Clock time is an illusion
It does not exist.
There are natural patterns of perception, such as the sunrise and sunset, day and night, seasons and tides, but there is no clock time. Clock time is an example of the hypnotic effect of false modern myths.
As your subjective activity naturally changes it causes changes in the holographic projection of your environment and this gives you the false notion of moving though time.
A belief in clock time brings risk. It brings with it the false belief that you are a victim of both time and events. In a sense, it is a dangerous and false notion.
The truth is that you control what enters your life. Time and cause and effect have nothing to do with what you are experiencing right now.
Your house can’t burn down because someone started a fire, and you can’t get a disease because of some germ you encountered yesterday. Instead, what you believe, think and feel draws that experience to you.
If there is a fire you in some way attracted it and decided upon experiencing it, and up until the point it is ignited you can change your mind. Even after the fire is started you can attract and manifest the fire being snuffed out.
If you understood this, you would gain power. You would understand that if you change your thinking you advert pending disasters. When you think those pending disasters are outside of your control you are hypnotized by cause and effect time thinking.
This trance perpetuates the illusion and undermines your true safety in life.
All time is simultaneous. You will be given the opportunity to redo any experiences in your past. Visit EN’s Real School at
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All Times & Physical Experiences Exist Now