THE ALTRUISM CODE – Your Protection: The Constitution for a New Civilization
- What is the Altruism Code—Your Protection?
- How you can avoid what you don’t want?
- How can you use the Altruism Code success formula?
I will answer these questions now.
You can use The Altruism Code success formula by adopting a specific set of beliefs and following the instructions given by William Eastwood in his books, free articles and free online course.
The Altruism Code is an advanced success formula
The most important aspects of The Altruism Code success formula is understanding simultaneous time and the constant creation of events from within. You are not in a linear time system, you are in a field of simultaneous probabilities, and when you realize this, you realize how much control you really have over events.
This view is a basic component of everything I teach. A nonlinear understanding of reality is required to make The Altruism Code success formula effective. When nonlinear thinking is your default worldview, your safety and success are more assured. However, it is also necessary to understand that events are ongoing projections and not a finished physical product as once believed. This uncommon understanding is most critical to your success when applying The Altruism Code.
With this as your default worldview it is easier to remain safe in all circumstances. I explain in detail in “The Altruism Code — Your Protection.”

An understanding of nonlinear time and the law of attraction can enable you to avoid all threats in the world. You are choosing probabilities by what you think and feel rather than accepting events that seem to be coming from the past into the future.
There are other components to the Altruism Code. When you choose properly in a way that benefits everyone you have maximum natural power to manifest what you want in life.
Events are completely new in each microsecond, and they do not come from the past. They originate from within.
The Altruism Code is also a dynamic aspect of MISSION GREAT CIVILIZATION because it represents the catalyst that will make everything possible. It is a guide to transforming people and geographical regions.
For those who are serious about learning more, I strongly recommend that you get “The Altruism Code — Your Protection.”
The Altruism Code is an advanced success formula for individuals & our entire civilization
Wait until the new edition is published in February of 2025 before you purchase this book. I have something so profound being released that I wouldn't want you to miss it by purchasing the previous version.
Nothing else like this exists in the world today.
The Altruism Code is a success formula
Buy now to support our mission to transform the earth into a beautiful paradise.
The Altruism Code is a code of conduct based on Internal Science and International Philosophy. Because our beliefs, thoughts and emotions manifest the events we experience, our negative beliefs about human nature result in many of the problems in the world today. Therefore, to be altruistic’ and create positive events, we must hold positive beliefs about people and reality. When we try to be altruistic’ while believing the negative and false assumptions of our civilization, we contradict ourselves.
Internal Science is a book that introduces a working plan to shift humanity from its current status to a new one. We need to get from point A to point B, and this book contains the unique plan to achieve this most important paradigm-shift for our society and civilization.
"Our civilization must be based on a single scientific paradigm everyone can agree on in order to heal division and function properly.
"But it has to be the right science"
— William Eastwood
Published January 25th, 2025!
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The negativity of widely accepted beliefs
The belief that human nature is good will produce the opposite of the belief that human nature is evil. Currently our mainstream thinking and institutions are based on the idea that human nature is a product of generations of evolution in which the better killer and most sexually aggressive male passed his genes to the next generation. Combined with concepts like original sin, the pinnacle of evolution is a hybrid monster. This is the core belief guiding what manifests in our civilization. Putin’s war, for example, is a manifestation of that set of beliefs.
The Altruism Code introduces the opposite set of ideas as a centerpiece of thought and belief. It is a mental constitution or source-code that provides a potential focal point to bring about what we want rather than what we don’t want. It is a mantra, an anthem, and an affirmation that says we are altruistic consciousness.
It is possible to solve all our personal and world problems by building a civilization on that core belief as apposed to the core negative assumptions I just mentioned.
If you continue every morning to use the affirmations I provide according the formula known as “The Altruism Code,” you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page, don’t use the formula, or don’t assert more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions, nothing will happen.” —Eastwood.
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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
The Altruism Code
The Altruism Code is a source code for a new international set of laws and world constitution for a great democracy. It is a very simple principle on which an individual can base their life. It is a positive concept and set of extending principles for the individual, but it is also a potential basis for a world constitution.
I have plans to add to this book. It is currently helpful information for the individual, with some law-related information. I want to add my plan to reform the Criminal Justice System into a completely different kind of institution that helps and rewards people rather than hurting and punishing people. That edition is coming soon.
The Altruism Code is everything you would want a politician to be, only it is a book. It can be used as a catalyst and unifying principle around which communities and even states can rally so as to propel themselves forward in many ways, some we cannot even conceive of yet. The future is going to be a lot different and better than we think. This is a forward-looking book that is ahead of its time.
I am offering the world something that actually works

When it comes to solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don’t work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will create peace and prosperity.
Individuals can transform themselves, but what about geographical regions? It is possible to transform regions, as this book explains.
A democratic government is perfect for the job. With this book, however, new principles on which democracy can be based are introduced. This is the difference between what we have now, and what I am proposing, which is far superior to what we have now.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
The Altruism Code can transform individuals, groups, geographical regions and nations when and if it is used as it is intended to be used. It is best used in conjunction with my book titled, “International Philosophy.“ They make a perfect set.
The content above is in the new edition of “The Altruism Code — Your Protection” which goes further in explaining the concepts (scheduled for release in February, 2025).
The following material was written at a previous date.
Two book set.
The Altruism Code and International Philosophy as a set represent a personal and social means to transition
“Go beyond common belief and join me on the next level.”
— William Eastwood.

The ALTRUISM CODE is the legal basis of a new civilization. The altruism code which originated with William Eastwood, lays the foundation of human altruism in law. “Consciousness is altruistic and consciousness can change our world.” — William Eastwood.
This book lays out everything you will need to know to be safe and to go to the next level.
Civilization is in transition. Great sweeping changes will take place. If you take this path, you will not be adversely affected. We will be creating a new civilization.
“The Altruism Code – Your Protection” — A Constitution for a new civilization
The main article continues below.