How Can I Use Metaphysics Conscious Co-Creation Manifesting to Change My Life Situation?

Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.





How Can I Use Metaphysics to Change My Life Situation? Conscious Co-Creation Manifesting

  • How can I use metaphysics to change my life situation?
  • What is conscious co-creation manifesting?
  • How can I use metaphysics conscious co-creation manifesting?

I will answer these questions now.


“Conscious co-creation manifesting is working with your higher power, by whatever name you go by. You can learn how to use metaphysics to change your life situation.”

— William Eastwood.

Eastwood is the founder of International Philosophy and Internal Science, the Inner UN and the Altruistic Movement.

How Can I Use Metaphysics to Change My Life Situation? UN Conscious Co-Creation Manifesting
The Inner UN.


How can I use metaphysics to change my life situation?

How Can I Use Metaphysics to Change My Life Situation? WE. Conscious Co-Creation Manifesting
William Eastwood.

Conscious co-creation manifesting is working with your higher power, by whatever name you go by. You can learn how to use metaphysics to change your life situation. 

Ask for what you want.  Be as precise as you can. The universe loves clarity. Then visualize and affirm that you already have it. Live in the feeling of the wish-fulfilled. The process of doing this will activate powerful resources possessed by your inner self and the universe. The universe will rearrange itself to bring you your desire.

The actions you will need to take will come from natural inspiration. Do not force yourself to do things that you do not want to do unless it is a necessity such as a job to pay the bills. You do not have to know how your goal will be created, only that it will. 

The  universe will take care of all the details. There is a time-lag between when you set a goal and when it is manifested. During this time you should stay as positive or inspired as possible all the time.

I recommend that you visit our daily affirmation blog at least several times a week. This enables you to refresh whatever affirmations you are using and remind yourself of the most important principles to carry you through to completion. I know from experience conscious co-creation works. 

Mastery of your thoughts does take time. We usually go through a long process as we learn to apply the principles of conscious co-creation and metaphysical manifesting. We are following a worldview that is completely different from what we were taught. This requires changing many beliefs and ways of doing things. The mind must be re-educated and your thinking habits and attitudes must be changed. Surround yourself with educational material and reminders of what you are setting out to achieve.

An understanding of the science will reinforce your belief that these principles can work to bring you what you want in life. If you don’t understand the following, read it anyway. Some part of you does understand. Eventually you will comprehend it and this will make mastery much more likely.



The holographic theory of consciousness gives us a new perspective on the nature of existence



The science of David Bohm leads to a different picture of reality with new principles and methods of achieving goals..


International Philosophy does the rest


The 21st century's most influential theoretical physicist gives us "the holographic theory of consciousness"

David Bohm, Einstein's friend and one of the most important 20th century physicists that said there is not sharp distinction between thoughts and matter
Einstein's friend, David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer — tells us that our physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.




"The holographic theory of consciousness is largely derived from the science paradigm of David Bohm. The science and its implications are made easy to understand and apply in your life with "International Philosophy."

— William Eastwood.


Simplification into a practical life philosophy

Thoughts can and do create reality the holographic universe paradigm.
William Eastwood lived his life according to the holographic universe paradigm.

I have simplified the science into its most important practical insights that you can use to create what you want in life. "International Philosophy" gives you simple terms and guidance that is easy to understand in any language.

Read more... (The holographic theory of consciousness.)

Read more... (The simplified International Philosophy; a practical life philosophy that can be easily understood in any language.)



You are creating your life in another location according to what you believe, think and feel (right now, right here, as you read this)

Thoughts create matter: A virtual reality headset
Virtual reality headset.

Imagine that in your living room you put on a holographic headset. At the click of a switch, you seem to no longer be in your living room.

Your senses are now telling you that you are actually on a tropical beach. As you reach down to touch the imaginary sand, sensor pads in gloves you are wearing give the sensation of pressure on your fingers.

This is an analogy to explain the purpose of your body and brain. Your body and brain are like a holographic headset that allows you to perceive a 3D movie you call your life.

You are not moving through time and space from birth to death―THAT IS THE PROJECTION YOU ARE CREATING.

If you do not see the objects behind you, they do not exist physically. There is a field of infinite probabilities behind you. When you turn to see what is there, you collapse one specific probability from an infinite range of probable events.




When you become aware of how you are creating your reality, you can learn how easy it is to change the station.

You exist in a greater field of infinite probabilities, from which you select what you will experience as real in tomorrow's events. Through the natural law of attraction combined with proper beliefs, you can change your life in dramatic ways. You can learn to select events using affirmations.

Read more... (William Eastwood, International Philosophy.)


A philosophy that works like MAGIC!





“Conscious co-creation manifesting is working with your higher power, by whatever name you go by. You can learn how to use metaphysics to change your life situation.”

— William Eastwood.


You can use metaphysics to change your life situation simply by being positive. Manifesting is as easy or hard as you make it. By learning the metaphysical principles given on this site you can change anything less than ideal in your life situation.

First and foremost it is necessary to understand that both thoughts and matter are electromagnetic energy. Physical action is simply thought in motion within physical reality. To change your life situation, resolve to change both thoughts and actions.



"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with the simple principles given in our free articles and books written by someone who has been researching an applying the techniques for over 45 years.




"All my books are focused on the most important thing to know in life

"How you can create what you want in life in a much easier way than we were all taught."

— Eastwood



Thoughts can and do create matter How to create anything list of books for EN.
Click here to learn more about the books direct from the manufacturer.



  1. There is no singular, one-world time-line.
  2. You do not progress in a linear manner within time from birth to death.
  3. You are not a three-dimensional self moving through a three-dimensional world from birth to death.
  4. You and the world do not exist that way.


Click here to learn more!

How your thoughts create reality and can form matter articles

How can I use metaphysics to change my life situation? Conscious co-creation manifesting is your answer.


What is conscious co-creation manifesting?

Conscious co-creation manifesting is the process of using your thinking process in conjunction with your own inner intelligence to manifest what you want in life. Co-creation denotes working with the inner self, which is a center of intelligence below the subconscious.


DISCOVER MAGAZINE Life Creates the Cosmos


Because events are formed at this deeper level of consciousness, it makes sense to cooperate with what goes on at this level and to open channels of communication to receive helpful guidance and information to assist you in manifesting what you want in your life.


A website articles.


Click on image to learn more.


Non-Classical Physics Thoughts ARE Reality


“Conscious co-creation manifesting is working with your higher power, by whatever name you go by. You can learn how to use metaphysics to change your life situation.”

— William Eastwood.



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How can I use metaphysics conscious co-creation manifesting?

You can use metaphysics conscious co-creation manifesting by dwelling on the feeling of the wish fulfilled and then acting on your intuition. Because thoughts create matter, thinking from the end creates what you want on inner levels of consciousness. By listening to intuition and taking the proper steps based on inner guidance you can facilitate what you are imagining fulfilled.

There is an art and science I have tested and applied for over 45-years. It is largely unknown because everyone was learning the wrong paradigm while I was studying metaphysical conscious co-creation manifesting in depth for over four decades.

Metaphysics conscious co-creation for change

Is your life anything like Groundhog Day?

Is your life an endless and monotonous loop of the same events, people or job day in and day out? In the movie Groundhog Day,  the main character, weatherman Phil Connors, wakes up every morning and it is the same day again — a repeat of the ridiculous Groundhog Day he experienced yesterday!

Phil cannot escape Groundhog Day. So, he does what most people would do, he gets really upset and fights it, but nothing seems to work. No matter what he does, it all starts all over again at 6:00 every morning.

This is Your Invitation to TOMORROWLAND


Being trapped in the same negative experience for a long time can drive a person mad. But it is unnecessary. There is nothing you must endure. There is a reason why probabilities can repeat like a broken record. Once you know why probabilities repeat you can solve your problems and stop it from happening.


The movie Groundhog Day shows us a common mistake most of us make early in life when we don’t get it. Many people don’t ever get it, and spend their life seemingly jinxed and stuck.

Things never get better, and just when they think everything is about to change something even worse happens.

Having a reactive mind and getting angry or pouting ―having a negative attitude―is usually what drives repeating probabilities. For other people it may also be fear, any of an infinite number of beliefs or an inability or refusal to comprehend the true nature of reality.

Trying to change reality from the outside ONLY, rarely works. The only truly effective way to change the outer world is to change yourself.

Change what you project in beliefs, thoughts and emotions and your life will change. Strong attitudes and emotions in particular, powerfully affect events.

Phil gets angry

Before Phil figures out what works, he rails at his predicament. But this only leads to frustration. A negative attitude is always reflected back at you as disturbing people and events.

Being highly emotionally reactive pumps energy into the inner vortex of the problem and causes it to blow up in your face almost immediately. This is because your beliefs, thoughts and emotions are energy that interacts with the fields of energy that form events.

When Phil begins to see the glass as half full rather than half empty things getter better for a little while. But because he attempts to exploit his situation and to manipulate people and events for egotistical reasons he has limited power. He never gets the girl because he can’t control what other people do.

He is not working with reality or his inner self as the term “co-creation” denotes. He is trying to control what people do from the outside, and that either doesn’t work at all or backfires in his face.


A website article.


A website article.


“Conscious co-creation manifesting is working with your higher power, by whatever name you go by. You can learn how to use metaphysics to change your life situation.”

— William Eastwood.



For consistency of accurate material.

An article.

Thoughts create matter home page
You are on this site.

Mind forms matter creates reality website

Collect Hawaii Eastwood fine art & products

William Eastwood website author scientist philosopher alchemist

Mind Over Matter Power thoughts consciousness create physical reality

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Daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.



How to create what you want manifest now

Thoughts create matter presents the holographic universe by William Eastwood

Thoughts can and do create matter and reality.

Belief projection theory by William Eastwood internal science by WE

how to use the secret law of attraction to create what you want in life

Thoughts create matter presents a new science. Internal Science

Thoughts create matter presents: How to create a miracle.

How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You

Your thoughts create your reality

Guaranteed Income for everyone in the world

Manifest money now Help me to promote this site William Eastwood work assistance life purpose

How to navigate probabilities probable selves

Thoughts can and do create matter and time.


International Philosophy William Eastwood: Your thoughts create your reality
A website article.



Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


How can I use metaphysics to change my life situation? Conscious co-creation manifesting.


How Can I Use Metaphysics Effectively?  How Do I Use Conscious Co-Creation?  Principles of Manifesting.  How to Change My Life.  Scientific Principles


How to influence people effectively

The way to influence people is through inner channels, your inner emotional state and thought activity. The inner self is connected to others through inner telepathic channels of influence. People do pick up your positive and negative thoughts about them. They can intuitively sense if you are thinking about them or not.

Emotional stability

When one is calm, happy and feeling powerful other people know it. If you think positive thoughts about a person, they will react by feeling good when they are with you.

If they are egotistically seeking to dominate you, however, they may try to pray on your kindness. When you pull away from a person and don’t need them they are drawn toward you.

After trying everything, even suicide, and when all hope is lost, Phil resolves to develop his talents, work on himself and help people. That works. He becomes a hero, and everyone loves him.

This is the secret. Work on yourself and your life will change for the better. Because Phil is in alignment with universal principles and the intents of his inner self he stops the endless loop and he gets to live his wildest dreams. His inner self stops sending him back to Groundhog Day.

The movie shows us that the only way to break free of a repeating probability is to change yourself and your thinking. You can’t change anything by trying to fix people or reality. Reality is not broken.


If existence is a manifestation of consciousness and that consciousness is creative and good, so are you, because that is what you are made of.


Header for You Are a Beautiful Person book

Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


A complete course with everything you need to know to create what you want in life that emphasizes the fact that your spirit is altruistic.



You are a beautiful person book ebook by William Eastwood


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Change yourself to change your reality

Be kind

The only thing that breaks Phil Connors free of the disturbing feedback loop is a genuine change of heart. This is like the Golden Rule and is a basic rule of existence.

The movie doesn’t explain why this works, only that it does. You could be in an entirely different situation than Phil. You could be a positive and kind person who has developed your talents and you could still seem to be victimized by people or circumstances.


Where Do We Create Our Reality?


This could be happening to you because a simple belief or an inability or refusal to comprehend the true nature of reality. It is something in you that is a strong constant because it is creating a repeating problem.

This is where my work comes in. This website will introduce you to the true mechanisms creating events. Events are always a reflection of something that is going on inside of us.

Contemporary society usually directs you to the wrong information about reality (like the man that hijacked Tomorrowland in my next example).


The connection between mind and matter is blatantly obvious

The proof and facts are right in front of us
The primary myth that arises from materialism, which is reinforced by Darwinism, is that thoughts and physical events are two distinct entities. Nothing could be more untrue. Quantum mechanic’s matter-waves reveal a link between mind and matter. So does the placebo effect.

Your beliefs create your reality, literally. Your conscious beliefs create your immediate reality. If you change your beliefs, thoughts and emotions right now, your reality will immediately begin to change.


How Can or Do Thoughts Create Matter, Events, Reality?


THE SOLUTION Content & Review

Principles of reality

When you are driving across country and enter a small town the speed limit may change. The laws and rules are different depending on where you are. Reality is the same way.

The mechanistic Newtonian view of reality applies only to local illusions (time-space camouflage). The greater reality that contains our local system of time-space operates by entirely different rules and laws. These are the laws that govern your mind, probabilities, co-creation and manifesting.

These are easy to understand if you are willing to consider them. I first learned them from “Seth Speaks,” a book by Jane Roberts. Since I picked up that book in 1970, I have studied some very advanced material every day of my life.

In a manner of speaking, by reminding people of their integrity and how good their future can be, I am like the scientists in Tomorrowland who send out invitations to preview an ideal future it is still not too late to create.


Your invitation to Tomorrowland

In the movie, Tomorrowland, there is an inner dimension where people can go by invitation to preview a fantastic probable future for humanity. This preview is like a dream. It is created in the same way events are actually created, by a kind of holographic projection.

This beautiful preview of the future is called Tomorrowland. The idea is that all the people of the earth are going to be invited to Tomorrowland. That is, before something goes wrong.

Tomorrowland can only be reached by leaving time-space and entering another dimension. The better future is previewed by invitation and this helps people to believe in it and thus create it (a self-fulfilling prophecy).

The belief in the positive future will bring that probability about, whereas a belief in the negative future will bring the negative future about.


It is still not too late to create Tomorrowland.


Tomorrowland is hijacked. In the movie, Tomorrowland is hijacked by a man who instead of sending invitations to come see the amazing future as depicted in Tomorrowland, transmits a signal to people on the earth depicting calamity and the immediate destruction of humanity.

Like the doomsday movies that are so popular nowadays, in the movie Tomorrowland, everyone on earth is hypnotized by this negative “preview” and comes to believe the earth is going to end. The belief itself drives the whole affair and insures the horrific outcome.

The probability of imminent disaster is locked in place by everyone focusing on the doomsday prediction.

The signal the “negative man” transmits to the people of the earth contains an image of a probable future in which nuclear war and climate change occur.

Death for everyone is thought to be imminent and unavoidable.

As long as people are hypnotized by his vision of a cataclysmic future, it is a self-fulfilling prophecy.


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Science is beginning to realize that our beliefs (also called expectations or faith) form our reality. Medical research now shows the effect of an expectation on health.

Good or bad, (placebo or nocebo), our assumptions and expectations materialize as our reality. And this is the message in the Tomorrowland movie. article.

Our thoughts are a self-fulfilling prophecy

There are two wolves. One represents darkness and despair. The other represents hope and light (positive expectation and optimism). The two wolves are always fighting in your mind. Which wolf wins?


Answer: The one you feed.

The future you will experience depends on which wolf you feed.

The reason why can be understood by understanding the basics about reality.

Many-worlds interpretation of quantum physics is not just a theory. Probable worlds are real, and you exist within them. If it wasn’t for probabilities you wouldn’t even have a sense of choice. There are many probable futures you can experience.

Both good and bad futures like the ones depicted in the Tomorrowland movie are available to humanity to experience. They are equally valid. Some people will enter the future of calamity and others will enter the beautiful future. It is about self-fulfilling prophecy.

Which one you enter depends on what you believe and focus on. Events are energy and you literally feed negative probable events with negative thought and emotional energy. Or you feed positive probable events with a positive attitude and imagination.

In the movie and in real-life, the way to bring about the better future is to first stop listening to people who think humanity is evil and their message that disaster and calamity is imminent. In the movie the world’s smartest scientists and visionaries set out to recruit a network of dreamers to invite the people of earth to Tomorrowland (to see the positive future probability they can create by believing in it).

If you understand reality you can be like the scientists who built Tomorrowland. Once you understand how reality is created it becomes obvious what must be done.

Once you understand that reality is not solid, but is a projection of your beliefs, thoughts and emotions, then you are like the scientists who built Tomorrowland. You know what to do to save yourself and humanity from the many disasters that could otherwise occur.

In a way, everything I am doing is an invitation to Tomorrowland. This website is an invitation for you to see how good your life will be in the future when you understand reality and the control you have over your life.


Click on image to learn more.



Albert Einstein.


“As our circle of knowledge expands, so does the circumference of darkness surrounding it.”

― Albert Einstein




The Altruism Code book your protection how you think new world constitution by Eastwood William

The Altruism Code

Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now.

The purpose of "The Altruism Code" is to transform people and regions from the bottom up until we have a new earth.

The Altruism Code is the first and necessary step any individual must take to become so positive that nothing negative can enter their life or touch them.

Civilization is in transition. Great sweeping changes are taking place. Negativity and degradation are out of control. The world is in a downward spiral. The Altruism Code stops it all now, first for you and then for everyone.


Altruism Code - Your Protection by William Eastwood thoughts create matter mind




How can I use metaphysical principles?

First you must understand reality. Matter is a manifestation of consciousness. It is necessary to understand the principles of conscious creation in order to manifest what you want in your life.

Physical reality is composed of non-physical fields of energy. The energy is consciousness.


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The floors of your house are not solid

For a few centuries, scientists believed the universe was composed of solid particles.

Now physicists tell us the universe is a field of non-physical energy.

Everything is a part of this field of energy, including you.



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An article.

Thoughts create matter home page
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Mind forms matter creates reality website

Collect Hawaii Eastwood fine art & products

William Eastwood website author scientist philosopher alchemist

Mind Over Matter Power thoughts consciousness create physical reality

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Daily affirmations and guidance

Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.



How to create what you want manifest now

Thoughts create matter presents the holographic universe by William Eastwood

Thoughts can and do create matter and reality.

Belief projection theory by William Eastwood internal science by WE

how to use the secret law of attraction to create what you want in life

Thoughts create matter presents a new science. Internal Science

Thoughts create matter presents: How to create a miracle.

How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You

Your thoughts create your reality

Guaranteed Income for everyone in the world

Manifest money now Help me to promote this site William Eastwood work assistance life purpose

How to navigate probabilities probable selves

Thoughts can and do create matter and time.


International Philosophy William Eastwood: Your thoughts create your reality
A website article.



Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.



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All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


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