Has Trump Been Arrested & For What? Was He Charged or Indicted for a Crime?

Thoughts create matter presents a film script writer
William Eastwood.

International Philosophy and Internal Science founder, William Eastwood, gives his reason why Trump persists and the science on which a solution can be based.

"We can get rid of Trump if we educate more people, do not fear him and do not focus on him."



Has Trump Been Arrested and For What? Was He Charged or Indicted for a Crime?

  • Has Trump been arrested or indicted?
  • Was Trump charged with a crime yet?
  • What was Trump arrested and indicted for?

I will answer these questions now.


“The world is a dangerous place to live, not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don’t do anything about it.”

― Albert Einstein


Trump has not yet been arrested or indicted as of 3/24/23.


Updated on 3/25/23:

Trump will be arrested VERY soon, here is the latest information.

Read more…


Updated on 3/22/23

Will America become a dictatorship by 2030? The United States Constitution does not prohibit candidates with criminal records from holding office.



Updated on 3/3/23:

Why hasn’t Trump been subpoenaed, indicted or in any way been held accountable for his crimes? We can’t blame the courts or the DOJ. It’s Trump himself we must look at. Trump’s beliefs give him immunity.

Beliefs do have energy and power to affect outcomes.

Trump’s immunity claim is a reflection of his beliefs. Trump has not yet been arrested because his belief system has given him immunity from the law. Now that his beliefs are challenged, so too are his protections. Subpoenas and indictments are in his future.

Who is suing Trump for January 6th? How has Trump’s beliefs protected him from prosecution?

Read more…


Tired of Trump, Putin and war?


Where we solve all world problems, including your own.

Inner UN where the work to solve world problems is done
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


This project is based on the Internal Science of the 20th century’s most influential theoretical physicist, David Bohm. Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer — gives us the science on which this humanitarian outreach is based.


Article resumes.


12/01/22 UPDATE:

South Carolina’s Supreme Court issued the ruling against Mark Meadows, former President Donald Trump’s White House chief of staff.

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis is investigating Trump’s efforts to overturn the election of Democrat Joe Biden is making progress in the investigation that could lead to Trump being indicted and arrested for his attempted coup. The Court upheld an earlier ruling by a lower court judge, finding Meadow’s arguments raised on appeal “to be manifestly without merit.”

Once the investigation is complete, the district attorney decides whether to seek an indictment from a grand jury. Meadows is in Trump’s inner circle and is an important step closer to the indictment and arrest of Trump.


Update on 11/28/22:

United States Attorney General Merrick Garland should have already indicted former U.S. President Donald J. Trump, and his decision to appoint a special counsel may have been a mistake.

It is becoming evident that the failure of Merrick Garland and the Department of Justice requires a systemic overhaul of the entire Justice System before Trump does it.

Read more…


Updated on 10/13/22:

TRUMP SUBPOENAED! Trump has been subpoenaed by the January 6th Committee. Can he be indicted or arrested if he refuses to comply?

Read more…


Has Trump been arrested or indicted yet?

Has Trump been arrested or indicted? Was Trump charged with a crime yet? What was Trump arrested and indicted for Jan 6 coup
Former U.S. President, Donald J. Trump.

Former U.S. President Donald J. Trump has not yet been arrested or indicted for a crime related to his attempted overthrow of the United States. The Department of Justice is prepared to indict and arrest U.S. President Donald J. Trump, but their work is confidential and so we don’t know when or if it will happen soon.

U.S. President Donald J. Trump will likely be indicted for conspiracy to obstruct Congress, 18 U.S.C. 1505 and conspiracy to defraud Congress, 923. 18 U.S.C. § 371 in relation to the effort to install fake electors. More charges will likely follow.

U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland does not have to start at the bottom and work his way up. If the evidence is at the top, he could start there rather than investigate a thousand others first. He does not want to make a single mistake, yet going too slow could be a big mistake. If we were at war, would we wait before taking action to make sure we did everything perfectly? If so, we would be in big trouble.

Garland has indicated that this is the largest investigation in U.S. history. This means nothing until he takes effective action.

Was Trump charged with a crime yet?

Not yet.

Trump was charged with crimes in the past but not yet related to January 6th. As soon as Trump is charged with a crime we will report it here. There are many reasons why he has not yet been charged with a crime reported on this website. The fact that he is still supported tells us that there is an underlying problem.



“Trump and his supporters are a clear and present threat to our democracy.”

— Highly respected Republican Judge J. Michael Luttig

They are planning on overthrowing the United States of America again in 2024.

[The efforts made to overturn the 2020 election] “…by the former president were the product of the most reckless, insidious, and calamitous failures in both legal and political judgment in American history.”

— Republican Judge J. Michael Luttig


EASTWOOD (predicted what is happening now years ago)

Donald Trump Book will be subpoenaed indicted arrested sent to prison
Trump will be sent to prison.

Trump reflects the cynicism of a growing body of people in America who degrade and destroy as a way of life.

People who degrade others as a way of dealing with their own frustrations blame the problems they cause on those they do not like. This book explains the real problem.




"Trump and Putin are symptoms of a bigger problem."

— William Eastwood, founder of:



William Eastwood Predictions: What to Expect in 2024, 2025 & Beyond
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.



CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES MATTER UN. Scientific Proof & Facts: Thoughts Create Matter
The Inner UN.

Thoughts can do create matter reset
Inner treasure.


Reset the world & yourself.





The chaos in the world today will likely get a lot worse before things get better. It's up to you to protect yourself. You cannot fix a problem that you do not understand.


Trump will be indicted and sent to prison prediction
The Inner UN.


The president of the United States says that Vladimir Putin may trigger a nuclear “Armageddon. A potentially catastrophic climate emergency threatens our very survival, democracies across the globe are under attack, the UN warns us of a coming world food shortage and the World Bank says a world recession looms.


Knowledge is power, and protection

The same thing that caused the great Indus civilization to collapse is causing our civilization to begin to fail. Western beliefs like those embodied by the former U.S. president and Vladimir Putin brought about the downfall of this early civilization.



Your consciousness creates your reality and your thoughts create matter
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.



What can be done when the world has become a cult?

Much of the world has been poisoned by destructive misconceptions about reality and human nature. People see what they want to see.

The many challenges facing humanity at this time — an overcrowded planet, climate change, war, food shortages, divisiveness, personal economic struggle, inflation, the pandemic, health issues, mental disorders and emotional suffering — are all a result of one thing.

"Everything people think and believe is projected into reality. Help us wake the world up and begin a new chapter in human history."

— William Eastwood.

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and his base represent a specific paradigm of beliefs. Trump has evaded prosecution because of his belief system. His beliefs form his reality.



Donald Trump Book will be subpoenaed indicted arrested sent to prison
Trump will be sent to prison.


In his book, Eastwood reveals the reasons why Trump has not yet gone to prisonIn 2020 Eastwood predictedthat Trump would eventually be indicted and sent to prison.





The drama we see playing out on the news is a scientific manifestation of collective beliefs. What happens to Trump himself is a product of an array of conscious and subconscious beliefs Trump holds.



The world is in a dangerous trance!
“If you want to be wrong, then follow the masses.”Socrates
If you want to clear your mind of all the negativity and inaccuracies, reset with my daily affirmation post.





BRAND NEW EDITION: Published November 26th, 2023.


50 years of research goes into every publication


Thoughts create matter presents The Solution ebook by William Eastwood EN
The eBook is now available.


A BRAND NEW EDITION: Published November 26th, 2023

RECOMMENDED: Our most extensive eBook.


"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights to help create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.


Take the higher path


"The Solution..." tells you exactly how to create wealth, money, love, health and the life you want, based on Eastwood's International Philosophy and the science of theoretical physicist, David Bohm, a former colleague and friend of Albert Einstein.


“In editing ‘The Solution…’, my perspective as a scientist with doctorates in theology is that ‘The Solution…’ bridges science, metaphysics and true religion.

"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSc. (Two doctorate degrees in theology.)




Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood 2023



I am offering the world something that actually works

Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood
William Eastwood.

When it comes to improving the human condition, helping people to achieve their goals, and solving world problems, the more conventional approaches don't work — they are what got us into trouble in the first place. I am offering something different that will stop violence, division, unhappiness, illness, and will allow people to create their dreams with ease.



Your beliefs protect you regardless of their accuracy. If this was not true, people would not see what they want to see. That phrase really means, “People create what they believe.” It's the placebo and nocebo effect scientists are aware of but do not fully understand.


An American President may go to prison: Why is this happening?

The conflict is at the heart of the danger we face. More is going on than meets the eye.


Does consciousness create matter thoughts form reality Trump conflict
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.



Many of Trump’s beliefs are derogatory and incorrect, yet they still have prevented him from being more severely harmed by the multitude of agencies attempting to hold him accountable for trying to overthrow American democracy and the United States of America.



What are Trump's beliefs that protect him from indictment and arrest?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.




Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison

Trump will be indicted, and he will go to trial and lose.

Donald Trump Book will be subpoenaed indicted arrested sent to prison
Trump will be sent to prison.




Eastwood is a political oracle referred to as "The Dragon Slayer. His Trump book is full of predictions.


Dragons hold us back
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


What causes all the Problems in Our World Today? Your Path to Personal Power
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


The unthinkable

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


can Putin be stopped disempowered murdered impaired sabotaged
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


You can prove anything.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Thoughts create matter gives you a way to stay safe in all situations.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


William Eastwood new science Protecting you from cults
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.



Published in October 2022.


A world constitution and a powerful source-code for a new system of U.S. and international law. A unifying principle to unite the world.



Help create world peace.

how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


The secret power of your thoughts universal principles
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


45 years of research goes into every publication


The solution mind over matter book by William Eastwood ebook




Why was "De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," so important in world history?

"De revolutionibus orbium coelestium," was important because from it we learned that the earth was not the center of the universe. The same thing is happening again. We are learning that the universe is not what we thought it was.



State voting bills tracker.

Stop Trump and save our nation. How to contact your representative. There is also something else you may be able to do.


Criminal charges as opposed to civil charges most often carry prison time. Typically, those who are indicted seek favorable public opinion in opposition to what they are charged with. This is what Trump does. He creates a momentum of support and energy that acts metaphysically to hinder the effectiveness of actions against him.

There is another ongoing criminal investigation of Trump in Georgia, numerous civil cases against him and many more potential cases.

If Trump is indicted at Mar-a-Lago or arrested for anything related to January 6th, the details will be posted here immediately. All indications are pointing to an indictment and arrest as I predicted would happen a very long time ago.

This is a website that explains the underlying causes of our political, social and personal problems.

The only way we will solve our personal and collective problems is through understanding underlying causes. Radical beliefs have been on the rise in the U.S. for many years. They all have one thing in common.


ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


When you have no heart you negatively impact the heart of others. The divisiveness, lying, cruelty and accusations physically harms millions: A heart disease study linked to the 2016 election. The first of its kind.


Updated on 9/04/22:

What the FBI recovered at Mar-a-Lago

  • 33 boxes and containers.
  • 10,000+ documents/photos without classification markings.
  • 31 “CONFIDENTIAL” documents.
  • 11 “TOP SECRET” documents.

Rather than focusing attention on Trump, there may be another way to defeat Trump and protect yourself.

Read more…


Updated on 8/12/22:

What was sought in the search warrant was found in Donald Trump’s possession.

20 boxes of property of the United States government were obtained in the search of Mar-a-Logo. Many top-secret documents, and even higher security than top-secret documents were obtained.

Trump has not yet been arrested or charged with a crime by the DOJ, but this search turned up evidence that exposes Trump to additional risk of indictment.

Read more…



How you can stay safe

Because our beliefs create our reality, if we learn to believe that the universe is safe, and people are good, we will create that as our reality.


Why does Albert Einstein say this?

Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion
Albert Einstein.

"The most important decision we make is whether we believe we live in a friendly or hostile universe.

"The most important question a person can ask is, 'Is the Universe a friendly place?'"

― Albert Einstein


He must have understood on some level that believing that the universe is friendly rather than hostile creates that as your reality.


A basis for a stronger self and better civilization

International philosophy is based on the idea that we are fundamentally good rather than naturally inclined to do wrong, with the knowledge that what we believe is physically manifest. Flawed beliefs generate flawed behavior in the same way a faulty operating program in a good computer will cause it to run improperly.


Affirmations can change beliefs, and when done properly will ensure success and positive experiences because your thoughts create matter and events.




Thoughts can and do create matter says William Eastwood
William Eastwood.

"You are beautiful, and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise. If you believe and affirm this, everything in your life will work. 

My daily affirmations reinforce everything positive about you"

— William Eastwood



Affirmations to manifest anything you want instantly
A daily affirmation & guidance page.


All people are good spirits inside
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.


The cause of division and failure

"If you do not act on your ideals in small practical ways, and if you distrust yourself, you will project that discontent out onto the world. With little or no tolerance, you will attack those you blame because all you see is duplicity.


The path to a successful self and civilization

"But if you think the universe is friendly and you act on your ideals in what may be small and ordinary steps initially, you are likely to succeed and live a good life. You will serve as an example to others, and in general, everything will work in your life."

— William Eastwood.


Your path to success

My philosophy—not really mine anymore, but International Philosophy—helps people to be safe and prosper by focusing on the positive characteristics in themselves and others. You at least refrain from creating negative energy buildup in your body and psyche by dwelling on what you believe to be the worst in human nature. Then you switch your main attention to what is working in your life and the most brilliant and beautiful things you can imagine for yourself. All the while you train yourself to think in affirmations with my daily affirmation post and books, which are filled with the best positive affirmations you can get anywhere.


"The daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page and don't do the work, nothing will happen."

— William Eastwood.


The solution to school shootings and violence in the U.S. and abroad world
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.



The Solution

New Edition: 561 pages


Thoughts form matter mind creates Solution William E
561 pages. 2024 New Year's edition.

The Solution


A huge book.

The Solution book photo photograph WE
561 pages. 2024 New Year’s edition.


This new edition is available only through Lulu.com, a major U.S. book seller.


Available in eBook or paperback.



As far as we know, neither Albert Einstein nor physicist David Bohm worked for a professor from one of the world's top ten universities at age 13, but Eastwood did.

Eastwood gives you the means to solve world problems and create the life you want. The new edition is loaded with practical information on how to create the life you want.

It is all here, in the solution.

The Solution book by William Eastwood.
The new eBook is loaded with links to many of the 500 free articles written by William Eastwood.


"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco, TH.D., RS.D, B.S.c.


"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.




Click on image to learn more.


Click on image to learn more.




Beautiful • Extensive • Advanced

New edition, November 2023.


Thoughts form matter You Are a Beautiful Person book by William Eastwood
2023 edition.


A complete course with everything you need to know to create what you want in life that emphasizes the fact that your spirit is altruistic.



You are a beautiful person book ebook by William Eastwood
By purchasing through Lulu.com (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price.


Available as a paperback or eBook.


The multifaceted solution — the unveiling of new science  — to bring people the answers they deserve.


Articles to Save Democracy & Stop Bullying

Why Hasn’t Trump Been Sent to Prison . Guilty of Murder, Insurrection, Obstruction & Inciting a Riot?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

Putin's plans beliefs intents psychology
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.

Putin should be arrested
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A plan to save democracy and save the human race individuals from destruction
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

greatest news story and scientific discovery William Eastwood science
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

How to defeat Trump and the conservative right resisting new knowledge.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article and book.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


What prison or jail will Trump have to go to and for how long? The reason why former President Donald Trump has not yet been sent to prison has to do with his beliefs.

For the most part, violence and school shootings are a result of beliefs.

How do we save democracy from radicals?

Rather than offer something constructive or logical, many leaders feel it is more effective to tap into an underlying collective negativity and use that to harm those who disagree with them. So strong is this negativity that it caused the thinking behind the Capitol attack on January 6th, 2021. A new way to save democracy.

Will Trump go to trial and lose? When will Trump will be subpoenaed, indicted, arrested and sent to jail.

The January 6th Committee hearings have shown the American public exactly how Trump attempted to overthrow the United States of America. Will Trump go to jail?

Jan. 6th Select Committee latest developments.

Negative beliefs about human nature led to the Capitol attack.

Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison if U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland does his job.

Read more…


What rights are the Supreme Court taking away from you next?


Former U.S President Donald J. Trump.

I wrote a book on former U.S. President Donald J. Trump to provide a unique perspective that shows what is happening rather than blaming.

Why did we create this reality and where are we headed? Why do so many people create this situation with their thinking? Can we reach them? What needs to be done to bring the world together?

If you want to know the answers to these questions and stay safe in tumultuous times, get this book and learn all you can. This information is not in the news, you will only get it here.

In politics, degradation and violence are not more effective than constructive words or programs to help people except to people who are angry at the world and blame others for their problems.

If you wonder who will they prosecute next or want to know how to stop Trump and save democracy, you can protect yourself from bullies and violent attacks.

Inflammatory words and attacks can spread and reinforce division in the same way a virus spreads itself. Our country is afflicted by a kind of social virus most of us are unaware of yet not necessarily immune to.

This article explains why former President Donald Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison.

Why it is taking so long?

There is one thing that can be done to stop the process. This book can cause an opposite effect to unify the world.

A plan to save democracy (The stronger post on WilliamEastwood.com).

A plan to save democracy (ThoughtsCreateMatter.com).

Is this a civil war? Are Trump allies creating a civil war?

Our Trump riot article has remained #1 on Bing since it was published during the riot. You can learn more about the greatest crime in history and how far-right radicals pose a continuing risk to Democracy. There is a way to protect ourselves from more Capitol attacks and radical authoritarians.

Learn about the kind of future Trump’s beliefs would lead to.


If a civil war or a war between Russia and the U.S. occurs you can avoid it using new science principles. Could a Russian invasion of Ukraine turn into a war between the U.S. and Russia? ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article on Russian attack of Ukraine.


Worst people in the world and why they are so cruel underlying psychology of those who are violent bullies terrorists
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Articles to Help You to Achieve Your Goals

Our meritocracy holds us back, but understanding C = Ef = M will empower you to create the successful life and business you want..

Instructions on how to create miracles for beginners or an example of how your thoughts can advert and accident and create matter can help you to manifest positive thinking to transform your life.

When you understand how thoughts create reality you can make unlimited money with metaphysics and  become wealthy.

Reading about the hologram you are in by Einstein’s friend or the theory of consciousness will turn you into a wizard of finance, relationships and life.

When you understand exactly how your thoughts create matter you will then be able to use your mind in a more efficient manner that will allow you to materialize beneficial events and more money with increasing ease.

Conscious co-creation can be used to solve all problems in life, to become a millionaire, and to advance more rapidly.

Mind over matter is simply a statement of how reality works. Understanding the basic science that is accepted by all physicists tells us that particles do not exist, only fields of information.

You can read our books and use thought power to change your life for the better.



Age 7

Kindness and human charity matter

A story with a powerful message.

William Eastwood began his altruistic environmental work and life of humanitarian contribution at age 7.


I discovered a treasure while cleaning up trash along a country road

Thoughts do create matter: William Eastwood manifests treasure at age 7
Eastwood, age 7

At age seven I told my friend, "If you do good things, good things will happen to you," as I pointed to a rock in an old stone wall and asked him to hand it to me. We had collected roadside trash and put it in a depression in the ground. We had been cleaning up a local road after school back in 1970, before the environmental movement even began.

I dropped the rock on the trash to conceal it (all that we knew to do at that age). With the trash buried, I turned to look at my friend. There had been a shoe box filled with old coins behind the rock I had asked for and he had the coins spread out on top of the stone wall. We filled our pockets and headed home to tell everyone we had discovered treasure! It was one of the moments you can never forget and perhaps the best day of my early childhood.




Age 12

Recognition as a result of testing the principles of what would become International Philosophy

At age 12 he tests International Philosophy to achieve a goal.


At age 12, William Eastwood said, "I can change the world," and he picked up a pencil.

Less than a year later, William's school counselor called Yale University.


At age 13, Eastwood was working at a private research facility on a mysterious invention with Everett Barber, a professor at Yale University.


After achieving his goal to help reduce U.S. dependence on fossil fuels and graduating as an environmental solar technician by age 18, Eastwood began to do something even more important for humanity.



Age 18

A plan to solve world problems

Once he knows that his philosophy works, he sets out on a mission. His ambitious plan to solve world problems that will later emerge as Earth Network begins to take shape in Eastwood's mind.




At age 26

An experiment with retrocausality

He sets his plan to solve world problems in motion with an experiment that involves working backwards in time.

With information gathered in his experiment, Eastwood begins planning Earth Network as a vehicle to change the course of history in order to advert what he calls "The Dark Future."



Age 37

Earth Network is founded

At age 37 he is ready to put his plan into action. With an investor, he founds Earth Network of Altruistic, Autonomous Individuals Inc.

Founding Earth Network triggers strange backwards effects in time that interrupt his plan. Eastwood considers the possibility that the time is not yet right to introduce his mission for humanity.

Something else has to happen first.




Age 59

Earth-Network.org: A plan to solve world problems returns in 2023

The time is right for humanity to awaken and make the shift to a higher level. Eastwood has the knowledge, experience and strength necessary to make the plan work.


An Earth-Network.org website article.



There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need, is a little bit of help.


Consciousness is inherently kind and loving
Children in slums need your help.




Thoughts can and do create matter presents a free book to help those in need
A world-class PDF book for all ages by William Eastwood.


The following is taken from chapters seven and eight

Nothing is more powerful than your thoughts. The most beautiful experiences in your life have happened because you created them. You are the sole creator of the events comprising your life.


The treasure is inside you

We are here to express ourselves and create our dreams. We are not here to bury our most cherished desires. That is not what life is for. If you do not pursue your dreams, you are not going to be happy. You are not going to get your individuality or magic out, and you will suffer because of it. You are capable of far more than you think you are. Do not leave your potential undeveloped. Follow your desires, they are there for a reason. If you can’t trust the very source of who you are, that part of you that magically gives you life and existence, then what can you trust?



Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations posted daily.




By William Eastwood for Earth Network.




Powerful, unique books packed with practical insight to help you to create the life you desire! — William Eastwood



World Help • Education • Environment • the Inner UN

Your book purchase is a donation that will help people in over 170 countries.

How would you feel if you and your children were in a Bangladesh flood and your home was washed away? Americans are responsible for the climate emergency that leads to starvation in poor countries. We help people get their next meal, feed their children, get out of slums, become financially secure, and navigate out of natural and man-made disasters.

The world needs your help! Step up to the plate!— William Eastwood.



Internal Science & International Philosophy

Book manufacturer (cut out the middleman / most recent versions of books).

  • The Solution: $34.98
  • The Holographic Universe: $29.98
  • You Are a Beautiful Person: $29.98
  • The Cause of: $29.99
  • Success Guaranteed: $24.98
  • Manifesting Power Book: $24.99
  • The First Key: $22.98
  • International Philosophy: $19.95
  • The Altruism Code: $19.96
  • You Are Altruistic: $23.96
  • Trump / Why It All Happened: $22.96
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  • You Can Fly... (EASY READ / EASY OPEN) FREE all-ages world-class PDF book


Get links to each individual book here.

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Prices provided in U.S. dollars: Convert U.S. dollars to foreign currency.


Make a difference in the world today.

Help save the human race. We are offering the onlyunifying principle that will work to solve world problems. Donate with a book purchase today!


The new science will be the unifying principle to unite civilization.
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.



The author’s offer of assistance

A plan for your success.


The secret

Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood
William Eastwood

"You are beautiful and the universe is kind. Do not let anyone ever say otherwise.

"If you affirm that every day, your life will be good and everything will work."

— William Eastwood.



Affirmations create your reality

You can choose to focus on and be grateful for everything good in your life. You can wake up and appreciate the new and original day, your existence, opportunities, the fact that you create your reality. If you do that, more of everything good will come into your life.

Neurons will be created that form connections to all those things you appreciate, forming  wiring in your brain that tunes you into everything you love. Your focus will manifest more and more of those kinds of events, despite the seeming odds against you.


"Beat all odds with my free daily affirmation and guidance page."



THOUGHTS CREATE YOUR REALITY: A plan for your success

THOUGHTS CREATE MATTER: If you want to learn how to manifest your desires; I can guide you through the process every morning when you wake up; you can read the free PDF eBook below; you can browse through our free articles, or you can purchase one of our many books direct from the manufacturer.




My daily affirmations and guidance post can get you out of unwanted experience and into the life you desire. "I can get you out of your current situation, no matter what it is, and it's completely free." — William Eastwood.


Thoughts create matter and reality daily guidance.
ThoughtsCreateMatter.com affirmations & guidance posted daily.


This daily post is designed to help you. You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.

My free PDF book also links you to this page and the most important things to know in an increasingly difficult world.





A William Eastwood special presentation

Powerful and transformative information you will get nowhere else.


Thoughts create matter means the future changes the past
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


2023 2024 2025 Predictions world globe collective future individual personal will humanity experience violence or peace and advance
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


Thoughts create matter presents: Your means to become younger.
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


Does quantum mechanics prove the matrix simulation theory
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.


How to manifest success with metaphysical principles.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Thoughts create matter presents: How to create a miracle.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Positive thinking doesn't work.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


More articles.

How your thoughts create reality and manifest matter



Create anything you want LIKE MAGIC

Click on our affirmation page once or twice a day, or as time allows when it is convenient for you to do so. It is the best habit you can possibly develop if you want your life to work.

By taking a few seconds to read through affirmations, instantaneous connections are made to your best memories and most powerful experiences on a subconscious level. This allows for positive energy and ideas to enter your consciousness and find a way to change your state of mind, increase your enthusiasm, and motivate you and change your circumstances for the better. Just reading lists of affirmations daily can make a huge difference in your life, keeping you positive, strong, on-track to your goals, balanced and consistent. Most importantly, positive thoughts — focused on in specific ways — will manifest desirable changes in your life. I am providing you with a path to success like nothing you have ever experienced before.

Your life is a projection of the life-force within inner levels of your being we reach with certain affirmations. This is living energy that does your will. This is not a frivolous activity, rather, it is the most logical and direct path to eliminating blocks and achieving your goals. In the same way that good food helps your body, these affirmations give you life-force substance that begins building events in the direction you choose. It's how you control and direct your life, and in this case for the better.

If you follow my advice and apply these processes correctly, you absolutely will transform your life like magic.

If you want to clear your mind of that which does not serve you and manifest your dreams and goals as fast and efficiently as possible, you may want to get our audio goal-delivery system from Audible (this is not available through our Lulu.com books channel).

Otherwise, visit my daily affirmation page.


FREE daily affirmations and guidance

Thoughts create matter affirmations.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com affirmations posted daily.





"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with the simple principles given in these books. I created these books to provide simple and easy to understand principles anyone and everyone can use to improve their life. These books all make your goals easy to achieve.




45 years of research has been put into a collection of powerful books that show you how to create everything you want in life.




Written for Earth Network by William Eastwood.



Simple, easy to understand books on how to create what you want in life.


"All my books are focused on the most important thing to know in life

"How you can create what you want in life in a much easier way than we were all taught."

— William Eastwood



Thoughts can and do create matter and reality. Eastwood, Bohm Einstein
BOOK MANUFACTURER: By purchasing through Lulu.com (above) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER and cut out the middleman! — most reliable source — fastest delivery — lowest price!




Click image for available Earth Network books

Trade paperbacks.

Book panel vertical books by William Eastwood metaphysics manifesting
Direct from manufacturer.


Metaphysics free PDF ebook flipbook You can fly with positive thoughts All Ages Mental Health Solution by William Eastwood
A free WORLD HELP PDF flipbook!


eBooks / audio book

List of books ebooks best metaphysics manifesting.
Direct from manufacturer.


books ebooks audiobook manifesting affirmations by William Eastwood
Audiobook by William Eastwood.


By purchasing through our trusted book manufacturer (Lulu.com) you get these books DIRECTLY FROM THE MANUFACTURER.


Be the changes you want to see in the world.

Free PDF flipbook. Your thoughts can and do create matter, events and your reality.
Free world-class PDF book!



Appreciation gratitude thoughts create and form matter mind over reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com websites article.



Eastwood's 45 year study / 25 books reveal that intensity, conditions and other factors determine when your thoughts are projected into events. He has a daily post to help you create the life you desire.


Founder of:







International Philosophy



Powerful books packed with practical insight to help you to create the life you desire!


Books to empower yourself and you help people internationally

Book manufacturer (cut out the middleman / most recent versions of books).

All eBooks: $3.99 to $6.98


Prices provided in U.S. dollars: Convert U.S. dollars to foreign currency.




Thoughts create matter introduces the solution by William Eastwood 300
The Solution, 460 pages.


The Solution..." gives us a plan for a vastly superior civilization and a plan for your success and dreams-come-true. The 2023 "Solution..." provides you with 460 pages of insights in which Eastwood gives you a remarkable new way of looking at the universe supported by two of the world's  most  eminent thinkers ― Stanford neurophysiologist Karl Pribram, and University of London physicist David Bohm, a former colleague of Einstein's.


“In editing ‘The Solution…’, my perspective as a scientist with two doctorates in theology is that ‘The Solution…’ bridges science, metaphysics and true religion.

— Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC.


"We can literally change the course of civilization by lifting the race to a higher path through implementing the solution."

— Mario Fusco TP.D, RS.D, BSC.



Kindness and human charity matter

A story with a powerful message.


I discovered a treasure while cleaning up trash along a country road

Thoughts do create matter: William Eastwood manifests treasure at age 7

At age seven I told my friend, "If you do good things, good things will happen to you," as I pointed to a rock in an old stone wall and asked him to hand it to me. We had collected roadside trash and put it in a depression in the ground. We had been cleaning up a local road after school back in 1970, before the environmental movement even began.

I dropped the rock on the trash to conceal it (all that we knew to do at that age). With the trash buried, I turned to look at my friend. There had been a shoe box filled with old coins behind the rock I had asked for and he had the coins spread out on top of the stone wall. We filled our pockets and headed home to tell everyone we had discovered treasure! It was one of the moments you can never forget and perhaps the best day of my early childhood.



You hold the future in your hands


Find a charity that can solve humanity's problems. How to make a difference for mankind civilization.
Help to create a better future for yourself and humanity.



Grass Roots

Bring my grassroots institutions to the world where they can help people everywhere. When you buy a book, you help me to fund Earth-Network.org to make it a non-profit and help help people the world over.





Bring an end to suffering and conflict globally; distribute food and supplies to where they are needed most in the world; provide opportunity to all people across the globe; transition humanity to a new era; transform public institutions and private lives; form a new field of science, and reform education systems globally.



World Help • Education • Environment • the Inner UN

The world needs your help. When you buy a book, you invest in a mission to bring about a better world and a cause that reaches out to every hungry child and dark corner on earth. When we are done, nothing will be the same. 

When you buy a book, you help me to fund Earth-Network.org to make it a non-profit and help to bring my grassroots institutions to the world where they can help people everywhere.



There are over a billion people living in slums today, yet we have the philosophy that can get them out. All I need, is a little bit of help.


Consciousness is inherently kind and loving
Children in slums need your help.


When you add one of our books to the tools you possess to improve yourself and the quality of your life, you help more than just yourself. You help people in over 170 countries, some of whom are suffering in bleak and difficult circumstances.

...Some people are dealing with traumatic situations and lack of food, or in some way desperately need help. The support we provide can show them how they can get their next meal or feed their children. 




Earth-Network.org outreach & William Eastwood present



Metaphysics free PDF ebook flipbook You can fly with positive thoughts All Ages Mental Health Solution by William Eastwood
A free WORLD HELP PDF flipbook! Those who read it will become better, more positive and capable people.


WORLD HELP INITIATIVE:-William Eastwood provides a FREE PDF FLIPBOOK (an introduction to metaphysics) through the nonprofit outreach work of Earth-Network.org. Click here to open flipbook.

You Can Fly... (EASY READ / EASY OPEN) FREE all-ages world-class PDF book.

Please share this book with family, friends and your schools! It will help them.

Thoughts can and do create matter earth network

A free WORLD HELP PDF FLIPBOOK that can be downloaded; read as a flipbook; read in regular PDF book format; and distributed for free to family, friends and schools!







When you buy a book, you help me to fund Earth-Network.org to make it a non-profit to help people the world over.


Thoughts create matter presents a way to help solve world problems and save mankind
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



A new science and practical life philosophy

William Eastwood Internal Science and International Philosophy: The poor will become rich and the hungry will feast.



World help to create a new civilization



The United States Constitution is the best in the world. It was the first to set a new precedent by determining in law that all people in one nation are equal. The Altruism Code expands that concept to include all nations and codifies that principle.


Altruism Code - Your Protection by William Eastwood thoughts create matter mind


Altruism Code and International Philosophy books by William Eastwood.
Altruism Code and International Philosophy books.


Thoughts create matter presents a set to change the world.
Books to change your world.


William Eastwood says that there is nothing wrong with you.


There is a lot of mystery surrounding the solution
There is a lot of mystery surrounding the solution




Thank You!

Consciousness and conscious awareness is like the sun

I thank everyone that has made contributions, and those who have purchased books. I would not have been able to do it without you!



Books by William Eastwood for Earth-Network.org are packed with powerful and practical insights

Reading these books will raise your expectations as to what you can achieve in your life.

Anything is possible!



Thoughts create matter presents William Eastwood 2023
Direct from the manufacturer.


The very existence of these books proves the philosophy works. The mere fact that William Eastwood was able to write 25 books proves his philosophy works.

His philosophy produced results. The books themselves prove that fact.

His 500 free articles, free world-class book, and efforts to help humanity also validate the principles in his International Philosophy.



Thoughts create matter introduces William Eastwood in 1979
Eastwood in 1979 interview.

"The daily affirmation page teaches you how to create the events you want with your thoughts. If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.




Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

Your thoughts create your reality
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

You are on this site.






Thoughts create matter presents: The power of positive thinking is real. How to think your way to success

Thoughts create matter presents: Your means to become younger.

Thoughts create matter introduces: Time and space illusion.

Thoughts create matter presents an argument that mainstream science and all fields based on it are false and myth

You are in a hologram

Time travel to the future to learn what our civilization did wrong.

Your thoughts create your reality

Metaphysical manifesting self-help personal growth holistic books and ebooks secret wisdom by William Eastwood

Thoughts create matter presents: AN AMAZING GLOBAL EVENT INVITATION

Mind forms matter presents: How do I stop paranoia and negative emotions? metaphysics

Benefits of sleeping less or more.

Real time travel

Real wizards exist how to be one people who manifest good for humanity

Thoughts create matter presents: How do I know what to do?



A new science and practical life philosophy

William Eastwood Internal Science and International Philosophy: The poor will become rich and the hungry will feast.



Thank You!

Consciousness and conscious awareness is like the sunI thank everyone that has made contributions, and those who have purchased books. I would not have been able to do it without you!


Fireworks expresses the explosive creativity and beauty of consciousness

Has Trump Been Arrested & For What? Was He Charged or Indicted for a Crime?

© Copyright, 2022 By: William Eastwood. All Rights Reserved.



Primary article concludes here.





A WilliamEastwood.com.

Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.



CATEGORIES: Has Trump been arrested or indicted?, Was Trump charged with a crime yet?, What was Trump arrested and indicted for? What is the Cause of Violent Attack at the Capitol in Washington DC?, Underlying cause of Trump’s election., Click on our site and books to learn more.




Classic dictator and bully tactics

Trump is appealing to the frustrations and fear of a segment of the population that cannot keep up with humanity’s progress. His base seeks a return to a more primitive era of less liberty and more strict patriarchal control.

Trump is likely to be indicted and arrested.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

Click on image for thoughts create matter book page.



