Why Problems Can’t be Solved: Materialism Is a Myth, Darwin’s Evolution Is Wrong & Freud’s Psychology Is False

Thoughts create matter founder

The founder of Earth Network, William Eastwood, worked for a Yale University professor on a secret invention at a private research and development facility at age 13. His interview is in the United States library system microfilm database public record.

William Eastwood says you are a genius even if you do not realize that you are!


"Fast forward 50 years, and you have a visionary who has dedicated his life to crafting a new science and philosophy, offering profound solutions to both personal and global challenges." — Camille, The Edge Magazine.




Why Problems Can’t be Solved: Materialism, Darwin’s Evolution & Sigmund Freud’s Psychology are Myths

  • Why can’t our problems be solved?
  • How is materialism a myth?
  • Why is Darwin’s evolution wrong?
  • How is Sigmund Freud’s psychology false?


I will answer these questions now.


Why Our Problems Can’t be Solved

Why Problems Can't be Solved WE Materialism Is a Myth, Darwin's Evolution Is Wrong & Freud's Psychology Is False
William Eastwood.

They can be solved, but not until we break the hold of collective gravity. Until the majority of humans on earth can conceive of an answer to any given problem, the solution is not possible on a collective scale. War and conflicts like the Israel-Hamas war, for example continue.

The intellect itself wants to be in agreement with other humans. This in an inbuilt propensity.

When the world is united by undesirable events and beliefs it is unfortunate. We could come together by seeing ourselves as being good and consciousness as altruistic. This will happen by 2050.


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


This need to agree with others is a force, like gravity, but in the human intellect, that causes us to want to see the world as others do. This is an in-built propensity of consciousness that draws people together to form civilizations.

Because of this tendency, it is difficult to rise above collective myth. Even when we recognize that a mainstream worldview is incorrect and unfortunate, we still tend to remain aligned with that worldview emotionally because we want the feeling of support we get from our circle of friends.

Old worldviews are governing our psychology and this is unfortunate.



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Why do people see what they want to see? (The cause of divisiveness)


Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


The science explains.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Earth depicts why problems cant be solved
Why global problems cant be solved.

This is one of the reasons why we can’t solve our problems. We just cannot seem to escape the influence of the collective consensus. The other reason is because we are going by the wrong science paradigm. Reality projects what we believe and so we are hypnotized by our beliefs and problems.

We must somehow rally more people to believe in the positive that is possible for nations and the human race. It is a good idea to look at those areas where that is already happening and then to do the same thing in areas of difficulty.


how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


The technology we have now is amazing, and charity is greater than it has ever been in the past. Philanthropy is real, as every day people give to causes that they believe will help humanity.

Charitable giving has been a part of human culture as far back as records go, and it is increasing dramatically. It will still increase more, and this is one of the areas where we can expect to see people coming together for a better world.

The long-term history/increase of charity and trends are positive and hopeful. The divisiveness we see in the world today will not last forever. People will have a change of heart and we can see that happening already in certain areas. The area of giving reflects the true nature of the human heart and the compassion that is in the human soul.


Thoughts create matter presents solve world problems save human race.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Thoughts can and do create matter presents mission great civilization.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


You as an individual are not restricted

You do not have to believe what others do. You can choose to believe that you are basically good, and that true inner human nature is good and is capable of great good.


Think things into existence matter money reality
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


We can change the world for the better

I believe that we can change the world and I am setting out to do that.


An Earth-Network.org website article.


Thoughts are real events
WilliamEastwood.com world help website.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


The Best metaphysics teachers offering free guidance and daily affirmations, William Eastwood, founded the inner United Nations.
The Inner UN at Earth-Network.org.


What are intelligent light love energy consciousness humans life universe reality
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


A new science can be our unifying principle


David Bohm

David Bohm, Einstein's friend and one of the most important 20th century physicists that said there is not sharp distinction between thoughts and matter
David Bohm.

Physicist David Bohm, — who Albert Einstein called “a kindred spirit,” and whose Ph.D. thesis — being top secret and classified — was awarded at the University of California at Berkeley by none other than Robert Oppenheimer, says that your physical reality is a holographic projection of the brain and five senses.



Hugh Everett III

CONSCIOUSNESS CREATES MATTER: Scientific Proof & Facts: Hugh Everett Thoughts create reality
Hugh Everett.

[The Many-worlds interpretation is the] only completely coherent approach to explaining both the contents of quantum mechanics and the appearance of the world.

—Hugh Everett III


Combine the above two theories for Internal Science and International Philosophy.


The Internal Science & International Philosophy of William Eastwood solve world problems
An earth-network.org website article.



Bernard d'Espagnat says thoughts are part of the inner force that creates material events
Bernard d'Espagnat.

"The doctrine that the world is made up of objects whose existence is independent of human consciousness turns out to be in conflict with quantum mechanics and with facts established by experiment."

— Bernard d'Espagnat, a top theoretical physicist.


What does that statement mean?

It means that your consciousness is connected to physical objects. You can attract wealth, money, love, health or anything you want with simple laws like gravity that apply to everyone equally. I created International Philosophy to provide simple and easy to understand methods anyone can use to improve their life. International Philosophy translates clearly into any language.

By seeing reality as it is—as an interactive web of energy—you increase your ability to influence matter and events.


William Eastwood material is the universe made of consciousness
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.


A philosophy of personal power

Thoughts are fields of energy that form matter. We have built a civilization on the division between mind and matter, yet both are the same — consciousness and matter are both composed of electromagnetic fields.

Thoughts combine with similar thoughts and transform themselves into probable events which contain the impetus and pattern necessary to evolve into the complexity of matter.

  • You project your own psychological energy out to form the physical world.
  • Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects.
  • Your life is a learning experience you chose in order to learn how to project energy.
  • Your life situation gives you clarity as to what you are projecting psychologically.
  • You are in your own hologram.



The problem of acceptance is prejudice, not lack of evidence

We can change the world together promote sponsor Eastwood plan books make your mark on history
Eastwood today.

There is more evidence that consciousness creates reality than there is evidence that black holes exist. There is more evidence supporting Internal Science theory than physicalism.

I see it all the time in the experiments of young school children. They meditate over jars of rice and the rice that receives hateful thoughts decomposes faster than the control and much faster than the rice that benefits from positive energy.

The problem is that people see only what they want to see because their reality is a projection of their own beliefs. This applies to everyone that has an opinion and scientists often have the strongest opinions.


Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A MindFormsMatter.com article.


Click on image to learn more.





William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida information
William Eastwood.

His mission is to help you!


Solve any problem!

Achieve any goal!

Science with a heart and soul!




Free daily affirmations and guidance

Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations posted daily.


The reason why problems can’t be solved is because people are focused on their problems. We are using the mind for ends that do not serve us because we are creating by default. We are unknowingly creating the negative when we could be creating the positive—in all areas!



I will help you

William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida information
William Eastwood.

You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals.

If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.

Click the icon below for the affirmation page.


Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations posted daily.


The paradox

Until we can conceive of an answer outside of collective myth, the probability of a solution fully manifesting is non-existent. And as long as we continue to perceive realty through collective myths, we cannot conceive of an answer.

Our free will is restricted. We only have free will to choose events that we have created internally.



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"It's like having all six of our websites at your fingertips. It also contains my best practical insights enabling you to create the life you want that's not on any of our websites." — William Eastwood.


"People who go around learning on their own often turn out to be pretty interesting themselves." — Carolyn Battista, 1979 interview of Eastwood at age 16.


Because the world shares certain beliefs, they have a ‘gravitational’ pull. Even if we understand that we create our reality by what we believe, think and feel, we tend to operate according to a materialistic worldview and all that goes with it.

That worldview tells us that it is what we do rather than what we think that matters most. 

Materialism sees time and space as absolutes. Einstein’s relativity has shown us that time and space are relative, yet as a civilization we still do not apply that realization to practical matters.

The reason why problems can’t be solved is due to using the wrong science paradigm and approach to solving problems.



William Eastwood of Earth Network brings you what you need to know to create the life you want.

William Eastwood, Founder of the Altruistic  Movement & Earth Network



"Consciousness creates reality and thoughts form matter! If you want to be powerful you have to go by the facts about reality and that means discovering the truth! Otherwise you are as blind as a bat and ineffective as a sloth!

"Holographic Universe, by David Bohm, Albert Einstein's friend and colleague, supports that premise.


You can be blind as a bat or very powerful
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.


Thoughts Create Matter presents Internal Science by William Eastwood
An earth-network.org article.


The main article continues below.



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Thoughts Create Matter presents books & articles

Thoughts Create Matter Free Articles & Books girl
All articles & books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Thoughts Create Matter list of articles panel
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Header books panel Thoughts Create Matter
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Discover the superhuman you are & intelligence within you
A WilliamEastwood.com article.

unlimited human potential
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Can your thoughts influence others
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

How to create what you want manifest now
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

The Holographic Theory of Consciousness
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

A plan for a new civilization from the future
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

It time travel possible?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

What is the multidimensional self you are
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Are some people stuck & unable to learn
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

How to make the day go your way
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

International Guaranteed Income for Everyone
An earth-network.org article.

Thoughts create matter presents the way to make things happen with your thoughts.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Thoughts Create Matter Internal Science with a heart & soul
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Belief projection theory by William Eastwood internal science by WE
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

How thoughts form into events and create reality on inner levels
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

What is consciousness panpsychism navigation icon
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Thoughts create matter reality Eastwood International Philosophy
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

Thoughts create matter introduces holographic reality.
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

False science paradigm worldview
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.



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Audiobook Powerful International Philosophy
Listen, learn & manifest.




The main article resumes:


The majority are hypnotized by their beliefs.

The problem may be greater with professionals.

Why problems can’t be solved with previous methods.

In fact, the problem is greater for those who are plugged in to mainstream society, as is the case when we have strong educational and professional alliances.

It is also true that children and the elderly, being less focused in the thick of things, have less influencing them, and less ‘responsibility forced upon them’ to see things as others do, and are less constrained in this regard.

The problem is therefore greatest where most people would expect it to be the least. The authorities we have been taught to trust and look to for answers are often the most heavily influenced by this social belief ‘gravity’ that causes them to remain stuck within a narrower circle of accepted beliefs, even if those beliefs are outdated and disproven.

When I give you reasons why problems can’t be solved I am saying that only holds true within our current situation but our current situation can change as a result of certain realizations.


The main article continues below.



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Thoughts Create Matter presents books & articles

Thoughts Create Matter Free Articles & Books girl
All articles & books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Thoughts Create Matter list of articles panel
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Header books panel Thoughts Create Matter
All books are Internal Science & International Philosophy.

Guidelines for creating what you want with International Philosophy
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

The secrets of the universe, multiverse and time
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Does mind consciousness create reality
MindFormsMatter.com article.

How does your mind form matter and reality?
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

Your beliefs create your reality
An earth-network.org article.

How do I know what to do? Follow the God of You
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

BILLIONAIRE BELIEFS MILLIONAIRE Secret Formula to Manifest Billions
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

You are beautiful and the universe is kind
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

How to travel to your future manifest money gold
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Thoughts Create Matter how to create what you wantA ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

How do my thoughts create my reality?
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com article.

Past, Present & Future Time Exists Now
A MindFormsMatter.com article.

Learn to Use Your Mind to Materialize Anything You Desire
A MindOverMatterPower.com article.

Real wizards exist how to be one people who manifest good for humanity
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.




Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
New affirmations every day.

Daily Affirmation and guidance pages

With four affirmation pages you can find the precise affirmation(s) and insight(s) you need to make the day go your way.



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Audiobook Powerful International Philosophy
Listen, learn & manifest.




The main article resumes:


“Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.”

— Albert Einstein


It may be the scientific establishment’s job to inform us as to the nature of reality, but that has not happened in the past. Because of what I just mentioned as well as a host of other factors, intellectuals and professionals are keeping their alliance with the past generation’s worldviews.

This is one of the reasons why we can’t solve our problems.


Click on image to learn more.


The reason why problems can’t be solved is because mainstream science has supported physicalism when it could instead be moving us all in a more positive and beneficial direction.




Thoughts Create Matter got me smart

Thoughts Create Matter Master list articles
All articles are Internal Science & International Philosophy.


25 Books by William Eastwood

Thoughts Create Matter William Eastwood Books
25 Books by William Eastwood to fund our mission.


Book page (descriptions of books on this site).


Worldview addiction

The scientific establishment is so afraid of the proposition that mind could form matter that they offer no opportunity for scholars to discuss it. The question is taboo. Hostility against anything outside the boundaries of the established scientific paradigm of materialism is so strong that great effort is made to uphold the illusion of materialism.

Many scientists feel so threatened by the idea that mind could form matter that evidence in support of the idea is not passively rejected, it is actively pushed away. This internal conflict is cognitive dissonance.


Click on image to learn more.


Most scientist confuse materialism with science itself. Yet dozens of physicists embrace the idea that consciousness could be fundamental in the makeup of reality.

What the hospitals, courts, politicians and media in your community say and do is still based on a 16th century scientific paradigm of a mechanical universe.

Each person reads reality through a lens that is preventing success. To clear the mind of these ideas, visit my affirmation post.



I will help you

William Eastwood in his 20s in Florida information
William Eastwood.

You can extract yourself from the most difficult circumstances, and you can manifest your dreams and goals.

If you read the affirmations on the affirmation page first thing when you wake up, you will change what happens on that day. If you continue every morning, you will change your whole life. But if you don't go to this page, don't follow your intuition, or don't apply the principles, nothing will happen.

Click the icon below for the affirmation page.


Thoughts create matter affirmations science and daily guidance.
William Eastwood affirmations posted daily.


The reason why problems can’t be solved is because mainstream thinking is stuck. People think science knows better than they do.


Progress in all areas depends on scientific acceptance

Reading light.

Official rejection of the new paradigm gives the medical establishment, psychology, treatment professions, the educational establishment and mainstream media a strong instruction to ignore the ramifications of quantum mechanics.

The majority of scientists and hence the whole world assumes that all living things are biological machines. At their core, all people, domesticated animals and plants are mechanical, finite, purposeless and created by chance.

If you want a life filled with happiness, love and freedom, you need to purge these hidden programs. This can be done by recognizing the errors I am pointing our here. Initial recognition is on an intellectual level, but true release is emotional. After that it takes time for new faith and hence effective positive thinking to displace old programs in the mind.

Love is not simply the byproduct of brain activity, and nature and human life is not accidental and purposeless. The brain does not produce consciousness, consciousness produces the brain.


Why Hasn't Trump Been Sent to Prison for Murder, Insurrection, Obstruction & Inciting a Riot? Change thinking
A MindFormsMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


How to stop all problems get rid of it go away for good ever
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.




A new picture of reality has emerged since Einstein published his theory of relativity in 1905. Quantum mechanics has proven elements of classical physics to be incorrect.


Albert Einstein thoughts create matter physical illusion


“Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.”

― Albert Einstein.



Thoughts form reality mind creates events Holographic Universe Book

Journey out of the illusion


Holographic Universe Journey Out of the Illusion book ebook by William Eastwood



Zero Point Field energy is the empty space around you in which virtual particles of consciousness appear as energy for less than a millionth of a second and then disappear. Scientists have never found engrams where it is believed that memories are stored in the brain because the brain does not produce or store consciousness. Instead, consciousness creates the brain.

You can easily think things into existence. You can create anything you want with your mind. This is Internal Science and International Philosophy. With them we will solve world problems, create harmony and manifest world peace. By understanding this example of how a thought creates matter you can learn to stay safe no matter what is going on in the world around you. You can’t become a millionaire by means of hard work without applying this principle.

Your thought power is mind over matter. Your thoughts affect matter and influence events. Using this great discovery, you can command reality to manifest your thoughts. The theory of consciousness tells us what the characteristics of consciousness are.

You can learn how to become a billionaire and a rich and famous person with International Philosophy. Consciousness does create reality, and when we have a paradigm shift in coming years there will be huge changes in the world. There are many problems and only one solution. You can stay safe no matter how bad it gets.

Success is guaranteed, you can create miracles and you can materialize positive thoughts if you understand exactly where thoughts go after you think them and decide to use your mind to create what you want in life.


Why problems can’t be solved can change as people awaken to their true nature and the power within them. Then they will be giving reasons “why problems can be solved.


Thoughts create matter presents: The world is your mirror.
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


Use thoughts affirmations to create events
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


Are some people good and some bad?



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Click book manufacturer to  purchase direct. Click the image below for our list of hard copy and eBooks to fund our mission to create a new kind of civilization. Click, I want the audiobook to make every day of my life the best day possible.


Thoughts Create Matter eBooks books
An earth-network.org book list.



We need more compassion & less ego



When you buy a book here you are doing a good thing because all proceeds are used to fund the earth-network.org mission and to help people struggling in over 170 countries. Many people need food and have children who are suffering, and this site is free for them to use to manifest what they need.


William Eastwood Earth Network Mission Great Civilization plan to solve world problems now
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.



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"Make All Your Problems Go Away" hardcover book.
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Success Guaranteed book mind over matter power for money health
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What's your best memory? Make it happen again but better this time! The audiobook that will change your life forever.


Thoughts create matter presents audio book just listen, learn & manifest
An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.


Manifesting technology! An audio goal delivery system by William Eastwood.

  • The first 30 sets of affirmations and guidance from Earth Network's daily affirmation post.
  • Just listen at any time—especially as you are falling asleep—and you will manifest your goals.


Reset for success

  • Change your mood for instant powerful mind power.
  • Visualize your desires (with guided meditation). 
  • Turn downtime like waiting in lines and traffic into your most productive time.
  • Use while falling asleep to trigger fantastic dreams that will manifest goals and intrinsic desires.
  • This book contains the amazingly effective affirmations developed by William Eastwood and posted on the Earth Network daily affirmation pages.


Narration by Scott Eastwood, singer for Carbon Red

The Tree by Carbon Red contains a powerful message.



Also available in eBook format

The eBook is the same book. It also can be read aloud to you with most programs and apps.

Ebook version of audio book.


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For consistency of accurate material.


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Thoughts Create Matter got me smart

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Affirmations posted daily.

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A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

Thoughts create matter presents internal science.
An Earth-Network.org website article.

Thoughts create matter presents the altruistic energy movement
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com article.

Internal science
An Earth-Network.org website article.

Theory of consciousness mind is universal and fundamental Eastwood
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A MindFormsMatter.com article.



Why Problems Can’t be Solved: Materialism Is a Myth, Darwin’s Evolution Is Wrong and Sigmund Freud’s Psychology Is False

Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, By: William Eastwood



Primary article concludes here.





A WilliamEastwood.com.

Thoughts Create Matter international philosophy



The Holy Grail

Nobel Prize winning physicists in the 20th century are responsible for creating quantum physics. From their work science has discovered the true nature of reality. There are no physical particles. Everything is composed of non-solid waves of energy.

Other fields of science, however, do not listen to what these physicists have discovered. If all of science were a human body, it would be as if the arms and legs of science do not listen to the head. Our modern field of science is therefore in a schizophrenic condition.

If we were to listen to the physicists whose job it is to determine the nature of reality, we would develop a new picture or paradigm of reality. Internal Science is the name I have given to that paradigm. If we were to base psychology on that paradigm we would develop a new psychology. I call that psychology International Philosophy.

International Philosophy is based on the science of exactly how thoughts form matter. Ideas and emotions are energy that coalesce as events and objects. You mind creates your reality.

If you apply the principles of International Philosophy, you can manifest whatever you want in life right now. If we can get enough people to do this we can solve world problems.

Our website articles tell you exactly how you can achieve your goals and how we can solve world problems.

We can reverse global warming and we can give money to everyone. There is enough wealth to go around for everyone. Wealth is a result of having positive beliefs about money. You can get there by following the God of you.

Our 500 free articles are filled with the practical information you need to create what you want in life.

Read Belief Projection Theory, watch "The Dragon Slayer Prophecy" film, and be sure to use our affirmation and guidance pages every day. And if you can afford them, buy William Eastwood's books to support the mission to feed and care for everyone on earth and to transition humanity to a new era of peace and fulfillment before it is too late.


Why Problems Can’t be Solved: Materialism Is a Myth, Darwin’s Evolution Is Wrong & Frued’s Psychology Is False


Articles to Save Democracy & Stop Bullying

Why Hasn’t Trump Been Sent to Prison . Guilty of Murder, Insurrection, Obstruction & Inciting a Riot?
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

Putin's plans beliefs intents psychology
A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.

Putin should be arrested
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A plan to save democracy and save the human race individuals from destruction
A WilliamEastwood.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

greatest news story and scientific discovery William Eastwood science
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

How to defeat Trump and the conservative right resisting new knowledge.
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article and book.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.

A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


What prison or jail will Trump have to go to and for how long? The reason why former President Donald Trump has not yet been sent to prison has to do with his beliefs.

For the most part, violence and school shootings are a result of beliefs.

How do we save democracy from radicals?

Rather than offer something constructive or logical, many leaders feel it is more effective to tap into an underlying collective negativity and use that to harm those who disagree with them. So strong is this negativity that it caused the thinking behind the Capitol attack on January 6th, 2021. A new way to save democracy.

Will Trump go to trial and lose? When will Trump will be subpoenaed, indicted, arrested and sent to jail.

The January 6th Committee hearings have shown the American public exactly how Trump attempted to overthrow the United States of America. Will Trump go to jail?

Jan. 6th Select Committee latest developments.

Negative beliefs about human nature led to the Capitol attack.

Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison if U.S. Attorney General Merrick B. Garland does his job.

Read more…


What rights are the Supreme Court taking away from you next?


Former U.S President Donald J. Trump.

I wrote a book on former U.S. President Donald J. Trump to provide a unique perspective that shows what is happening rather than blaming.

Why did we create this reality and where are we headed? Why do so many people create this situation with their thinking? Can we reach them? What needs to be done to bring the world together?

If you want to know the answers to these questions and stay safe in tumultuous times, get this book and learn all you can. This information is not in the news, you will only get it here.

In politics, degradation and violence are not more effective than constructive words or programs to help people except to people who are angry at the world and blame others for their problems.

If you wonder who will they prosecute next or want to know how to stop Trump and save democracy, you can protect yourself from bullies and violent attacks.

Inflammatory words and attacks can spread and reinforce division in the same way a virus spreads itself. Our country is afflicted by a kind of social virus most of us are unaware of yet not necessarily immune to.

This article explains why former President Donald Trump will be indicted, arrested and sent to prison.

Why it is taking so long?

There is one thing that can be done to stop the process. This book can cause an opposite effect to unify the world.

A plan to save democracy (The stronger post on WilliamEastwood.com).

A plan to save democracy (ThoughtsCreateMatter.com).

Is this a civil war? Are Trump allies creating a civil war?

Our Trump riot article has remained #1 on Bing since it was published during the riot. You can learn more about the greatest crime in history and how far-right radicals pose a continuing risk to Democracy. There is a way to protect ourselves from more Capitol attacks and radical authoritarians.

Learn about the kind of future Trump’s beliefs would lead to.


If a civil war or a war between Russia and the U.S. occurs you can avoid it using new science principles. Could a Russian invasion of Ukraine turn into a war between the U.S. and Russia? ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article on Russian attack of Ukraine.


Worst people in the world and why they are so cruel underlying psychology of those who are violent bullies terrorists
A MindOverMatterPower.com website article.


A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


A ThoughtsFormMatter.com website article.


how do we create world peace stay safe help others stop war
A ThoughtsCreateMatter.com website article.


Articles to Help You to Achieve Your Goals

Our meritocracy holds us back, but understanding C = Ef = M will empower you to create the successful life and business you want..

Instructions on how to create miracles for beginners or an example of how your thoughts can advert and accident and create matter can help you to manifest positive thinking to transform your life.

When you understand how thoughts create reality you can make unlimited money with metaphysics and  become wealthy.

Reading about the hologram you are in by Einstein’s friend or the theory of consciousness will turn you into a wizard of finance, relationships and life.

When you understand exactly how your thoughts create matter you will then be able to use your mind in a more efficient manner that will allow you to materialize beneficial events and more money with increasing ease.

Conscious co-creation can be used to solve all problems in life, to become a millionaire, and to advance more rapidly.

Mind over matter is simply a statement of how reality works. Understanding the basic science that is accepted by all physicists tells us that particles do not exist, only fields of information.

You can read our books and use thought power to change your life for the better.



Categories: The reason why problems can’t be solved. Are Scientific Facts & Materialism Wrong? False Theory of Evolution. Darwin & Freud are wrong. Disproven mainstream science worldview & materialism are false. Is Sigmund Freud’s psychology wrong & proven incorrect? How do my thoughts create & form matter and reality? Can thoughts create reality? Knowledge is power. Educate yourself. Click on our site or books.


Are Scientific Theories Wrong?

Free yourself from hindering myths. Scientific facts, materialism are wrong. Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is false. Freud Disproven.

When you take the time to release these beliefs within, you become more powerful, happier, and more able to manifest what you want in life.



The concepts conveyed in this website are within these books.

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