The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
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- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
How Do My Thoughts Become Physical? How Do My Thoughts & Beliefs Create My Reality?
- How do my thoughts become physical?
- How do my thoughts and beliefs create my reality?
I will answer these questions now.
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The discoveries of William Eastwood
The origin and story behind the inception of the science and philosophy.
How do my thoughts become physical?

Your thoughts become physical by means of an algorithm that exists within consciousness itself. Like a seed, a thought contains instructions within it resembling DNA. When your sequence of thoughts have created the proper mix of desire, emotion and expectation, and when conditions are right, a thought will transform itself into an event according to definite laws of physics.
Conditions must permit manifestation. Other people can affect events and if you are manifesting a shared event, their beliefs must also permit manifestation. Not all thoughts manifest. They must be believable and feel believable. Time is required. Purpose and the direction of your life are involved.
“Your thoughts become physical and your beliefs create reality below the subconscious. Exactly how they do it, is the realm of Internal Science. “
— William Eastwood.

The universe is made of the same kind of substance as thoughts. Thoughts and matter are electromagnetic energy.
Each thought is an ingredient in the mix that determines the nature of the event you will experience.
As many ingredients go into a cake, many ingredients go into the formation of an event or object. The thoughts you have had in the past and those things you have focused on over a long period of time become your life.
How do my thoughts and beliefs create my reality?
A thought continues to exist because energy cannot be destroyed. Your thoughts fall down through the subconscious to a level where they interact in a highly active area, combining with similar thoughts.
Your thoughts evolve on inner levels according to similar energies or are diminished when contrary beliefs, thoughts and emotions are held subconsciously or consciously.
As you think more on a subject, the energy of your thoughts spurs a growth process. When certain requirements are met and conditions are right, these probable events are propelled up onto the surface of the earth as physical events and specific objects.
How subjective activity influence others and reality
Beliefs, expectations and assumptions create events. Beliefs and assumptions radiate as telepathic electromagnetic forces that elicit behavior from the other people that reflects what you believe and focus on.
The particular quality of thought you project resonates with similar energies in the field of probabilities, hence drawing probable events to you that are in keeping with your thoughts and beliefs.
An assumption is often a self-fulfilling prophecy. Expectations create and maintain the conditions and situations we create in our life, and are therefore extremely important. Each main assumption you have is modified by other and often contrary assumptions.
Conflicting beliefs are what make people weak and unable to manifest what they want.
You can determine which assumptions within you are greater by the nature of what you manifest.
In this way, your reality is a feedback system teaching you how to direct events into material events and objects.
What is a thought or belief?
The energy that forms a thought is the exact same kind of energy that forms physical matter. Both thoughts and objects are composed of electromagnetic energy.
Are thoughts or beliefs produced by the brain?
No, the brain is a receiver picking up the electromagnetic energy of the mind. The brain connects us to physical reality, but it does not create thoughts. Only consciousness creates thoughts.
Is a thought a belief?
An idea or thought you have is not automatically a belief. You have to accept the thought as being true before it becomes a belief for you.
Are some beliefs stronger than others?
Internalizing an idea as being true, makes that idea a belief you hold. If you then invest that idea with charged emotion, it becomes an emotionally-held belief that is powerful and able to manifest quickly.
What is intensity in a belief?
Intensity is a factor of emotional conviction. A belief held with a lot of emotional conviction has greater intensity than a belief that evokes little emotion in you one way or the other.
How can I manifest thoughts fast?
The more intense the thought, the closer it is to the range that forms matter. Emotional intensity is the factor necessary to propel non-material energy into material form.
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