Is Time Travel Possible? How Can I Explore My Inner Multidimensional Reality?

Is Time Travel Possible? How Can I Explore My Inner Multidimensional World?


Is Time Travel Possible? How Can I Explore My Inner Multidimensional Reality?

  • Is time travel possible?
  • How can I explore my inner multidimensional reality?


I will answer these questions now.


Is time travel possible?

Yes, time travel is possible, as empirical evidence reveals. Past, present and future events exist now. Internal Science, being superior to highly limited physicalism science, accounts for time travel experiences observed while in astral travel.


Internal Science International Philosophy Eastwood

Real science gives each person the information they need to understand reality, its source and nonlinear time.

Time is an illusion. All events exist now. Time designations imply areas of experience we think are in the future or past because we don’t know how to reach them. If you drop the myths you can drop the barriers. All probable events exist in the field of probabilities.

You would have no sense of choice but for the existence of probabilities.

There is interaction between past, present and future. Any portion of the whole affects all other portions. This occurs on many levels. The best evidence is empirical through direct personal engagement.

Evolution theory says chance mutations evolved into complex biological systems, but no chance event can create eyes, or the inner reality of cellular structure now known to exist (refer to the Zero Point field and virtual particles). Instead, future developments are probable events that exist in the field of probabilities. From that field, the events that serve a particular situation are chosen. Future possibilities are used in the same way and architect uses blueprints to guide contractors in the construction of buildings.


Are consciousness and matter the same thing where matter is formed
A article.


We can all travel to the past and future


Evolution is not from the past into the future. Instead, the future calls back to the past and informs the organism what developments are necessary to bring about the desired condition.

Above and below normal levels of consciousness time restrictions are discarded and cellular body consciousness and our own consciousness experiences direct cognition that transcends time. Thinking emotionally of past events creates a cellular play-back of those events.

It is possible to astral travel to the past and future. We exist centered in a field of infinite probable selves and events. We have direct access to everything that exists in the future and past. We can create new probable selves and realities.

So what stops us all from flying about to the past and future? Our concepts of time and beliefs can get in the way of astral projection and direct cognition. We all transcend time deep in the sleep state but don’t remember what we did when we wake up in the morning.

I have descriptions of my astral travels to the distant future. In one projection I gathered information regarding our civilization and in another I visited a man-made planet. Click on the icons below to learn more.


Time travel
A article.


Thoughts Create Matter brings you a plan from the future
A website article.


We all have the ability to explore inward, increase experience outside of time and expand our concept of self to include probabilities. You can train yourself to remember and then have lucid dreams and astral project to whatever destination you want to go to.

The door to your inner multidimensional reality is not through a physical time machine and not even necessarily through your own psychic ability, but instead through altering your concepts of time and expanding your beliefs as to what is possible.

When you realize that past, present and future time exist now, and that the past does not create the present and future, then it is more likely that you will be successful. Instead of existing in time, you exist centered in a field of infinite probable events. The collective reality has more than one main line of probability. There may be several easily accessible to you. There are many personal probable timelines and reincarnational selves. You can explore these probabilities once you know how.

My first observation of nonphysical travel

My first experience out of body was when I was twelve. I was reading metaphysical books and I wanted to know if what I was reading was true. I wanted to know if I had an inner self. I needed confirmation.

It was January in New England and there was a full moon. The fresh snow was crunchy because it was about ten degrees outside. Everything was lit up. I could see the full moon through the colonial windowpanes next to my bed. As I fell asleep, I said, “If I have an inner self… If you really exist, show me that you do.”

I don’t remember all the details now, but I remember that I thought I had awoken in the night in the same position or hadn’t yet fallen asleep. The full moon was still there, and everything seemed normal until I tried to move my body and couldn’t.

Eventually I did, but it took three attempts just to move a leg and I was scared out of my Witt’s. I soon realized that it was an astral leg, and I struggled to escape the restriction I felt having no control over my physical body. I think I had three false awakenings that night, each one leading to the same situation.

The next day I revelled at what I had done and told my family. It didn’t take long to learn the ropes and to exit my body and explore. I would get out of my body with a rocking motion and then just lifted and shot to wherever my thoughts brought me.

We all have this ability

I had many journeys and some of them were through time. In one I experienced myself as being in a castle in the Middle Ages.


“With great confidence, I swung my arm in front of me, throwing a great emerald-green lightning bolt over tables, benches and people in a castle great room. I felt great joy and power in my display that terrorized the stunned townsfolk. It was the Middle Ages.  I felt as if I were a great wizard.” — William Eastwood.


Your Inner, multidimensional reality

Is Time Travel Possible? WE. How Can I Explore My Inner Multidimensional Reality?
William Eastwood.

Time travel is possible because future and past probable realities exist now. If you want to time travel and explore your inner multidimensional reality, it is easy to do.

On my most extraordinary trip, I found a gold coin and picked it up. The date on it was the year one. I came before a Persian king on a throne with statues of panthers on either side of him.

In another experience I received future knowledge. Rather than explain the whole experience, I will just say what stood out the most in that experience.

I was thousands of years in the future when I placed a gold metallic obelisk on my forehead. The obelisk contained all the knowledge of our/this civilization. Everything that we had done right, and all the mistakes flashed before my mind in a succession of vivid images. The total knowledge of a future civilization, including the mistakes that had been made, was given to me directly into my mind.

We all have experiences like mine, but few of us remember them, and fewer still can wake up within a dream and begin to direct the action within the dream. Lucid dreaming will usually progress to astral travel. You only need desire and determination and the willingness to take the time and make the effort.


Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A article.


Time travel is possible

Time travel is possible. Time segments are arbitrary designations given to a range of perception; there is no time. Therefore, it is only a matter of expanding your normal range of perception in order to see events we say belong to the future or past.


The man who illuminated the planet

Nicola Tesla.


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.

— Nikola Tesla.


Internal Science

You can travel into the past and future very easily without any physical contraption. Above and below normal consciousness you experience past and future probabilities as a portion of the present moment.


We all travel to all times because they are being created now

Many people who are relatively unknown travel through time and work on inner levels of reality.


8/31/23: I returned to the medieval stone castle I have visited throughout my life. I was a blond, blue-eyed boy of about 16, clad in light blue period tights and possessing an incredible level of confidence in myself. The atmosphere was festive and joyful, full of surreal energy and natural rustic beauty. There was a man beside the door out and it was evening. He felt timeless like a powerful wizard of black magic. I inquired about staying because this wizard was waiting for me to leave, and I felt my life was in danger. I knew there was a dark forest surrounding the castle.

A messenger brought my request to the king or lord, and I was granted permission to stay the night. I was led to a large man, about seven feet tall. He put me on a guest list the size of a post-it note he was carrying. Words cannot describe how I felt. The word “beautiful and honored” comes closest to describing how I felt being protected in this castle and getting the king’s permission to stay in a cozy room there.

The energy of this OOB experience was incredible. I feel that this was a real experience and that I was in Europe in the Middle Ages.




“These examples of time travel are accurate descriptions of actual experiences I had.”

— William Eastwood.




“I was flying away from the earth as stars passed by on both sides. I looked at my hands. My fingers were long, white and translucent. I heard a crackling sound and roar as I flew towards the end of the galaxy. I noticed a cord on the back of my neck that kept me connected to my physical body. I decided I had better return and after willing it several times and experiencing multiple false awakening (dimensional thresholds). I made it back.”

— Eastwood (1989)


“On the wall in front of me I watched a “video” about the orbiting city I was touring, why it was built, when and who lived there. I was told that the earth had become uninhabitable about 1000 years ago. Following my orientation, I was led down to a lower level.

“Spirit people and their small animals danced in a glowing two-foot-high psychedelic mist. The slow-motion chant was hypnotic, beautiful and mesmerizing.”

— Eastwood (1991)


“Upon entering the spherical man-made planet, I took hold of a “door knob” to enter a room when I was frozen by a laser from another ship. The laser was intelligent, a beam of consciousness. It did not allow me to enter as I was momentarily frozen by this intelligence and could not move.”

— Eastwood (1991)


“With great confidence, I swung my arm in front of me, throwing a great emerald-green lightning bolt over tables, benches and people in a castle great room. I felt great joy and power in my display that terrorized the stunned townsfolk. It was the Middle Ages.  I felt as if I were a great wizard.


“In another experience, I was George Washington, the first president of the United States. Then I was in the  Led Zeppelin band jamming in the colonial building I was in.


Stevie Ray Vaughan, and Ray Charles greeted me when I opened the door of my RV. I was auditioning for the the Carlos Santana band on the drum set. My style was too spontaneous.


“I walked through a narrow red-rock canyon where I picked up a coin made in the year one. When I looked at the face of the coin I was transported. I found myself in an ancient civilization in front of a Persian king. He was sitting on a throne, holding a staff. Statues of life-sized gold panthers were on each side of him. I was blown away.


“I passed through an ocean waterfall under which were rows of beautiful, luminous magic crystals. They were alive, being created from the ocean water pouring over them.”


The most exceptional experience I ever had. 

“I knew exactly what to do. I placed the gold obelisk of alien origin on my forehead between my eyes. In an instantaneous process, the entire knowledge of a civilization that had come and gone was transmitted into my mind. I experienced legions of information in visual format. I was cognizant of the civilization’s mistakes as well as everything they had done right.


“Upon awakening from this astral projection, I interpreted it as having received the history of (our?) entire civilization from many thousands of years in the future.

“Most alien craft sighting are us in the future using advanced consciousness science technology to reach us (their distant past). In the experience I mentioned above, I didn’t see anything in the sky. Instead, I traveled through inner pathways through the universe in a much more efficient manner via consciousness science technology. I don’t know where I ended up, but I may have had information passed to me as a form of instruction to assist humanity in a specific way so that I change our/their future in such a way that our civilization becomes a success in this probability.”

— Eastwood (1988-1999)


Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
A website article.



“Time travel is not only possible, but you can also explore your inner multidimensional reality right now. You can even join us on inner levels of reality if you want to.” — William Eastwood.


EASTWOOD: You are a multi-dimensional consciousness.

You existed before the physical universe was created.

You helped to form it.


Does quantum mechanics prove the matrix simulation theory
A website article.


Advanced future science is a science of consciousness. Consciousness itself is used to probe, analyze and record the facts of extended reality. And the reason why is because nothing else is able to do that. The only tool that can pass undistorted through wormholes and vortexes to explore what exists in the universe is consciousness.

Most alien craft sighting are us in the future using advanced consciousness science technology. 


Multidimentional reality and an example of Internal Science

The entity is the true self, and the entity is a vast multidimensional self-structure of which we are a part. You are an eternal and infinite being that exists even now outside of our time-space system.


Thoughts create matter presents: Who you really are. website article.


We need only break free of our narrow perception and stifling myths about reality in order to explore our inner, infinite reality.

Desire, intent and effort will activate the ability and open the doors to an infinity of realities within you. To have lucid dreams or astral project, dwell on what you want to achieve. Use suggestion as you fall asleep.




Thougthts create matter time travel and probable selves.
A website article.


The U.S. government has recognized the effectiveness of psychic ability. However, in the climate of opposition /skepticism as it exists, these instances of recognition are typically short-lived.


Nicola Tesla.


“My brain is only a receiver, in the Universe there is a core from which we obtain knowledge, strength and inspiration. I have not penetrated into the secrets of this core, but I know that it exists.”

— Nikola Tesla


Did you know Colorado once housed a secret scientific facility built by Nikola Tesla?


Wormholes and Einstein-Rosen Bridge may be traversable according to Physics Review.

Supernatural abilities have been confirmed in a Harvard study, according to amazing videos here.

Many monks and nuns who meditate in mountains say that they are able to achieve spiritual growth, free their bodies of gravity, heat or cold, gain psychic abilities, miraculous powers, defy physical boundaries, look into the past and future and perform miracles.

Video capturing on-site scientific documentation of mind-body miracles in high-altitude mountains.


The earth’s atmosphere records human emotions and consciousness according to ongoing international scientific research.


Click for video introduction.


GC Global consciousness coherency in real-time.




To be introduced to the world

The film movie dragon slayer William Eastwood

Multidimensional Time Travel: Astral Projection to man-made planet
A article.



Physicalist scientists haven’t answered the important questions

What is an electromagnetic field?

The scientific establishment does not know what an electromagnetic field is.

If you ask a scientist what an electromagnetic field is, 99% will say “it is a fundamental entity, it’s not made of anything else, it just is what it is.” They leave that question to philosophers because they cannot answer it.

The fact that everything is an electromagnetic field means the mainstream physicalism science does not know what anything is.


You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A article.


In the future people will do most of their work within inner reality

You can time travel and explore unlimited inner reality. You can join us if you want to.

Thoughts create matter presents the Inner UN
Where the real work of solving world problems is done.



The United Nations

The United Nations represents the positive intents of our civilization and collective consciousness. It is a democratic ideal born of a collective vision or dream in 1945. The UN is a consortium: “…the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.”


Earth Network

Earth Network was born of a similar vision and effort to create a gathering place or consortium of ideas that best represent the positive intents of our civilization, individual and collective consciousness. You will see similarities between the UN mission and ours. The Altruism Code is our Constitution and internal science is our science. We work on a level where the real work of change is done.

Inner UN


Quantum entanglement is a violation of classic physics but not Internal Science.
An feature article.


William Eastwood autobiography & 50-year study
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The holographic universe says that the entire universe is enfolded in the psyche of each person. To express your highest level of intelligence, you have to admit that. Know that you are as intelligent as Einstein or anyone else. Everyone is because everyone is a portion of the one intelligence  that forms the universe itself. David Bohm called this the holomovement.

— William Eastwood


From us in the future

Thoughts create science from the future

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its easy to understand

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The Holographic Theory of Consciousness

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This book is larger than it appears in the image above.

The Solution book photo photograph WE
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Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!

Click book manufacturer to  purchase direct. Click the image below for our list of hard copy and eBooks to fund our mission to create a new kind of civilization. Click, I want the audiobook to make every day of my life the best day possible.


Thoughts Create Matter eBooks books An book list. 



Primary article concludes here.

Is Time Travel Possible? How Can I Explore My Inner Multidimensional Reality?

Copyright © 2022, 2023, By: William Eastwood


Categories: Is time travel possible? How can I explore my inner multidimensional reality? Multidimensional self time travel. Examples of the multidimensional self time travel though dimensions. Examples of a person travelling through inner multidimensional reality. What is supernatural psychic ability?

Time travel

Inner reality

Multidimensional time travel

Thoughts create matter

Thoughts create reality

New science

Non linear thinking

How to develop ESP ability

How to become a new scientist

 What is ESP?

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