The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
- Internal Science.
- International Philosophy.
- Belief Projection Theory-(BP).
- The Inner UN.
- The Altruistic Movement.
- 25 books by William Eastwood.
- 500+ articles by William Eastwood.
- A free daily manifesting guide (manifest money, goals and desires).
- The New Scientist (time travel).
William Eastwood Empath & Visionary: What is The Dragon Slayer Book?
- Who is William Eastwood, empath and visionary?
- What is the dragon slayer book?
I will answer these questions now.
What is the dragon slayer prophecy?
When I was in my twenties, I wrote a book about my achievements in the future as if they had already happened. In this fictional book with a nonfiction message my name was “Teller,” and Teller had saved the world by diverting the human race from the dark future. Through the media and education Teller saved nations and helped millions.
The book was a prophecy. Since the book was titled “The Dragon Slayer,” the events foretold in the book are called “The Dragon Slayer Prophecy.”
Why is The Dragon Slayer Prophecy so important?
I sent a query to a literary agent in New York, and he wrote back that he was interested in the book. Because my writing skills were not that good, he didn’t take on the project and so I set the manuscript aside and had copies in my laptop.
The years passed and I had half forgotten about it. I had spent thousands of hours developing a plan to achieve my ambition of educating humanity. In 2000 I was blessed with unusual luck. I signed a contract with a wealthy investor, and I was on my way to altering the course of the human race.
But within days of founding the educational company the dragon attacked with ferocity you could not imagine that I do not even like to remember it is so bad. This was not a physical dragon, although I was physically assaulted and my computers with all my research and the unpublished “Dragon Slayer” manuscript was taken.
I entered the story as it was written in “The Dragon Slayer”
When the dragon attacked, I found myself in a different reality that was prophesized in the story I had written. I entered the story in “The Dragon Slayer!” I quickly realized that I would have to slay this beast to become the hero and save humanity. However, I was in trauma and this realization was not because I was remembering what was in my manuscript. I wouldn’t even remember that I wrote a book (manuscript) titled “The Dragon slayer” for years because I was too busy fighting dragons.
The Dragon Slayer Prophecy has been fulfilled
After achieving the seeming impossible, it appears that the dragon slayer prophecy has been fulfilled. The saga, however, is still unfolding and I am only now revealing what has taken place. It is truly an astounding account of actual events that took place and are still happening. So incredible are these events that I expect that this time around there will be a book and movie contract.
My writing has matured, and I am experienced and knowledgeable enough to fulfill the rest of the mission I wrote about in the original book. I don’t want to say too much because I don’t want to tell you what happens in the new book I am writing now, “The Dragon Slayer Prophecy,” and the film script I am working on.
Socrates was made to drink poison Hemlock as punishment for corrupting Athenian youth by teaching them to question the status quo. The Socrates school was burned to the ground.
“I learned the behavior and ways of dragons, how they think, their beliefs and methods of manipulation.”— William Eastwood.
- The dragon is not necessarily any one person.
- Power, authority and conviction do not belong to the dragon(s).
Get the real facts and untold true story about William Eastwood, empath, visionary and dragon slayer
Early on when I lived in a natural New England paradise as a child, my life was magical. Early on in my fantastic journey I discovered the secrets to everything in life. But then something so horrible and ugly entered my life that it was almost unbearable and unspeakable. I survived, however. It didn’t kill me. It didn’t get me either.
That “thing” thought the reverse of me. It was the opposition to my good and the world’s good, it was the “it.”
The secrets to everything in life that I had discovered didn’t exist to the “it.” The “thing” was a monster, a dragon that feasted on fear and suffering. It had many appendages, and it was invisibly woven into the fabric of our civilization. It existed within groups and individuals, and it was passed down from generation to generation. It wasn’t a conventional devil from religion, but something humans created that didn’t exist as an intrinsic portion of reality. It was a contrived beast, manufactured and sicced on people who threatened its existence.
The Dragon Slayer book was a prophecy which I wrote decades ago. I wrote a book about my life and what I would do. I would be the one to slay the dragons holding humanity back. In the book my name was “Teller.”
William Eastwood: Empath, Visionary & Dragon Slayer
I have always been an empath and visionary. It is at times almost unbearable for me to feel people’s beliefs and thoughts, particularly when I am dealing with “dragons.” That was especially true in my twenties when I wrote “Dragon Slayer.”
I could always feel the negativity and judgment inherent in a person’s belief system. I could sense the potential threat. Sometimes you have to burn the mission down to save yourself. Those who are disobedient to authoritarian power holders have all through history been “taken out” like the Knights Templar were.
I cannot bear the malice and hostility of people whose lives are devoted to degrading others.
Our civilization is based on degradation of humans, who are seen as being spoilers of the planet, animals gone insane, not worthy of the ground they walk on. Unfortunately, these core beliefs of the entire human race are self-fulfilling prophecy.
Knowing this as a youth, I therefore set myself up as being the dragon slayer. In my mind I fantasized about going up against these dark aspects as a good wizard may battle a dark wizard. I saw it as being a contest. It wasn’t going to be a blood bath, but a battle between dark and light, good energy and bad energy.
In an incredibly strange twist of events, the book I wrote fell into the wrong hands. Could the dark energy have seen this happening? Was it an attempt to stop the prophecy from being fulfilled?
Strange as it may seem, this appears to be what happened.
But power, authority and conviction do not belong to the dragon(s). It belongs to good knights and the heroes that challenge dragons, even those that don’t survive like Socrates and some of the Knights Templar.
Power, conviction and authority belongs to those who are good souls, aligned with the light and the goodness that will prevail and ensure that we avert the dark future and enter a new world that defines the human being as being pure goodness in spirit and deed.
I say “conviction” because conviction is what wins the battle. Conviction leads to coherency of thought. The energy wielded by coherency of thought is stronger than the dark energy because the dark energy is based on myths. Once you know that your beliefs, thoughts and emotions become more coherent.
Coherency is wave alignment or alignment of all your beliefs, thoughts and emotions. It’s what happens when you have no doubts, but only one set of facts that are aligned with the truth.
Coherency is explained in this article (click below to learn more).
In a Class of its Own
Something HUGE is about to happen
Author of EN and C = Ef = M
As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world's top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did.
See 1979 press interview on this site.
After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.
"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.
The result of Eastwood's research is an entirely new kind of science and philosophy!
In August of 2000, Eastwood founded the original Altruistic Movement.
45 days after founding Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc., agents in the government created a theory that I was a criminal because I offered to help a family that lived near Yale University. An elaborate theory of ulterior motive was created that the state claimed justified the seizure of all of my research and property, including stock certificates of my recently founded educational institution, and that was only the beginning of what was done to me. The state relied exclusively on hearsay of hearsay from a felon on parole for heroin distribution and cruelty to animals to make its claims that they then used against me even though the facts contradicted what they said happened. Portions of my research journals were read in court to appeal to the fears and biases of the public that represent the main problem I was bringing to the world's attention through the very institution I had just brought into existence that was being attacked.
I am not even allowed to say what happened. The court stipulations that were implemented forbade me from speaking out publicly about what really happened. Those restrictions are expiring, and this is why I am now beginning to reveal what has happened.
Public events are a product of the beliefs of those who create and experience them. Regressive forces and agencies in our world are a product of the beliefs of those who manifest them. What happened to me was a public event. I cannot be blamed for what is a reaction to my work based on mass beliefs on which millions are drifting toward destruction. Public fears and biases are real, or we wouldn't have certain public agencies that police and regulate us and so many obstacles to our happiness and success in the public world today.
The growing homelessness problem and overcrowded prisons are another set of problems that are a direct result of what I am trying to bring to people's attention.
I did willingly and proactively take on this project to liberate humanity when I founded Earth Network in August of 2000, and that action was what triggered the emergence of 'the dark energy' that is holding humanity back. What I am really up against are highly detrimental public myths about human nature and reality that go back thousands of years. Despite that, I am winning in that I have not been crushed but instead am setting the groundwork for a huge public demonstration, and so I will prevail. The prophecy is my own, and fulfilling it depends on the amount of support I get from those who are aware and have escaped these kinds of myths.
Your book purchase and/or donation via PayPal will help to fund the growing support of my mission and the movie (a film to change the world) that is underway to unite nations and aid global progress to transform society and save the earth.
Say thanks & help humanity
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"If you do good things, good things will happen to you."
— William Eastwood quote (and corresponding miracle) at age seven.
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"Thank you!"
— William Eastwood
"There is a real dragon that holds humanity back," but it is not the flesh and bones dragon of the Middle Ages." — William Eastwood
"The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film is going to be released, and when it is I will have achieved complete victory in my fight against those forces that hold humanity back, the ferocity of which pale in comparison to the mythical dragons of the Middle Ages." — William Eastwood
How do you judge a person?
To judge William Eastwood, look right here at this website, at his many free articles and work he is doing to help humanity.
William Eastwood is a political oracle, empath, music prodigy, self-made international philosopher, researcher and new scientist, founder of the altruistic movement, movie screenwriter and author of 25 books.
"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 Eastwood press interviewer.
A film to change the world
A highly educational film for all ages based on a true story.
"We have barely begun. Some big things are going to happen. We are laying the groundwork now."— William Eastwood.
After the attack of the dragon
I could not bear authoritarian beliefs, never mind the malice and hostility of people whose lives were devoted to degrading others. I was an educator living in alignment with the 50-year experiment as an altruistic consciousness, and they were destroyers.
I had no experience with dark energy or the ways of those who use the law to attack other humans. I am a descendant of King Henry II, who established the law of the land which we still use today. William the Conqueror made crimes committed against people into crimes committed against the state and we still use this incorrect assumption in our modern legal system. This is the reason why the state was able to come after me. Only the state was interested in punishing me for assisting humanity.
The system of laws fit the beliefs of the times, but it does not work in the new world. No one can be put in a cage in the new world. You can’t torture people anymore as they did to the Knights Templar. We have some legal protection from having that happen to us, but it doesn’t always work. Dragons will do anything to get their prey. They will cheat and lie and break all the rules. They will bend the rules and they will write new rules to gain power and authority over others. They will sell news stories to the public to gain the conviction of the public.
Now I am what I said I was in the book—”Teller the Dragon Slayer.”
“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds. The man with the greatest soul will always face the greatest war with the low minded person.”
― Albert Einstein
Our traditional beliefs about human nature create a downward spiral of thinking and behavior. However, as more and more people realize what is happening and abandon those beliefs, they begin climbing. Everything then changes in their lives.”
— Eastwood.
Your positive nature is your protection. It is also the basis for a new global constitution that reflects the facts of science and how the universe actually operates.
Beware of those who say otherwise.
The dragon is a liar
Power, authority and conviction do not belong to the dragon(s). The dragon is a liar. Human nature is good, not evil, tainted, sinful or perverted.
This is what I learned in the 50-year study. This is what the empath knows to be true with no doubt whatsoever. This is what gives good energy and conviction to the altruist’s beliefs and allows the good wizard to prevail over black magicians (not referring to race). Listen to your heart, it will tell you the truth.
The dragon is not a person. It enters into people and uses them as a vessel to do its dirty deeds. Black magicians cast spells on humans by planting ideas in the minds of the vulnerable. Doubts and fears arise out of degradation.
Beliefs are living. They are not like smoke or fog produced by the brain. They are alive and they behave in ways characteristic of their nature. Beliefs can spread from person to person and always manifest. Matter itself is composed of the energy of consciousness. Therefore, beliefs and ideas are extremely powerful. They can do much good or they can harm those who hold them.
Beliefs behave like people do socially
Beliefs are like people in that they have their own opinions. They attack their enemies and are magnetically drawn to others who are similar to themselves and similar in nature. They congregate, grow and seek power. They surround themselves with supporters and they seek support. They will sometimes deceive others in order to get that support and conviction.They know that conviction gets a conviction.
They operate in the same way schoolyard bullies do.
To fight off the dragon you must have equal or greater conviction. You don’t need the conviction of others, but when you are alone you make a great target for dragons.
His mission is to help you!
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Science with a heart and soul!
Free daily affirmations and guidance
The main article continues below.
"I worked for a Yale Professor at age 13 and owned three large homes on the coast of Maine by age 23 because International Philosophy works like magic."
— William Eastwood.
25 Books by William Eastwood
The main article resumes:
The human spirit is altruistic, and is not to be degraded
When I was about seven, I had the idea to clean up the trash along a beautiful country road. It was spring in the gorgeous shoreline colonial town of Madison, Connecticut, USA. After school I headed out behind my house with my best friend to a magical stretch of Opening Hill Road where I had seen a Tiger Lily as tall as I was.
I told my best friend what I wanted to do from my heart because I loved nature and the beauty of that winding country road. I even loved humanity.
I sold him on the idea by telling him “If you do good things, good things will happen to you.”
“The mediocre mind is incapable of understanding the man who refuses to bow blindly to conventional prejudices and chooses instead to express his opinions courageously and honestly.”
― Albert Einstein
Manifest environmental ambition at age 12
EASTWOOD: “I was not always confident. At age 12 I was a shy ‘nobody.’ Middle class with no advantages and introverted, I applied the principle that thoughts create matter using visualization. I imagined myself a great architect and solar inventor reducing America’s fossil fuel dependence and in the limelight.
“It all happened so fast that it made my head spin. Within three months I was on the entire front page of our local newspaper as ‘The Kid with the Sun in His Eyes.’
“By age 13 my solar homes were being built in my hometown. At 13 years old a Yale Professor called my mother to ask me to work on his solar invention. By 18 I had a contract with the American Supply Company. At the Capitol of the constitution state the eyes of the world were on me as I unveiled a full-scale model of my modular solar system at the annual energy exposition in Hartford Connecticut.
“I was so successful applying the principle “that thoughts create” that I set my goals higher. I had something more important to do.
What is the mission / message for humanity?
Was the mission derailed?
“Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible.”
― Albert Einstein
My early life was breathtaking and tremendously successful. So much so that I set out on a fantastic mission. At age 37 I formed a corporation to help humanity. Almost immediately everything changed.
The dragon got me
The strange thing about all of this is that I was attacked 45-days after I founded my organization to help humanity. It seemed as if the dragon knew I was coming and made a preemptive strike.
Socrates was made to drink poison Hemlock as punishment for corrupting Athenian youth by teaching them to question the status quo. The Socrates school was burned to the ground.
The dragon slayer book and theme were my idea
Long before any of this happened I was living on an island in southwest Florida in tropical paradise. It was there that I had a fantastic idea. I would write a book about my future self who would save the world!
This would be fiction, yet at the same time it was an exercise in metaphysics. Wizards always create from the future backwards. The idea is to create a vivid future scenario in imagination. From there one figures out what has to be done to arrive at that highly desirable destination.
So I devised the book and decided to call it “The Dragon Slayer.” My Future Self would be a hero who liberated humanity from the institutions that were holding the world back and preventing entry into a kind of beautiful future. The future as I described it was beyond imagining. It was fantastic.
But the book never made it to publication!
In the strangest of ways, reality connected with fantasy and I entered the probability that led to that future
The dragon got me and the book!
In my yet-to-be-published book titled the “The Dragon Slayer,” the main character, I named “Teller,” was my future self, “the dragon slayer.” The book was an exercise in focusing on the most desirable future probability and hence manifesting it in the physical world.
Some of the other characters were “Shimstar,” a friend, “Mileatha,” my partner, and “Knower,” my son.
Teller was meant to be an advanced probable version of myself in the future. This book I was writing was a projection into a probable future in which I was a dragon slayer because I had slayed the metaphysical dragons and institutional dragons holding the human race back from the ideal future in my visionary imagination.
That manuscript was confiscated and consequently never reached the public.
Our history is full of examples like this, from the mass torture and execution of the Knights Templar to the attempt to capture Martin Luther, and the arrest of Galileo Galilei.
Perhaps the most heroic, powerful and fiercest military order in history, the Knights Templar, was instantly destroyed by the identical form of ad hominem attack that was levied in full force against myself.
Read more (Knights Templar downfall)...
The ad hominem attack I endured was the same that was employed against the Knights Templar to insure their conviction. The strategy was to accuse them of crimes so heinous that no one would dare come to their rescue.
When I insisted on proving my innocence in a trial, no help came. The government forced an uneven playing field. The state, for example, rejected a professional corporate statistical analyst as a juror.
A statistical analyst would have exposed the physical impossibility of the state’s claim.
Apparently, my writing was modern day heresy, because that was what was focused on rather than the facts of the case.
Unlike the Templars, however, I not only survived my attacker’s ad hominem assault, but I am operating at the highest level of chivalry.
I am now the future self I envisioned whom I called the Dragon Slayer when I wrote the prophecy, and I am currently making a powerful effort to redirect the human race to a far better future.
“The Solution…” holds the answer to fulfilling personal dreams and solving the majority of humanity’s social problems.
What I am doing now is what I had predicted in the Dragon slayer book over 20 years ago.
The Solution
A huge book.
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The means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.
It is all here, in the solution.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."
— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
Galileo Galilei
Galileo’s discoveries were met with opposition within the Catholic Church. In 1616 the Inquisition declared his views to be formally heretical. His books were banned. and he was forbidden from holding, teaching or defending heliocentric ideas. In his 1633 interrogation, Galileo denied his beliefs to save himself. Galileo was kept under house arrest until his death in 1642. After 350 years the Vatican says Galileo was right. (Galileo.)
My philosophy has been tested and proven effective against powerful forces.
The beliefs of all participating in any given social event determine the shape and nature of that event. Anyone can create a personal paradise in isolation, but in order to change the world, we need to influence that world and that requires interaction. Once I entered into a public event, I could not force the outcome.
The ultimate result, however, resulted in a situation that was better than if the event had not taken place. And it served as an initiation into power and as well as a method to solve the problems I originally set out to solve. It also delayed me so that I would not initiate my mission prematurely before the world would be receptive.
Now that everything is in place, the prophecy may unfold. The world needs a dragon slayer to survive and go to the next level.
The mission and books are alive and well!
Take the higher path (by William Eastwood)
An eBook full of powerful links.
"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution." — Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC. (Two doctorate degrees.)
BRAND NEW EDITION: Published November, 2023.
RECOMMENDED: My most extensive eBook.
"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.
"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.
Maslow’s study of high achievers finds they possess unique qualities.
Self-actualized people resist enculturation
They do not allow themselves to be passively molded by culture — they are deliberate and make their own decisions, selecting what they see as good, and rejecting what they see as bad. They neither accept all, like a sheep, nor reject all, like the average rebel. Self-actualized people:
They “make up their own minds, come to their own decisions, are self-starters, are responsible for themselves and their own destinies. […] too many people do not make up their own minds, but have their minds made up for them by salesmen, advertisers, parents, propagandists, TV, newspapers and so on.”
Because of their self-decision, self-actualized people have codes of ethics that are individualized and autonomous rather than being dictated by society. “They are the most ethical of people even though their ethics are not necessarily the same as those of the people around them […because] the ordinary ethical behavior of the average person is largely conventional behavior rather than truly ethical behavior.”
The philosophy works. There is nothing more powerful than your own thoughts and emotions. What you desire will manifest no matter how powerful your opposition is, what lies people make up about you and how hard they work to stop you.
Make an investment in yourself and help the whole world!
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