Why Hasn’t Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?

Why Trump will be indicted, arrested & sent to prison Reason why book
Just released prediction why Trump will go to prison.

Just released prediction why Trump will likely go to prison. Trump will go to prison.

William Eastwood, the founder of International Philosophy, Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement, reveals why Trump WILL be incarcerated in this JUST RELEASED edition of a paradigm-shifting book.

What doesn’t make any sense in politics DOES MAKE SENSE through Eastwood’s paradigm of science and psychology. Learn why Trump WILL be sent to prison.



Putin is losing now and basically done.

Why hasn’t Putin been sent to prison?

When the focus of a nation is on a problem, energy is added to the problem. Putin harms and degrades people to get attention and the energy of the attention on the problem then works for him.

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Problem solving method.
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.
The Earth Network mission by William Eastwood
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ThoughtsCreateMatter.com affirmations posted daily.


Vladimir Putin has isolated himself and is only listening to a few ‘yes men’ telling him what he wants to believe—that the U.S. is an aggressor. He seems to have forgotten the greatest humanitarian gesture of all time: The U.S. Congress allocated $20 million for the Russian Famine, feeding  10.5 million people daily in Soviet Russia during the 1920’s.

William Eastwood, founder of International Philosophy, Internal Science, The Inner UN and The Altruistic Movement.

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This act of kindness was the first of its kind in recorded history, and Americans are still known for their generosity and aid to people in need.

Russian Famine Relief Act.

People who justify cruelty always demonize others. Americans want to help Russians! Putin is making it impossible for us to do so.

Putin’s way of thinking is caused by philosophical beliefs derived from common myths. We see the same kind of thinking exploding around the world at this time, creating division and threatening the fabric of our civilization.


Why Hasn’t Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?

  • Why hasn’t Putin been arrested or assassinated?
  • Will Putin go to trial and then prison?


I will answer these questions now.


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Vladimir Putin has been issued and arrest warrant

Why Hasn't Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? WE. Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?
William Eastwood.

There was an arrest warrant issued for Russian President Vladimir Putin by the International Criminal Court. The indictment of Putin makes him an international fugitive. Putin can never again travel internationally outside of Russia without the fear of being incarcerated and brought to trial. Thankfully the ICC has taken this important step to stop Putin.

“Vladimir Putin hasn’t been assassinated because of his beliefs. We can’t blame the International Court or any specific agency. It is Putin himself we must look at for an answer.

Why Hasn't Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? UN Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?
The Inner UN.

“Putin’s power and protection are derived from his own beliefs, which are similar to those former U.S. President Donald J. Trump holds. Beliefs do have energy and power to affect outcomes. Not only Putin’s beliefs, but the rest of the world’s beliefs do play a role in maintaining this war.”

— William Eastwood,

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All levels and departments of Russia’s government are responsible for the abduction and transfer of children from Ukraine to Russia. This is the main charge in the current arrest warrant.

A warrant was also issued for Russia’s commissioner for children’s rights, Maria Lvova-Belova, by the ICC for the same crimes. Other warrants will be forthcoming for Putin and other associates within the Russian government.

This is very good because Putin has been traveling internationally to rally support for his barbarian war. Others may be emboldened to take further or even drastic action against Putin. This weakens Putin.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


If Putin risks defeat, will he attack the U.S. or U.K. with his long-range Satan II nuclear missiles? Putin is not the man the press makes him out to be.

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The main article continues after the author’s book description.


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Institutions by William Eastwood
International Philosophy
Internal Science
 The Inner UN
The Altruistic Movement


Why hasn’t Putin been arrested or assassinated?

Why Hasn't Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? Eastwood. Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?
William Eastwood.

Vladimir Putin has sufficient nuclear missiles to hit multiple countries at the flick of a switch. Russia is said to have an automatic nuclear missile launch system that is activated by seismic activity should Russia be attacked by bombs. U.S. intelligence knows more than we may think about this. If he could be separated from his instruments of mass destruction and safely assassinated, he would be. The probable reactions of those around him in the event of an assassination or assassination attempt have to be ascertained in advance.

The citizens of every country ask Putin’s inner circle to break from Putin, especially in the event of an order to launch nuclear weapons.

Efforts are most certainly being made to intervene at every point in a potential resulting sequence so that Putin, his close associates and automated defense systems are immediately incapacitated. Risks in a worst-case scenario must be minimized so that Putin and his instruments of war are quickly removed from this world or rendered harmless. We do not know why he hasn’t yet been assassinated, but attempts will certainly be made in the near future. 

Putin himself increases the probability of his assassination with every atrocity he commits. At a certain well-defined threshold the harm levied by Putin’s continued life on this planet outweighs the risks involved in an assassination, and the trigger will be pulled.

Many high-level Ukrainians are confident Putin’s demise is fast approaching. Putin’s crimes against humanity leave no alternative but his death and the fall of the worst regime since Hitler’s Germany.

The United Nations warns that Putin’s unprovoked attack of Ukraine has caused multiple global crises, weakened institutions and economies worldwide, and is sending 95 million people into extreme poverty, and another 50 million into severe hunger.

Putin is responsible for an unprecedented global hunger crisis.

Humanitarian interests, financial interests, and virtually all people on earth will benefit from the assassination of Putin. Wealthy Russian oligarchs who are losing billions because of Putin, for example, are motivated to assassinate Putin. An arrest of; trial and prison time for Putin through legal channels, however, will take some time.

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Putin hasn’t been arrested or assassinated because he is an autocratic ruler who makes the laws in Russia. The power and money he has obtained through corruption and theft from the good people of Russia is used for protection. If someone does as little as disagree with him, he can arrest or assassinate that person, which he often does.

Putin can stop his war or we can arrest Putin.

The United States embodies a different set of values. The U.S. government cannot and does not assassinate according to “Executive Order 12,333… no person employed by the U.S. government can conspire to or engage in assassination.” Yet there is an allowance for the most extreme threats. We know that because by executive authority, former U.S. President Barack Obama authorized and successfully implemented the killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an Al Qaeda operative and U.S. President Joe Biden’s recent assassination of the emir of al Qaeda, Ayman al-Zawahiri who was engaged in terrorist attacks and plots against the United States and the people of the United States.

The United States upholds the values of democracy which require a process to prove crimes were committed. Even though people may believe someone is guilty, and evidence proves it, the process must be followed. This always holds true so as to protect innocent people from being harmed just because a powerful person, corporation or country may want to hurt them.

In actuality, the United States does not want to hurt anyone, but seeks peace and human rights. Various other countries and parties, however, are known to have made assassination attempts on Putin. Although difficult to know for certain, Putin is believed to have escaped at least seven assassination attempts.

Since the collapse of the Soviet Union at the end of 1991, Russia, a post-communist regime, has been thought of as being an autocracy-democracy.

Boris Yeltsin banned the Communist Party of the Soviet Union in 1991. Russia is a weak democracy and is no longer a communist country. Communist ideologies, however, are still very much alive in the new, capitalist Russia.

No country is entirely safe from anti-democratic forces, and in the case of the new Russia, Putin has sought a return to the old Russia he admired when he was in the KGB. While he promotes the appearance of a democracy, in actuality he arrests or assassinates his opposition. He has the ability to silence protesters and control the news. Russia has evolved toward a parliamentary democracy, but it is regressing to a hardline communist ideology while Putin is in power.

Putin is an authoritarian who controls power through corruption and fear.

Will Putin go to trial and then prison?

Will Putin go to trial and then prison? It is highly likely that Putin will go to trial and then prison. History has shown that people like him who believe they are safe and immune from harm do often end up being tried for war crimes and as a result do go to prison.

Putin could be arrested and tried in many different international courts with jurisdiction over the war crimes and abuses instigated in Ukraine. Each court, however, has different rules and few have the ability to enforce what is done by Russia.

Will Putin be arrested or assassinated go to trial and prison
Will Putin be arrested, assassinated, or go to trial and prison?

Putin is isolated and is not aware of all the facts. He is surrounded by “yes-men,” who tell him what he wants to hear. Currently, he thinks he is winning the war in Ukraine, and he thinks he is safe. That is not true, however. He is not winning, and he is not safe.

When one harms others, they are usually found out. The world has a way of finding those who do great harm to other. Universal Intelligence makes the best of everything. All things work toward good. The energy-movement of which Bohm spoke is not neutral but is of positive intent.

It is my belief based on what I know; that Putin is likely to be arrested and sent to prison. He will be held accountable by the world’s values rather than his.

Putin can be arrested, tried and sent to prison for war crimes.

An unprovoked attack of a country is a war crime. To intentionally target civilians is a war crime. Attacking a nuclear power plant, bombing hospitals and a theater where children are residing, using cluster bombs and so-called vacuum bombs in areas occupied by many civilians are officially described as war crimes.

The International Criminal Court has specific definitions for the crime of aggression, genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity. If a judge in the International Criminal Court has ample evidence of a war crime, the court can issue a warrant for Vladimir Putin’s arrest.

War crimes have been historically difficult to investigate, and extremely challenging to prosecute. Lawyers must prove each charge. The International Criminal Court, however, has responded to the outrage at Putin’s evil-like actions in Ukraine. The ICC has launched an aggressive investigation into Russia’s violations in Ukraine at the request of at least 39 countries. This is an important first step in the global condemnation of the Russian invasion that will inevitably hold Putin accountable for war crimes.

Putin will be brought to justice in a manner consistent with democratic values.

United States President Joe Biden speaks about Putin and a united free world.


Complications for holding Putin accountable for war crimes

The International Criminal Court, the ICC, will lead the world in providing an avenue to hold Putin accountable for his war crimes. The Court is limited by rules and regulations that govern such matters, as well as by political realities. However, given the gravity of the atrocities that exist in Ukraine, and add to that the degree of world resolve, I expect that the powers-that-be will pave a way to make it happen that may be entirely unpredictable at this time. It will likely take a very long time, but this is history in the making that will actually change the structure of international law and politics.

Efforts aimed at having former U.S. President Donald Trump indicted and arrested have revealed how difficult it is to arrest world leaders, although it can be done. Enforcing an arrest warrant for Vladimir Putin is even more difficult because who would transport Putin to the court? Without a defendant in custody, a trial is unlikely.

War crime indictments in general, can take as few as three to six months, according to legal experts, but prosecuting a case can take years.

On March 16th 2022, the International Court of Justice — the United Nations’ highest court — ordered Russia to immediately halt its invasion of Ukraine.

The Court’s President, Judge Joan E. Donoghue, said, “The Russian Federation shall immediately suspend the special military operations it commenced on 24 February 2022.”

Putin likely doesn’t even care or even listen, however.

Any countries that refuse to abide by such a court order can be referred to the UN Security Council. Russia, however, can veto Security Council resolutions.

Russia is one of five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council, which gives it the power to veto any security resolution. While there is a article in the U.N. charter that says that countries can be expelled from the U.N., Russia can use its veto to block the recommendation.

We should not be discouraged; we have seen Ukraine achieve military blows to Russia that one would never have expected, and chances are, we will see history unfold in ways that are completely unexpected.

The reason why Putin hasn’t yet been arrested or assassinated is because Putin is a powerful international leader. However, Putin and Russian power is rapidly declining by means of sanctions, court rulings and the will of governments and people. Even his former allies and oligarchs that are harmed and suffer by his decisions have the means and will to have him arrested or assassinated. Even Russian soldiers in custody can testify where their orders to commit war crimes came from.  Putin’s power does not imply that Putin will not be arrested, found guilty of war crimes in trial and then sent to prison.


“Striving for social justice is the most valuable thing to do in life.”
Albert Einstein

“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”
― Albert Einstein


Help create world peace with new science

The same methods Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy uses.

how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Article resumes.

What next? Who is safe and who is not?

If Putin is defeated and the far right begins to flounder, will the world transition to democracy region by region? Who will be safe and who won’t? What can be done to protect individuals, groups, geographic regions and nations?

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Previous updates:


Updated on 12/21/22:

Today, the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave an incredible speech to Congress. In doing so he has locked U.S. and international support into place. This is a heroic moment for the human race.

Ukraine must strike the source of the drone terror attacks. The Russia-Iran terror alliance must be stopped or the drones will keep coming, and not just in Ukraine. In fact, Iranian terror drones have already been used in several other countries.

Putin’s attack on civilians ensures his defeat because of the world’s rage it arouses. Putin has again made a huge tactical blunder.

Putin united Republicans and Democrats through Zelensky against him after spending years trying to divide Americans.

Putin represents fundamentalism and conservative values, and the west is asleep. People need to wake up or this conflict will continue.


Updated on 12/06/22:

Ukraine’s drones may have hit an airport in Moscow where missiles directed at Ukraine infrastructure are launched. If this is true, it is a significant development. Drone attacks that reach deep inside Russia could hinder Putin’s unprovoked terror attacks in Ukraine and ultimately make Europe and the rest of the civilized international community safe from Russian aggression.


Updated on 12/05/22:

Russia has launched several large-scale missile attacks on Ukraine, damaging several cities. 100 missiles are said to have been launched.


Updated on 11/28/22:

Elected representatives in the EU have recognized Russia as a state sponsor of terrorism. The atrocities carried out by Vladimir Putin’s regime against Ukrainian civilians requires further international isolation of Russia. 

Vladimir Putin is an international security threat and Russia is a terrorist country committing acts of torture, targeting civilians, abducting children, etc. So why hasn’t Putin been assassinated in the same way bin laden was assassinated by the U.S? Scroll down to learn exactly why that has not yet happened.

A systemic problem requires a systemic solution.

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Putin’s Russia is to blame for the missile strike in Poland because Russia is responsible for the war in Ukraine. This strike awakens Europe to what could happen if more assertive actions are not taken. Innocent people everywhere require protection against Russian aggression, war crimes and torture.


Updated on 10/07/22:

U.S. President Biden’s remark that Vladimir Putin may trigger a nuclear “Armageddon”was calculated to deter Putin, yet somewhat accurate. Maximum sanctions must be employed. But something else must happen.


Updated on 9/22/22:

The UN must expel Russia from the UN pursuant to Article 6 of the Charter for ‘persistent violation’ of the principles of the Charter. The UN Security Council has the power to take punitive action against Russia. The 15 members can legally impose sanctions on Russia, approve military intervention, as well as impose embargoes and asset freezes to persuade Russia to change course. The only problem is that Russia is a member of the UN Security Council, and all members can veto decisions made by these 15 members. To expel Russia from the UN will automatically eliminate Russia’s veto power in the Security Council.

Otherwise international courts must change laws or create a new world court that does have the power to stop Putin’s war crimes and prevent him from putting human civilization itself in peril.

Five restructuring proposals for the UN. Many other possibilities exist.


Updated on 9/21/22:

Russian President Vladimir Putin gave a speech on Wednesday, putting the West on nuclear notice and would call up roughly 300,000 reservists for his war in Ukraine.

President Biden mentioned Putin’s “irresponsible nuclear threats” in his address to the U.N. General Assembly. “A nuclear war cannot be won, and must never be fought.”

The United States will never recognize Russia’s claims to any purportedly annexed parts of Ukraine. Putin is fighting a losing battle and is an unhinged madman and a real threat to himself and the rest of humanity if he actually launches nuclear weapons.

Putin is the sole reason why the war with Ukraine happened. The acts of Putin’s military are barbarian with wide-scale accounts of torture of innocent people and directed attacks on and kidnapping of children.

Putin cannot just take a country because he wants it and then fire missiles at anyone he feels like killing, and then blame the West for his barbarian savagery. Putin has just sealed his own fate and death.

His speech is an attempt to save face because Russia has failed. Instead, Russian citizens are looking at his war as a murder campaign for their children (Russian troops being killed) and are in the streets protesting by the thousands. Putin has exhausted his military capacity and depleted Russia’s strength and the country’s will to continue Putin’s highly detested and unprovoked attack on Ukraine.

Authoritarians use fear to manipulate and control people. Putin’s words are not necessarily anything else, but we cannot know for certain what he will do. Basically, everyone in the world now wants Putin assassinated, even his own people.

Putin will be stopped and the international rule of law will be restored.

Updated on 8/23/22:

The daughter of a key Vladimir Putin associate was assassinated in a car bomb.


Help create world peace with new science

The same methods Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelenskyy uses.

how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


I personally have no intent to harm Putin. My intent is to prevent and stop conflicts and to stop the assault on Ukraine. Knowing where Putin is may prove valuable if the United Nations finds that he is guilty of war crimes.

Putin’s assault on the free world with his weapons of mass-destruction are symptoms of the world-wide problem my book The Solution… is about and predicted.

It is a very widespread distrust of human nature based on a doubly-negative  hybrid belief system. Because of the core beliefs underlying authoritarianism, we are witnessing a nationwide repeat of what happened in Jonestown. In the end, all Jim Jones could see was the evil he felt was everywhere and in all people unlike himself. Jones preached the wickedness of others to the point of controlling his followers to commit the murder of  their own children.


Putin IS Trying to starve Western world
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


My book, The Solution… explains the underlying issues holding humanity back. People who intend to do good in the world yet think others are evil often begin to do “evil” themselves. They didn’t originally intend to be bad, but their behavior follows their beliefs and this is what unfortunately happens.


Thoughts create matter presents: The Altruism Code a constitution for a new civilization Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.




Fireworks expresses the explosive creativity and beauty of consciousness

Why Hasn’t Putin Been Arrested or Assassinated? Will Putin Go to Trial & Prison?

© Copyright, 2022, 2023, By: William Eastwood. All Rights Reserved.


CATEGORIES: Putin’s terror war in Ukraine. Vladimir Putin. War in Ukraine. Why hasn’t Putin been arrested or assassinated? Will Putin be arrested or assassinated or go to prison? Will Putin go to trial and then prison? Putin and war. Click on our site and books to learn more.


Putin uses classic dictator and bully tactics

He appeals to the anger and fear of a segment of the population that cannot keep up with humanity’s progress. He seeks a return to a more primitive era of less liberty and more strict patriarchal control.



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