The author of this article, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. This is documented in the public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science by William Eastwood.
- International Philosophy by William Eastwood.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP) by William Eastwood.
- The Inner UN by William Eastwood.
- by William Eastwood.
- The New Altruistic Movement by William Eastwood.
- An International Film by William Eastwood.
- Online Free Course & Daily Affirmations-by William Eastwood.
- 30 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
UFO REPORT: What Are UFO’s Actually? Nature of, Protection From & Is There a Risk of Danger?
- What are UFO’s actually?
- What is the nature of UFO’s, is there a risk of danger from them and do we need protection?
- Do other dimensions exist?
Scroll down for answers.
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ROUND ONE of the new intelligence test!.
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.
What is the UFO report?
Former National Intelligence Director John Ratcliffe says the Pentagon has many reports about UFO sightings that have not yet been declassified. Those reports are going to be made available to the public in June 2021.
People want to know what is going on. Do UFOs really exist? And if UFOs exist, what are they actually? I have observed UFOs and so have other family members and I also know what many UFOs are.

What are UFO’s actually?

UFO sightings are often consciousness technology craft from the future of our own civilization visiting the past. A UFO sighting is the mind’s interpretation of an actual consciousness entering this dimension, building up a molecular structure and then departing.
We form our reality (what we see) according to our beliefs, and so each culture will see what they believe is there. This is the same thing that happens in near-death experiences; we see whatever we believe exists according to our worldview because our beliefs create our reality. But UFOs are there.
Quantum physics has changed our understanding. Nothing is what it seems.
The Pentagon has released UFO reports. The U.S. Navy released three videos that show UFOs are genuine.
The Solution
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The most recent editions of Earth Network books are made available first at—a trusted, major U.S. book seller—before going to all other retailers. To ensure you get the latest version, buy through
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The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.
It is all here, in the solution.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
What is the nature of UFO’s, is there a risk of danger from them and do we need protection?

What is the nature of UFO’s? Is there a risk of danger from them and do we need protection? The nature of some UFO’s poses some risk of danger and we do need protection. However, most are protecting ourselves from ourselves. UFO’s are us in the future coming back to make sure we do not destroy ourselves and helping us to succeed.
UFO’s cannot sustain their presence for long because they are building up physical form from consciousness as they peer into our world. Only consciousness can pass through portals, vortex, or gateways to other worlds.
No physical object can pass between dimensions. Advanced sciences use consciousness as crafts. What we see are advanced consciousness technologies at work when we observe UFO’s.
The UFO crafts that have been reported do not last long because they are not native to our time-space dimension and great energy is expended just to maintain their material presence for a few seconds. (This is one of the reasons for lack of physical UFO evidence.)
In most cases these entries through portals are us in the future. In this century we will begin developing a consciousness science that will lead us to explore our past and multidimensional reality. In our future we will project into the past. At that time a probable past will file a UFO report of strange craft sightings.
This website is an advanced scientific site on consciousness and quantum physics.
The creator of Internal Science & International Philosophy

At age 12, Eastwood was convinced of what would soon become a new paradigm in science. Rather than appease professors and become acclaimed in orthodoxy, he took a course that would align himself with ordinary people everywhere. Although continuing his efforts to reduce fossil fuel emissions in the United States (and graduating in advanced solar technology at 18), he changed his direction in a call to help people everywhere. His efforts met with opposition.
The incredible life-threatening ordeal he went through is part of a movie script. The revenue from book sales will help us to get the story out.
Life, family tree and achievements

At age 12, Eastwood was successful applying the principles of Internal Science and International Philosophy.
Who is William Eastwood?
Article by Camille Flores.
Have you ever felt like the solutions offered by conventional wisdom just don’t cut it? That perhaps there’s a different perspective, a fresh approach waiting to be explored? Meet William Eastwood, an iconoclast whose revolutionary insights are changing the game in personal empowerment and problem-solving.
So, who exactly is William Eastwood? Imagine a mind that embarked on a journey of discovery at just 13 years old, working alongside a Yale University professor on a secret invention. Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges.
What sets Eastwood apart is his unwavering commitment to unveiling truths that traditional paradigms overlook. His extensive research has led to the creation of Internal Science and International Philosophy, paving the way for individuals like you to manifest your deepest desires and tackle life’s hurdles head-on.
But why should you listen to him? Because Eastwood’s work isn’t just theory—it’s practical, transformative, and backed by decades of meticulous study. His collection of groundbreaking books, the culmination of 50 years of research, is a treasure trove of insights, tips, and secrets designed to empower you to create the reality you envision. —Camille Flores, The Edge Magazine.
William Eastwood
“Early in my life I worked in solar energy and bought three large homes while I was learning. In early adulthood I was living in paradise, travelling from beaches in Connecticut to those on the Gulf Coast.
“I loved learning and had to know everything. I learned early on that what was taught in public school was incorrect. There were no college courses teaching what I was studying and so I set out on my own. Eventually I created Internal Science and International Philosophy.
“I always had a strong desire to share what I was learning with the world, to solve public problems and help people achieve their goals and dreams. After many years of studies and preparation, I founded Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc, in August of 2000. Then, something unexpected happened.”

William Eastwood was a child music prodigy, and an inventor of solar energy systems. He founded the altruistic movement, and has always been an empath, philosopher, researcher and new scientist. Currently he is a political oracle, founder of Internal Science and International Philosophy, a–movie screenwriter, author of 25 books, and a modern alchemist who uses his consciousness to create gold and much more.
“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.”
— Albert Einstein.
After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.
“The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low-minded person.”
— Albert Einstein.
Eastwood’s international philosophy is a unique scientific paradigm that recognizes the power and good in all people. His current websites and many positive books speak loudly of his unrelenting efforts to help humanity, and his intent to assist people in realizing their “unlimited” power and potential to improve their lives and the future of our civilization.

Yes, many top scientists do.
However, the entire established field of science is based on the great modern myth of physicalism. This is true for our entire civilization.
There are increasing numbers of top scientists, especially quantum physicists, many of whom have managed to free themselves from collective hypnosis. The rest of the world is going by myths that create a nightmare.
“Science is schizophrenic: The arms and legs of the body of science [the various fields of science] don’t listen to the head (the physicists who reveal the nature of reality, [i.e. quantum mechanics].”
— William Eastwood.
“The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.”
— Albert Einstein
You are a multi-dimensional consciousness. You existed before the physical universe was created. You helped to form it.
At deep inner levels you awaken to who you really are. Late at night in deep levels of sleep, you awaken to your true identity, the self that participated in the creation of the earth. This is the aspect of yourself that decided you should be born. This is your true identity.

Internal Science
Suppose reality was a tree. External Science studies the part of the tree above ground. Because it can’t see the roots, it does not believe they exist, and as a result, it does not study them. Internal Science, however, knows the roots exist.
The analogy is an understatement because physical reality is a mirage, a kind of optical illusion, a projection of consciousness. The true reality is internal. Internal Science is the study of the reality behind the illusion and the projection of inner reality into physical events and objects.
The only reality is an infinite present moment that contains an infinity of probable events. You are a portion of an infinite web of probable selves. Your smallest thought and emotion alters the connections between you and other probable realities. International Philosophy is the art and science of applying your thoughts to navigate through probabilities to the most desirable outcome.
Internal Science recognizes that all that exists is consciousness. Consciousness creates all realities. Only consciousness can penetrate consciousness. The tools of the scientific method cannot. Do not look for long equations on a blackboard. Internal Science is completely different that conventional science. It doesn’t rely on equations and it does not require an extensive education.
All knowledge is within you.

International Philosophy
International Philosophy deals with any subject psychology covers, but it is based on Internal Science rather than physicalism. If you want to know how to be happy, find love, live longer, stay healthy, manifest success, etc., you need International Philosophy because it reveals that you are basically good and you can trust yourself and your integrity.
“Everything from inflation and division to school shootings are a natural outcropping of false science myths. (An inaccurate premise within mainstream science.)”
— William Eastwood.

Internal Science and International Philosophy represent the only viable unifying principle for humanity.
All of a person’s beliefs are organized around their philosophical view of reality which usually consists of up to three core beliefs. If they question a core belief, their entire worldview can come into question.
An array of secondary beliefs stem from and support each core belief. If you threaten the core belief, you threaten all the other beliefs attached to it.
It is a survival instinct to defend one’s worldview. A person’s worldview determines their effectiveness. If it turns out to be wrong, the strength of their convictions lessen and they lose power to create along the lines of their main beliefs. They may also become confused and begin to question everything they have taken for granted. Conflicting beliefs can cause psychological chaos and a stalemate, preventing a person from acting consistently and effectively and manifesting anything or achieving goals. Usually such a period of confusion is brief. A new unifying principle can be used to restructure the mind along new lines.

Suggesting a person’s core belief may be wrong will often lead to an argument. To have someone suggest that your core beliefs are inaccurate may feel like an attack. It may be interpreted to be a threat to your integrity and value as a person.
Most people and men especially, often equate their intellect with who and what they are. In their mind, to attack their intellectual prowess is to attack their ego and the rightness of who they perceive themselves to be.
When we are born, we adopt the worldview of our parents until we are ready to form our own worldview. We need a worldview to function effectively, and it’s how we create our reality. At about thirteen, we become independent in our thinking and pull away from parental support. We create our own worldview.
You live in your worldview. When you internalize a worldview from society, science or religion, you make it your own. People want and need to believe what they were taught, but what they learned in virtually all cases is based on sixteenth-century science which Nobel Prize winner’s findings and quantum physics proves wrong.
Internal Science and International Philosophy are not physicalism or what society embraces, at least not yet at the time of this writing. We are presenting a whole new way of looking at reality. People need time to change beliefs. You can’t pull the rug out from under them, they need to make the changes internally on their own at a pace that works for them. A lot of repetition of new concepts is usually required to move from one worldview to another, and the process can take years to complete.
If a person wants to change their worldview, it is important to make a clear and concise decision to do so. They can then use affirmations to make a smooth transition to the new preferred worldview. They will then glean the benefits of new and more positive beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
I have originated a series of affirmations to displace inaccurate cultural beliefs with accurate and constructive beliefs that will allow you to have the most positive experiences possible. If you train your mind in the way these affirmations guide you to do, you will avoid costly mistakes, conflicting beliefs and the repetition of negative experiences. With the right worldview, you can manifest high quality and fulfilling experiences in this life and after.

Daily Affirmation and guidance pages
With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.
- daily affirmations. You are on this site.
- daily affirmations.
- daily affirmations.
- daily affirmations.
My daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don’t go to this page, don’t follow your intuition, or don’t apply the principles, nothing will happen.

The Rosenthal Effect reveals that the beliefs of scientists conducting experiments affect outcomes even in controlled experiments. This is because experienced reality is a holographic projection of a person’s beliefs. This applies equally to everyone.
Formal education is scripting in collective myths
It is not necessarily wise to ask an expert for the answer to the big questions, such as, ‘what is consciousness and reality?’ Here’s the reason: Most professionals base their theories and ‘knowledge’ on many years of formal education, yet formal education is scripting in collective myth.

Professionals must endure far more formal education than most people, and formal education requires that they pass exams that prove they are scripted in myth in order to be legally designated as an expert in their field! For this reason, most experts are biased in favor of physicalism. This myth is slow to be challenged within academic circles and tends to be locked in place within society as a result.
The greater your formal education, the greater your conviction in the generally held worldviews. This applies to lawyers, doctors, psychologists and many other authorities.
Outdated mainstream science, academia and psychology underlie almost all of our current personal and collective problems from school shootings and political dysfunction to the inability of ordinary people to live happy and successful lives.
The only reason why Einstein and a few top physicists speak the truth is because they are such intellectual giants that the scientific establishment does not dare attack them
- “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.
- “The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.
- “Education is not the learning of facts, it’s rather the training of the mind to think. “
— Albert Einstein

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Are time and space an illusion?
Yes, time and space are an illusion. Einstein believed time was an illusion. The theory of relativity shows that time and space are not absolute.
You create the past from the present moment. You choose your past according to your current beliefs. The past is a projection from the present and is no more and no less real than the future.
The present moment is a range of perception.
Is this the only reality?
This is not the only reality. Other realities exist and you have experiences in many other realities. The human soul is multidimensional.
You can experience the past and you can even change it. You can experience other times, dimensions and realities.
"You cannot understand the universe if you do not take into account the source of that universe. Electrons are projections. Traditional science moves electrons around like children playing with blocks, whereas Internal Science gives us an understanding of how to create electrons, which is a far more valuable thing to know."
— William Eastwood.
David Bohm (the most influential physicist of the 20th century)
Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the "Implicate order," which Eastwood says is projected by the brain and five senses into the universe.
Hugh Everett III (originator of Many-Worlds theory)
[The Many-Worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.
—Hugh Everett III
Combine these two views for Internal Science and International Philosophy.
The problem is the scientific ego, not lack of evidence
There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science than physicalism.
Scientists need to get their blocks in order
I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive blessings.
The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.
The ego of a scientist is the only problem, not lack of evidence. The evidence that shows that thoughts create matter is everywhere. You just have to be willing to look.
A philosophy of personal power
Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.
Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.
- You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
- Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
- Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
- Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
- You are in your own hologram.
"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."
— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.
What does that statement mean?
It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally.
Do other dimensions exist?
Yes, infinite other dimensions exists. I call them probabilities. There are many versions of you in other probable realities or dimensions of existence.
Hugh Everett’s many worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics indicates other worlds are created with each decision we make.
What is a portal or vortex, or a gateway to another world?

A portal or vortex are points in time-space where more than one time period or dimension intersect. These points in time and space offer the opportunity for travel from one time and dimension to another—from our time-space to other points in time-space.
Multidimensions are scientifically validated at the highest levels of science.

What is our multidimensional reality?

Brain scientists have discovered what many ancient traditions have maintained to be true—our human existence is multidimensional. Many-worlds interpretation of quantum mechanics by Hugh Everett supports this premise, as does many findings of quantum physics.
Brain scientists have also discovered that the brain has multidimensional access capability. Click below for more information on one of our four affiliated sites.

Quantum physics findings that supporting what is happening at Skinwalker Ranch include the collapsing wave function, the entire body of quantum mechanics, the double slit experiment, the implications of Bell’s theorem (reality is non-local), the paradigm of David Bohm’s holographic reality and more.
We know that quantum particles and consciousness can pass through solid barriers. A particle can disappear in time-space and then reappear at another point in time-space. This is scientifically observed and is called quantum tunneling.
New Affirmations Every Day of the Week
UFO’S are us in the future projecting consciousness through a portal, vortex or gateway to this dimension. To understand this requires some knowledge of multidimensional reality and the new scientific paradigm.
Electrons actually exist in many dimensions simultaneously. When an electron blinks off here it blinks on in another frequency or reality. This happens many millions of times per second. We skip over the gaps when the electron is not pulsing into this frequency. Other dimension skip over the electron as it pulses into this reality. When the electron is on in this frequency it is off in theirs. For this reason, the matter around you exist simultaneously in infinite dimensions.

There are certain points in space and time where these dimensions overlap. These points, be they called portals, vortices, gateways, wormholes or coordination points, provide access from one dimension to another.
Consciousness Definition & Nature
An ongoing true saga and battle for earth (soon to be in a revolutionary film)
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