How Do We Achieve World Peace? How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?

Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




How Do We Achieve World Peace? How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?

  • How do we achieve world peace?
  • How can I stay safe and help others?

I will answer these questions now.


Albert Einstein


“The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

“The most important question a person can ask is, ‘Is the Universe a friendly place?'”

― Albert Einstein

Read more…


Thoughts can do create matter reset
Manifest what you want now.

The reason why Einstein said this is because what you believe you create. Now the world’s best science (below) confirms what educated people and great prophets have always known.



The fact that people project their beliefs fools them into thinking that their beliefs are reality.
A website article.


If you believe in evil, you will justify harming those whom you believe are evil, and if you harm someone, they will think you are evil and will harm you. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind.

This is the way that primitive tribal man has created wars for over 5,000 years. Fortunately, we have a young generation that will replace those who justify harm and see the world through an overly simplistic black and white kind of thinking.


Universe Hologram Illusion Projection Imagining Created by Mind brain
A website article.


When you see evil everywhere, it is because you are filtering perception through your own dark conception of reality and human nature. When you look at people through a dark lens, what you see says far more about you than the people you condemn.

The cycle will end when we understand that we are all connected and that harming another harms us.


Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations posted daily.




The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates
If you want to clear your mind of all the negativity and inaccuracies, reset with my daily affirmation post.


INTERNAL SCIENCE: Can thoughts create matter?

David Bohm, Einstein's friend and one of the most important 20th century physicists that said there is not sharp distinction between thoughts and matter
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.

The BEST SCIENCE IN THE WORLD reveals how people create what they believe exists.


Whatever you see in others is what you call out. That is well known. Treat someone well and they will treat you well. Condemn them and they will condemn you. Thank them for what they give you and they will want to give you more.

How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

This is validated by the most respected science in the world. Now we know why there are so many extremists who are convinced that their views are correct. Beliefs not only screen perception, but they also attract and perpetuate the problems they are convinced exist.


Mind forms matter says your worldview is your power.
A website article.


Thoughts create matter presents: The power of your thoughts.
A website article.


Mind forms matter presents all of science is a myth
A website article.



Why do people see what they want to see? (The cause of divisiveness)


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A website article.


The science explains.

A website article.



EASTWOOD IS NOT PLAYING GAMES WITH YOU: His proposition that your thoughts create matter is powerful and his arguments against "all accumulated knowledge" are profound.

If you don't believe it, read the article below.


Your beliefs are very important. Who are you going to believe?


Who are you going to listen to, those who were swayed by POLITICS, or 5 Nobel Prize winners?


Thoughts create reality 5 Nobel prize winners
A website article.


Science religion why deny consciousness
A website article.


How do we achieve world peace?

How Do We Achieve World Peace? EN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
William Eastwood.

Do not take sides by saying I support Israel, or I support Hamas or whatever. Instead, communicate that all people are good on the inside. It is only false beliefs that generate poor behavior.

The idea that “they deserve it” is a cognitive error. You cannot help the world by harming it. What you put out comes back to you.

A good portion of the population is stuck in primitive myth. All physicists know that nothing is solid, and that therefore physicalism and all the dark myths built upon its dark premise are cognitive errors.


What is Causing all the Problems in Our World Today? Your Path to Personal Power understanding holographic reality
A website article.



William Eastwood: International Philosopher

William Eastwood, universal author teaching international philosophy
Eastwood today.

"Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person."

— William Eastwood.


Children are dying interview

EN CLIENT: Why did you offer a new book this year at no cost?

William Eastwood in Durango Colorado
William Eastwood in Durango Colorado USA.

EASTWOOD: There are conflicts and violence worldwide that tell me the majority are creating by default, are divisive or both.

CLIENT: But why an all-ages book?

EASTWOOD: Someone told me that mental health expenditures in Singapore are estimated at nearly $16 billion (about $49 per person in the US) a year, a nation of only 5.5 million people, and the problem is not exclusive to adults.


EASTWOOD: When you have solutions, you can't sit back and do nothing.


Thoughts can and do create matter and reality affirmations by William Eastwood
CLICK HERE TO GET OUR FREE BOOK: A thinking strategy for happiness, personal power and success!


Thoughts create matter follow William Eastwood
A website article.


To learn more, click on one of the options below


We hope you continue the journey by clicking one of the options above.


How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

It doesn’t matter who you think acted first, or who started it. The criminal mind is the mind that justifies harming another. When we help people, the world will change.




Use thoughts affirmations to create events
A website article.


People who travel a lot will tell you that people are the same everywhere — they are all equally good. Anywhere you go people will give you directions and wave to you. Share the universal language: smile. People will smile back.

We didn’t create civilization by fighting, we created it by coming together because we want to be with each other.

I support an end to war and the right of every human being to live a life free of violence. When enough people internalize this way of thinking, we will achieve world peace.

How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

The divisiveness in the world today will end when people have a change of heart and mind. This is a change the individual must make that cannot be coerced by others. It is not even something a spiritual leader can bring about.

We are seeing a change of heart on the part of many, and in the second half of 2024 we will see divisiveness in the world begin to wind down.

Understand the trance. Break free of the dark myths that lock the world in a vice. As long as you think like so many others do, you cannot solve your problems and you must needlessly suffer.


Thoughts create matter introduces: The false science and myths of modern man.
A website article.


Don’t support old world structures and divisiveness. Send out links of love and messages of hope.

We are all facets of a divine unbroken energy of intelligent love. You are part of the consciousness that created the earth itself. Own up to your power, and your integrity. Playing dumb or small does no one any good. The real you is a great being. Base your life on your greatness.


What is causing more depression suicide in children, teens adults?
An article.



How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

Society is a collection of individuals. Their energy adds up to the collective situation. When the majority of people direct their energy into positive outcomes, collective probabilities will be selected and formed out of that positive-moving-energy.

The energies created by whole populations blanket the earth. The earth’s atmosphere records human emotions. We can raise the planet’s energy to the point where violence cannot survive the higher intensity energy.



Princeton University Study: Thoughts and emotions circle the earth

A global network of scientists are measuring the quantum effects of major social events. Random event generators placed on different continents register the effects of the thoughts and emotions of millions of people in the earth's atmosphere.

Click for video introduction.


GCGlobal consciousness coherency in Real-Time.



Thoughts create matter gives you a way to stay safe in all situations.
A website article.


“I support an end to war and the right of every human being to live a life free of violence. Become peaceful within yourself.” — William Eastwood.


How Do We Achieve World Peace change worlds thinking? How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
A website article.


To be inspired according to the Greeks, was to be “in God.” The highest function of which we are capable is to be inspired. Therefore, to create peace and to help others to remain safe, be inspired by a personal vision of a peaceful world.

How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

If you think thoughts of peace, you can remain safe in any situation. To be safe, do not dwell in fear of what may happen. Instead, project thoughts of peace, joy, love and abundance.

Choose love instead of fear.

In yourself and in your mind’s eye, create a peaceful and beautiful world. If enough people do that, it will become our collective reality. What you create on the inside manifests on the outside. You attract what you are. The world is your mirror.


Thoughts create matter presents: The world is your mirror.
A website article.


Thoughts can do create matter reset
Manifest what you want now.

If you create harmony and peace on the inside, you will be safe and you will help to keep others safe. You will create peace and harmony in the world.



The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates
If you want to clear your mind of all the negativity and inaccuracies, reset with my daily affirmation post.



How to create what you desire

How you can manifest what you want
A woman realizes her thoughts do create matter.

Applying the principle that thoughts create matter is easy when you know how.

We must first learn and understand different methods that work. Faith (I do not mean religious faith) is central and key to the process. The thoughts create matter formula is very simple.

To manifest effectively, it is necessary to take a certain stance toward reality that is based on understanding and trust. We attract and receive our desires by reveling in the feeling of the wish fulfilled.

When we have learned through trial and error, we know we will get results and so we trust the universe to deliver.

Read more.... (In my International Philosophy page on this website.)

Information like this can be found in all our 500 free articles and in my books.


We can create peace and a fantastic future

Thoughts can do create matter reset
Manifest what you want now.

To do so, learn to become a conscious co-creator with the divine energy within the self you are. Reset yourself and begin the inner journey that cannot be described in words. It is fantastic beyond imagining.

We are healing the planet and creating cities within worlds. Visit the inner UN and join the fantastic future we are building there.


The Inner UN: Where the real work of positive change is done.
The future does not have to be negative.


Internal Science can be applied to solve world problems at the level at which creation takes place.

Take action on inner and outer levels to combat what is wrong in the world. Work to resolve conflicts in the world but focus on the good in human nature — it is everywhere if you are willing to look.


A website article.



"I can get you out of your current situation, no matter what it is, and it's completely free." — William Eastwood.

How to reset the mind



My daily affirmations and guidance post.


Thoughts create matter affirmations.
A affirmations posted daily.


  • Get out of unwanted experience and into the life you desire.
  • Success is as easy as your next thought.


By going to my daily affirmation page, you can bring success and happiness into your life immediately. Keep going and you will keep it there. Do nothing and nothing will happen.




This daily post is designed to help you. You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.


How do we achieve world peace and help those we love to stay safe?

You can stay safe and help others by sending out thoughts of peace, personal strength and support. People are affected by your beliefs, thoughts and emotions.

You can only offer what you have. You must be centered on joy and love to offer joy and love. You cannot hate the enemy and help anyone. That will only create more hate. To help keep others safe, you must create a personal sense of safety in yourself. Others will then wonder how you do so well in life.

When you decide to base your life and being on your strength and everything good, then you can help others in any way you want.

Telepathy is always operating. What you think is felt by others, and on a subconscious level there is always an understanding. What any one person is experiencing is known by all. By taking care of yourself to be safe you help others to stay safe.




Informative • Powerful • Advanced

A new edition published on October 29th, 2023.


What is cause of school shootings bullying fake news crimes against humanity high taxes arms race problems life
2023 edition.


When you know the cause and solution to these problems you can change your world


Thoughts can and do create matter cause
By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.


Available as a paperback or eBook.


Thoughts can and do create matter presents mission great civilization.
A website article.


New civilization
A website article.


Thoughts create matter presents solve world problems save human race.
A website article.


Many of us have been told that we must show we care by mourning the losses of others. We learned that empathy was to share sorrow and grief. and showing. Those who made those rules did not know that thoughts and emotions create, and that telepathy is always operating.

If you think thoughts of strength and peace and you can bring strength and peace to others. When you look at a friend in a difficult situation and think that they are in an impossible situation then they feel what you do. This adds to their stress. If, on the other hand, you think that this person is blessed and has the power and ability to reverse course, then you have the solution they are looking for and can offer it to them. By affirming their strength and ability to get out of their situation you communicate that energy to them on a subconscious level.

The positive thoughts about Ukrainian people will help them. Rallying to their support will help them to stay safe. But if you fear what is happening and project negative emotions, they will be weaker by your influence.

To create peace, create it in your life, in your soul and in the magnificence that is you. Affirm your goodness and you affirm the goodness of all. Affirm that the universe is good and that good always prevails. Send those thoughts out into the universe and to those who feel weak and fearful.


How Do We Achieve World Peace? How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others? Human nature website article.


How Can I Save the Earth Planet World Mankind Myself Everyone
A website article.




Beautiful • Extensive • Advanced

New edition, November 2023.


Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


A complete course with everything you need to know to create what you want in life that emphasizes the fact that your spirit is altruistic.



You are a beautiful person book ebook by William Eastwood
By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.


Available as a paperback or eBook.


“World peace is easy with Internal Science. I will show you how to stay safe, solve world problems and help others.”

— William Eastwood.


A website article.


William Eastwood Predictions: What to Expect in 2024, 2025 & Beyond
A website article.


In the heart of every person is a place of all-knowing. In this innermost core we know what will happen if we think and do certain things. We know probable futures. You have intuitive guidance that gives you impulses to take action and those actions lead to life-giving beneficial events. Stay in touch with your vision of peace and trust your intuition to guide you to a peaceful future in which you and others are safe.

The inner self transcends time and knows what must be done to activate favorable outcomes personally and collectively. People will choose actions that lead to a peaceful future when they hold a vision of a peaceful future in their body and mind and create peace in their own life.

Traditionally, for the past tribal era that has lasted as much as 5,000 years, divisiveness has ruled relations, and this has been fueled by an underlying conviction in the unreliability of the human species. It is a matter of beliefs, thoughts and emotions. Bad energy, or bad vibes is a result of believing in the wickedness of others. When we project our ideas of sin, evil or selfishness onto other groups, we help to perpetuate divisiveness and conflict.

The main article continues below.




Thoughts Create Matter got me smart

Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


The main article resumes:

Our institutions and legal system are also based on the old mechanistic paradigm. If it were true that thoughts create matter, that new premise would dismantle most accumulated knowledge in all fields. Doing that would give us the ability to replace ignorance with knowledge. When enough people do that, we will achieve world peace.

How Do We Achieve World Peace? UN How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?
The Inner UN.

We know that quantum mechanics is correct because its mathematical algorithms are consistently relied upon in scientific applications and to build advanced scientific devices that work amazingly well.

Quantum physics is simply the study of life. It only seems strange because our civilization is unfamiliar with the psychological nature of existence and the laws of nonclassical physics that apply.

Our dominant beliefs and emotions create our reality. This is why we must believe in world peace.


William Eastwood revolutionary new science introduction to an iconoclast
A website article.


altruistic movement by William Eastwood Earth Network for a better world future earth civilization website article.




A new edition

Published December, 2023.


Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.



Manifesting power book materialize money success health goals by William Eastwood
By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middle man!—most reliable source—fastest delivery—lowest price.


Available for you as an Ebook and paperback.




By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.



Internal Science is needed

"The technology we have developed in the past few hundred years enables us to feed every human in every country and live in peace and prosperity.

"So why hasn't this happened?

"The fact that we haven't solved our current world problems illustrates that they are triggered by internal rather than external causes."

— William Eastwood.


Thoughts Create Matter Secret Formula
Modern Alchemist's Secret Formula.

The ancient Arabic alchemists were looking for a formula to create gold. Eastwood found it. It belongs to everyone, including you.


An iconoclast who helps people achieve their dreams

"The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”

— Albert Einstein.


William Eastwood wants to tell you how you can have anything you want.


I provide you with everything you need to know to create anything and solve any problem, public or private.



"I worked for a Yale Professor at age 13 and owned three large homes on the coast of Maine by age 23 because International Philosophy works like magic."

— William Eastwood.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.



1974-2024 — Intensive ongoing nonstop study bringing you the best information in the world.



Manifest what you want in seconds! Free help from William Eastwood every day!

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.



Your thoughts create matter

Bernard d'Espagnat says thoughts are part of the inner force that creates material events
Bernard d'Espagnat.

"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with the simple principles given in these books. I created these books to provide simple and easy to understand principles anyone and everyone can use to improve their life. These books all make your goals easy to achieve.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.




Thoughts Create Matter got me smart

Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.



When you learn to control your thoughts and keep them focused in a particular positive way, you take a giant leap in your life. Most people cannot do this and never learn how to create beautiful events in life.




Books by William Eastwood

Books by William Eastwood to fund the mission.



50 50 years of research goes into every publication



Help us to transform society and save the earth

Profits from the sale of books by William Eastwood are used to fund the mission. We are seeking funding for the mission Great Civilization, a plan by William Eastwood to transform society and save the earth.


Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now! Where you can join a global alliance.


Your book purchase and/or donation via PayPal will help to fund the mission and a film to unite nations. If you want to transform society and save the earth, please help us by purchasing a book or making a small donation.


Buy a book to help unite nations and provide world help


All eBooks: $3.99 to $6.98


When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A website article.


When you buy through, the profits that would otherwise go to Amazon serve instead as a donation to help people who desperately need help. is the manufacturer and carries the latest editions of our books.



50 50 years of research goes into every publication



The Solution

New Edition: 561 pages


Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.

The Solution


A huge book.

The Solution book photo photograph WE


This new edition is available only through, a major U.S. book seller.


Available in eBook or paperback.



As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world's top ten universities at age 13, butEastwood did.

Eastwood gives you the means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.

It is all here, in the solution.

The Solution by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.


"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.



"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.



How to Manifest — A Guide

Published in May, 2024


"I want everyone to know how to manifest what they want every day." — William Eastwood.


How to Manifest - A Guide Book By William Eastwood paperback
Published in May, 2024.

Eastwood’s newest and best work made affordable


How to Manifest - A Guide book by William Eastwood 2024
Published in 2024.


How to Manifest - A Guide eBook Cover image



Manifest anything you want every day!




Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William


Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book


Book International philosophy of life success wealth happiness internal science by William Eastwood


Manifesting power guide book to materialize money goals dreams better relationships love
2023 edition.


Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
2023 edition.




What's your best memory? Make it happen again but better this time! The audiobook that will change your life forever.


Thoughts create matter presents audio book just listen, learn & manifest
An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.


Manifesting technology! An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.

  • The first 30 sets of affirmations and guidance from Earth Network's daily affirmation post.
  • Just listen at any time—especially as you are falling asleep—and you will manifest your goals.


Reset for success

  • Change your mood for instant powerful mind power.
  • Visualize your desires (with guided meditation). 
  • Turn downtime like waiting in lines and traffic into your most productive time.
  • Use while falling asleep to trigger fantastic dreams that will manifest goals and intrinsic desires.
  • This book contains the amazingly effective affirmations developed by William Eastwood and posted on the Earth Network daily affirmation pages.


Narration by Scott Eastwood, singer for Carbon Red

The Tree by Carbon Red contains a powerful message.



Also available in eBook format

The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

Ebook version of audio book.


"How Do I Make This the Best Day Possible? Manifest While You Sleep."







A Powerful True Story


Eastwood autobiography book story of achievement against all odds success inspiration real life hero author leader teacher modern

I was living in a paradise when I was given what I needed for what will be a revolutionary film


You are altruistic autobiography by William Eastwood
By purchasing through (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.


More books.





For consistency of accurate material.

Thoughts create matter presents: Earth Network.

You are on this site.


Collect Hawaii worlds most healthiest products

Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood website internal science international philosophy





Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.




how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A website article.

Thoughts create matter gives you a way to stay safe in all situations.

Thoughts can and do create matter and form reality lead article

Mind forms matter creates reality home icon

How to create anything manifest thoughts matter

Thoughts can and do create matter presents mission great civilization.

Problem solving method.



New articles

How to manifest anything you want to materialize money without work
An website article.

Thoughts can do create matter and paradise in Hawaii USA
A website article.

About Earth Network EN mission
A website article.

What are intelligent light love energy consciousness humans life universe reality
A website article.

William Eastwood Predictions: What to Expect in 2024, 2025 & Beyond
A website article.

What is a thought Mind can and does form matter
A website article.

can i change my past present future
A website article.

How does your mind form matter and reality?
A website article.



William Eastwood Presents

The Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations, William Eastwood, founded the inner United Nations.

Thoughts create matter presents solve world problems save human race.

Thoughts create matter presents: The power of your thoughts.

you are in an infinite web of probabilities



A Free Book

For Everyone in the World Who Wants It!


Get your FREE PDF book (by William Eastwood)

EASTWOOD philanthropy: Powerful knowledge for all ages.


Thoughts can and do create matter and reality affirmations by William Eastwood
CLICK HERE TO GET OUR FREE BOOK: A thinking strategy for happiness, personal power and success!




William Eastwood: International Philosopher

how to create gold or anything you want.


“Consciousness is altruistic, and that means that you are an amazing, powerful and beautiful person."

— William Eastwood.


"All our ages are simultaneous. The totality of all our ages and probable selves gives us a small snapshot of the unlimited, all-knowing self."


"I show all my ages to provide a more accurate representation of who I am."



Thoughts create matter William Eastwood early family
From left to right: Peter Eastwood, Scott Eastwood, Grant Briggs (cousin) and William (age seven).


Eastwood says that there are families of consciousness that transcend physical race, to which you may belong.






Let me help you

Thoughts can and do create matter says William Eastwood
William Eastwood.

"You are beautiful, and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. If you believe and affirm this, everything in your life will work. 

My daily affirmations reinforce everything positive about you"

— William Eastwood



Thoughts create matter affirmations.
A affirmations posted daily.



25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.



The man who invented radio and gave us electric light

Nicola Tesla.

"My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.

“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena; it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.”

— Nikola Tesla




I have a movie script with the potential to unite nations.




My own connection with King Henry II is important within "The Dragon Slayer" film

Thoughts create matter WE Florida
William Eastwood (sitting on family tree) at age 22.

William Eastwood is an international author of 25 books, the founder of International Philosophy, Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement.

The film he is working on is based in part on his family tree.

Eastwood is a descendant of the Plantagenet Dynasty (14 kings of England), American founders, and General Doolittle.



A film to change the world

A highly educational film for all ages based on a true story.

"I am working on a film to unite the youth of the world and to give them the information they need to solve the world's problems." — William Eastwood.


The film movie dragon slayer William Eastwood
Based on a true & ongoing story.



"We have barely begun. Some big things are going to happen. We are laying the groundwork now."— William Eastwood.



Earth Network's mission great civilization. Boy: Wow! It's possible now! Where you can join a global alliance.



Say thanks & help humanity

Say thanks with a book order or donation through PayPal so that I can continue to bring this information to you.

Thoughts do create matter: William Eastwood manifests treasure at age 7
W.E. age 7.

"If you do good things, good things will happen to you."

— William Eastwood quote (and corresponding miracle) at age seven.


"When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people who do not have any money to buy books rely on you to fund this website through book purchases, and our greater mission may not be accomplished without your help. Don't give Amazon your money, purchase your books direct through the book manufacturer, (above).

"Thank you!"

— William Eastwood



Thank You!

Consciousness and conscious awareness is like the sunI thank everyone that has made contributions, and those who have purchased books. I would not have been able to do it without you!



Mind over matter power presents a way you can solve world problems save human race
A website article.


"There is a real dragon that holds humanity back," but it is not the flesh and bones dragon of the Middle Ages." — William Eastwood



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Your opportunity to help create a great civilization.


A new science and practical life philosophy

William Eastwood Internal Science and International Philosophy: The poor will become rich and the hungry will feast.




How Do We Achieve World Peace? How Can I Stay Safe & Help Others?

Copyright © 2022, 2023, 2024, By: William Eastwood



Primary article concludes here.






Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy




"If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of."

— William Eastwood


A website article.


Thoughts create matter introduces: Time and space illusion.
A website article.


“You can become younger” — Eastwood

It is possible to become younger in this moment.

W.E. manifesting in paradise.
William Eastwood.

All time is simultaneous. Through emotional association we can activate cellular memory playback of times when we are young. This is because the past is still alive. To the body consciousness it is a condition of nowness.

You can also activate cellular memory by means of willpower and dream recall.



A website article.


Our traditional beliefs about human nature create a downward spiral of thinking and behavior. However, as more and more people realize what is happening and abandon those beliefs, they begin climbing. Everything then changes in their lives."

— Eastwood.


altruistic movement by William Eastwood Earth Network for a better world future earth civilization
If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of.


Your positive nature is your protection. It is also the basis for a new global constitution that reflects the facts of science and how the universe actually operates.


A website article.


A website article.


Real wizards exist how to be one people who manifest good for humanity
A website article.


Beware of those who say otherwise.


Are negative beliefs about my human nature preventing my success?
A website article.


Categories: How do we achieve world peace? How can I stay safe and help others? Thoughts create matter and mind forms reality.  Click on this site to learn more!


Once you get to the point where you realize that your thoughts create matter, you are able to free yourself of all limitations and then you will be helping to achieve world peace.

