational mind.
    • “The man of science is a poor philosopher.
    • “I never made one of my discoveries through the process of rational thinking
    • “I believe in intuitions and inspirations...I sometimes FEEL that I am right. I do not KNOW that I am.
    • “The only real valuable thing is intuition.”

― Albert Einstein.




If you say everything comes from the big bang, the big bang is no different than a wizard's "poof," because it is basically just a magical appearance of something from nothing. Objective science cannot explain why we exist or how we came to be. Internal Science, however, can.




The creation of the material universe is not an accident. The energy that forms our reality is an expression of consciousness and it contains altruistic propensities. The universe is formed by the altruistic energy movement.

Belief projection: If life seems dark and human nature seems cruel, it is only because we misuse our own creative power to create that as our reality.

Internal Science is a subjective science. Consciousness is universal and fundamental. Consciousness projects itself into matter. The mind constructs the physical environment and the body.



Why do people see what they want to see? (The cause of divisiveness)


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A website article.


The science explains.

A website article.



EASTWOOD IS NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU: His proposition that your thoughts create matter is powerful and his arguments against "all accumulated knowledge" are profound.

If you don't believe it, read the article below.


Your beliefs are very important. Who are you going to believe?


Who are you going to listen to, those who were swayed by POLITICS, or 5 Nobel Prize winners?


Thoughts create reality 5 Nobel prize winners
A website article.


Belief Projection explains the world’s problems

The social altruistic movement is the exponential awakening of humanity to the fact that we are a good, rather than basically bad species. It should be obvious that people are basically good, but in today’s climate of division and suspicion, the consensus is usually in the other direction. Our traditional beliefs about human nature create a downward spiral of thinking and behavior. However, as more and more people realize what is happening and abandon those beliefs, they begin climbing. Everything then changes in their lives.


altruistic movement by William Eastwood Earth Network for a better world future earth civilization
If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of.


A website article.



We have the science that will enable us to understand all of reality and to create a better world

Eastwood in 2022.

I am sharing what I have learned over a lifetime to assist humanity, and to enable the creation of something truly beautiful. Traditional science and physicalism gave us the ability to create technology. Internal Science gives us the ability to create matter itself.

You do not need special circumstances and scientific equipment to apply its principles and to be a new scientist. Anyone can begin to change their life for the better by applying International Philosophy, which is the universal application of Internal Science.

End of article.


The New Enlightenment is a new way of thinking based on a new scientific paradigm that recognizes that consciousness creates the universe.


Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A article.



Albert Einstein.


“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”

― Albert Einstein




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William

The Altruism Code

Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now.

The purpose of "The Altruism Code" is to transform people and regions from the bottom up until we have a new earth.

The Altruism Code is the first and necessary step any individual must take to become so positive that nothing negative can enter their life or touch them.

Civilization is in transition. Great sweeping changes are taking place. Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now, first for you and then for everyone.


Altruism Code - Your Protection by William Eastwood thoughts create matter mind


Einstein on the opposition

Albert Einstein.


“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”

― Albert Einstein.




You Are Altruistic - A True Story & Message to Humanity
A special eBook & prelude to "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" book and film.

An ongoing true saga and battle for earth (soon to be in a revolutionary film)


Eastwood founded the Altruistic Movement in 2000
A article.



Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.



Your beliefs create your reality
An website article.



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Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!

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William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A website article.



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Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.




Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book




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"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
A special trophy hardcover book with color illustrations.



How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback
Published in May, 2024.




Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William


Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood


Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




What's your best memory? Make it happen again but better this time! The audiobook that will change your life forever.


Thoughts create matter presents audio book just listen, learn & manifest
An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.


Manifesting technology! An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.

  • The first 30 sets of affirmations and guidance from Earth Network's daily affirmation post.
  • Just listen at any time—especially as you are falling asleep—and you will manifest your goals.


Reset for success

  • Change your mood for instant powerful mind power.
  • Visualize your desires (with guided meditation). 
  • Turn downtime like waiting in lines and traffic into your most productive time.
  • Use while falling asleep to trigger fantastic dreams that will manifest goals and intrinsic desires.
  • This book contains the amazingly effective affirmations developed by William Eastwood and posted on the Earth Network daily affirmation pages.


Narration by Scott Eastwood, singer for Carbon Red

The Tree by Carbon Red contains a powerful message.



Also available in eBook format

The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

Ebook version of audio book.


"How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep."








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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

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The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
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It time travel possible?
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Your beliefs create your reality
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How to change negative thinking to positive
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A global unifying principle for a better civilization
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Why Hasn't My Life Changed for the Better? Does Our Reality Ever get better?
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You do not need a diet because they don't work
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Thoughts create matter visualization
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Internal Science International Philosophy William Eastwood
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Time Is Relative & Nonlinear Universe
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How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
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BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
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You are beautiful and the universe is kind
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We can reverse global warming climate emergency
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Thoughts create matter presents: The compounded placebo effect.
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How to travel to your future manifest money gold
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Why the world is waking up now need to know
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William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
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The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problems
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Whats the difference between internal and external science Eastwood
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Belief projection theory by William Eastwood internal science by WE
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A public notification of a new science paradigm
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Thought who are we
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William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
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William Eastwood plan for a new civilization
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How do my thoughts create my reality?
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Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
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Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
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UFO REPORT: What Are UFO's Actually? Nature of, Protection science
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How to create what you want manifest now
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THE SECRET: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Solve Problems & Achieve Goals
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Guaranteed Income for everyone in the world
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Altruistic Movement Earth Network William Eastwood Case History Connecticut Criminal Government
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The Earth Network mission by William Eastwood
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Affirmations posted daily.

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Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
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Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
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Internal science
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Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
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Cult philosophy science religion violence
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Belief Projection (BP) Theory by William Eastwood

Copyright © 2024, By: William Eastwood


Article concludes here.


Belief Projection Theory (BP) by William Eastwood
